1. In-game name: Surgat
2. Location and Age: Vancouver, B.C - 21
3. Previous bans: I'm a goody two shoes
4. Referral: Rambleshack
5. Reason you should you be accepted: I am a creative user and enjoy established mature community's. You can expect me to contribute to the society's components and interact respectably with my fellow world dwellers.
6. Additional info: I have played on community/economy based servers before, though not to this scale. I am stoked to take part in the growth, prosperity, and shenanigans of the server.
2. Location and Age: Vancouver, B.C - 21
3. Previous bans: I'm a goody two shoes
4. Referral: Rambleshack
5. Reason you should you be accepted: I am a creative user and enjoy established mature community's. You can expect me to contribute to the society's components and interact respectably with my fellow world dwellers.
6. Additional info: I have played on community/economy based servers before, though not to this scale. I am stoked to take part in the growth, prosperity, and shenanigans of the server.