Well, I was tagged

So I'll jump in!
I believe everyone has made some decent points somewhere along the lines, but since this thread is in the fashion of bashing people/their post I would like to point out that HollowSith, a master wizard, is able to fend off two dragoons at once. Not kill them, but keep them at bay so they don't want to get any closer. I do not believe this is OP in any way, because those dragoons were terrible. 2 minutes before hand, I was being chased by them as a dreadknight, with no armor or weapons. It took them long enough to catch me, considering they have jump, and when they reached me, I was still dodging attacks for what I thought was some time. To me, this proves that Hollow doesn't necessarilly have an over powered class, but he himself is over powered.
I think we need to take a look at skill rather than class, maybe even take a look at intelligence first. We had a long time on testing classes in the test server... Why didn't you guys pick the class you thought was the strongest or most fun? Hollow obviously had the brains to pick wizard after loving it in testing, I picked dreadknight after getting my ass kicked by one in the test server. I think if you keep losing so much, you should either call for a buff on your class, (I doubt you will, most people use new age tactics like in politics and make hate commercials rather than promotional ones) or switch to this so called OP class! Quit worrying about all that shit, you'll never lose a fight again right? If you guys all picked dreadknight, or wizard, or ranger you could be OP! I'm not trying to sell anything, but caster class is still a cheap switch if you want to come on down and try to master wizard! It's a hoot! You'll love my nuts..
But back to the subject, I just fought a wizard today. I was being chased by 5 - 6 players, and the wizard did kill me. I was in water, so the odds were all ready against me, but "I USED MY SKILLS" to survive the longest. A master bard will have wisdom, might, icy aura, pulse, quicken and god knows what else. You pop a pulse/icy aura, that's all ready a poop load of dmg, not to mention you can catch up to any class... As for a warrior, you're supposed to suck balls. You have low hp, low dmg, crap for armor and you barely worked for your lvl. If anything a warrior is OP cause you didn't have to work very hard for any of your skills. Hollow on the other hand mastered his class! Working days on leveling to 55 so he could kill people. If you understood the most basic math, you would be able to see a lvl 55 could destroy a lvl 30 warrior. (This is 55 levels higher than the warrior class, because when you're lvl 30 warrior, you have to spec and become a lvl 1 dread/drag/sam/pally. I'm good at math, don't worry, I calculated it out.) 55 levels is a lot of work, I'm only lvl 41 or something dreadknight, and I've been working pretty hard. That means he's worked almost twice as hard as me all ready, ( I know the math doesn't add up between 55 - 41, but the exp rates are different for levels, I roughly did the math in my head cause I'm a prodigy at math.) If you're a lvl 30 warrior, that means he's worked many more times than you.
To finish this off, I'd like to mention that I as a dreadknight can take on numerous players at once. Sometimes I even fight paladins with small armies of warriors. It's all strategy, skill timing, and learning all the classes. I have a skill called harmtouch, which deals a fair amount of dmg in one hit. This skill does, if I'm correct, 30 dmg on a 15 minute cool down. Rather than wanting to nerf wizard, I'd rather complain about having a shorter cool down on my skill.. So I can kill every class better, instead of just being able to kill the 4 - 5 wizards onthe server. Nothing any of you were saying really made any sense to me, I lied when I said it was decent. As for your rant about landing bolts/megabolts, it's the same damn thing as landing a regular melee hit, but you have a longer range.. A melee hit needs to be landed by aiming at a player, and clicking at his character. Landing bolt is the same damn thing! It's not a 100% chance hit, because you need to aim at the god damn player! If you don't udnerstand this, I can try to explain it with more math, but that shit just gets out of hand.
Please, reply to this so I can have a little more of a laugh. I know this is probably hard to read, for one cause it's long, and secondly cause I suck balls a writing. My only advice is to either choose a better class, request a buff on yours, or just shut up and stop PvPing.