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Suggestion Wizard Skill Tweaks


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
Just thought I'd throw some ideas and questions out there. If others want to contribute they may.

This skill is addictive, I love it so much. The gunpowder reagent is a pretty good thing, I think.​
There is one issue: When I use the skill I teleport to the corner of the block I aimed at, putting me at an intersection of multiple blocks. This has some weird consequences- I end up inside half slabs, or with my feet in the stairs, or I take a quick bit of suffocation damage. I realized that Blink puts me at a location with no decimal to it, such as -40.0, 25.0.​
Can Blink be configured to send me to the center of the block? Something like -40.5, 25.5. This seems like it would do away with a lot of little issues.​
Upcoming Reagents- DONE
Kain said that Bolt and Megabolt will cost redstone to use in the future. This is basically acceptable, but what if instead of redstone, gunpowder was the reagent for these skills? I'm probably just trying to impress my headcanon on the game, but it seems like sulfur could become a catch-all wizard powder without any negative consequences. Would probably cause people to fight more creepers and make the stuff more common at markets as well.​
Continuing on from that, Megabolt feels a little impractical already in my opinion, although not terribly, and now it will be getting a reagent added to it. Could we increase it's range? 75 mana is steep no matter how I slice it, and even as a master Wizard it's half my bar. If it's range was as long or longer that Bolt's I'd be willing to use it sometimes.​
Range in General
Inspired by but not necessarily specific to the Bolt skills- I think that targeting methods could be expanded upon. What if Y-coordinate range was separate from X/Z range? I could then, for example, drop Bolts on people far below or on top of a wall, so long as I was close enough to them, which fits the nature of the attack more. Altitude can become a much bigger issue in Minecraft than in other games, and Heroes ought to take advantage of that.​
I feel like this would take a while to implement if the coders decided to take it up. This falls more into musing than "I want this now".​

I find Scan useful as it is, but other people do not. If Spout could display the health of the person Scan was used on, in place of their title, there would be no debate. Sometimes it's difficult to aim at others when using it, however. If the range was increased, or it didn't require such exact aiming I would appreciate that too.


Apr 25, 2011
Upcoming Reagents
Kain said that Bolt and Megabolt will cost redstone to use in the future. This is basically acceptable, but what if instead of redstone, gunpowder was the reagent for these skills? I'm probably just trying to impress my headcanon on the game, but it seems like sulfur could become a catch-all wizard powder without any negative consequences. Would probably cause people to fight more creepers and make the stuff more common at markets as well.​

Aside from the above, I like your suggestions. Back when my town had 3 wizards in it, we went through double chest after double chest of gunpowder. Blink, as u said is quite addictive, and I could go through a stack everytime I left my town. I think it might be too much to ask to use more gunpowder. I also think redstone, seeing as it isn't used much, aside from recall, is a good reagent to be used


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
Kain has altered the reagent for Bolt/Megabolt to gunpowder. I didn't even consider the MA angle- Either you are potentially allowing Recall or you're putting a low limit on Bolt casts.
Added an idea for Scan. Pretty sure I put it up somewhere it before, but I remember it again and it has the potential to be really cool.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
Blink is becoming unfun. :/ Too short a hop for too long a cooldown, and 5 redstone is way easy to use up. I just like it like it used to be. Except for that corner-block thing which should be changed regardless of what else is done with Blink.


Legacy Supporter 6
Dec 31, 2011
I was a wizard when it had a long range teleport hop and I heard it was nerfed and I agree it should be fixed.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
I was a wizard when it had a long range teleport hop and I heard it was nerfed and I agree it should be fixed.
Yup. It currently has a distance of 6 blocks (which is more like 5 sometimes due to corners), which was toned down from 10, which was toned down further from 15 but I wasn't a Wizard then.

I wish I knew why that change was made. Seemed fine as it was to me. And if we can't go back to using 1 gunpowder as the reagent, let's at least use a stack-friendly number of redstone. 4? 2 even. Something that won't leave you with 4 useless pieces.


Legacy Supporter 6
Dec 31, 2011
When I was a wizard I went through gunpowder very quick. :\ I mean this skill is so fun to use, it is one of the moves that make this class fun. I switched from Wizard because I didn't quite agree with the first set of nerfs made on Wizards which were followed by more after I switched.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I'm tempted to move Blink back to gunpowder - I think the high redstone cost is a good thing - you have to choose to use blink or recall :p

We could make it so Blink can ONLY be used in combat - hrmmm...


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
I'm tempted to move Blink back to gunpowder - I think the high redstone cost is a good thing - you have to choose to use blink or recall :p
Heck, if you want us to choose between Blink or Recall that's great. But at this point I would probably prefer Recall every time. Between the higher number of reagents, the shorter distance and the persistence of the block-corners issue, Blink feels almost useless in comparison.

We could make it so Blink can ONLY be used in combat - hrmmm...
I think you should also make it so Jump, Superjump, Charge and Backflip could only be used in combat. :I

(Kwong, I make two distinct points here. What are you disagreeing with?)


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Heck, if you want us to choose between Blink or Recall that's great. But at this point I would probably prefer Recall every time. Between the higher number of reagents, the shorter distance and the persistence of the block-corners issue, Blink feels almost useless in comparison.

I think you should also make it so Jump, Superjump, Charge and Backflip could only be used in combat. :I
Well since our 'combat' settings - we now monitor it but we dont have an easy use for incombat or not


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
Okay. Besides, the idea of limiting skills with non-combat applications to combat situations seems unintuitive at best.

Other than the griping about normal balance issues (which I'm still griping about, I promise), how feasible IS fixing the corner thing? What kind of work would that would entail?