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Xbox or ps3


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 29, 2011
go with the one that has the most of the people you play with.
eff the console wares , eff all that bickering crap.

i have most the systems and a nice pc rig.
i game on them ALL why?

CAUSE I AM A GAMER !!! HEAR MY ONE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
Isn't this about BF3?

Why would you play the console version of BF3? The console and the PC version are as different from each other as Halo 1 is from Halo Reach.

If this isn't about BF3, I prefer PS3. I was going to get a 360 at first (because after beating FFXII twice on PS2 I did nothing but play orig. xbox due to game choice) but then I played Halo 3 at a friends house... it was so bad I gave up on the 360, plus it was already a hard choice before that because the PS3 had a better lineup of exclusive games I wanted to play. Overall I have a better online experience on PC games than I ever did on either PS3 or 360, but if I'm playing with friends in a local game (you know, like when they are in the room with you), or playing a single player game/single player + some multiplayer, I definitely prefer PS3.

Also, how the hell am I supposed to play Soul Calibur on a 360 controler? I'd rather slam my ballsack in a windowsill.


Legacy Supporter 6
Dec 31, 2011
Don't hate on the wii just because you suck at using its controls. :p It's not all about graphics either. Anyways....

Gamecube, Nintendo 64, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, Gameboy, DS, PSP, in short words, all consoles are good.


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011
Don't hate on the wii just because you suck at using its controls. :p It's not all about graphics either. Anyways....

Gamecube, Nintendo 64, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, Gameboy, DS, PSP, in short words, all consoles are good.

I completely disagree with you.

All of those consoles suck except the very early ones, when computer gaming wasn't as broad.

Since the real dawn of the Personal Computer, that's PC to you nerds out there. Console gaming has sucked, and will always be outperformed, graphically and in quality by PC games, or games made for the PC's.

Mostly because of modding, customization, and higher computational and graphical computing power. Also, your choice of controller is only limited to what the developer or software developers limit you to, which is basically nothing. You can use an xbox, snes, or even ps3 controller for the PC.

The argument then boils down to just that, the user's choice of user interface, which is completely and was completely negated above.

And, it's always about immersion, which typically is graphics. Some users prefer graphics, others social gaming with less regard to graphics. Yet, to even other groups, it's features, realism, or gaming depth. Being totally immersed with Augmented Reality and other new technologies coming out in the next 10-20 years is going to change the face of the gaming industry.. and the entertainment industry as a whole.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jul 26, 2011
The GameCube. Nuff' said.

PS, The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker was/is the best game EVAR


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 25, 2011
The GameCube. Nuff' said.

PS, The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker was/is the best game EVAR

My favorite Zelda game. People said it was boring because of all the sailing but I just loved exploring the ocean and finding new islands. Also the random whirlpools with giant squids were pretty scareh! xD


Legacy Supporter 6
Dec 31, 2011
@xexorian I wasn't really stating specific ones, notice I said all consoles are great, I don't really have a favorite console so I just said they are all good. :\


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011
They're alright man. I wouldn't use the term great though brosif. I was just stating the difference of opinion I have and how most people actually are based on what I've seen and read and know about this subject. No offense intended in anything I said here or before. <3


Legacy Supporter 2
Jul 26, 2011
Almost every system has its weakness's and advantages. Often it depends on wha kind games you like to play, what kind of graphics yOu like and the other features of it.


Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 21, 2011
As Xexorian said, the PC has been the only gaming console that has been consistently advantageous for all of its users throughout the history of gaming.

If you're observant and watch the changes that have been implemented into consoles over the years, they're all becoming much more social and giving you more and more utility features. Essentially, they're slowly and surely morphing into PCs of their own right - except that your ability to fully utilize them is limited purely by the proprietary operating system that your company of choice forces upon you.

Because of this, I prefer, have always preferred, and always will prefer PC gaming to consoles. I see computers and consoles as tools used for entertainment; would you buy the bronze hammer that will break and bend and be limited in its abilities, or the steel hammer that will server you not only as a tool, but a companion for years to come?