These threads that people make regarding class balancing almost always result in two players raging at each other going
"dud im lik wey bettr then u at pvp bro lol i beet u 1v1"
If you want to post on someone's thread, post something regarding the topic and don't result into pointless hate and arguments. On topic, I do believe that Wizard needs to have their numbers lowered a bit, as the burst potential for the class is too high. I honestly liked root the way it was before, because the slow was enough to land your skills. Even though people could sprint jump and move at a decent speed, it was still very possible to hit them. Right now every time I see someone going straight into bolt after root, I think
"This guy really doesn't understand Wizard..."
But then I realize that now, that is actually an acceptable thing to do. The combo used to always be root, icebolt, fireball, fireblast, bolts. Now with wizard, you can go straight into bolt, and it feels weird to me. Wizard needs to have their numbers looked at, but I don't think it needs a HUGE nerf. Just enough to make the class less bursty.