- Joined
- Nov 6, 2013
In Game Name: FR0D0DB0Z0
Location & Age: England, 15
Previous Bans: None
Referrals: None
Reason I should be accepted: I am always a helpful player. i will help new players get started if they want me to help and i don't build random stuff everywhere, i always try to be creative and innovative.
How did i find out about hero craft: I am always on the lookout for a new server and when i saw this one, well it seemed perfect for me as i love playing RPG games
Have I Voted for hero craft: yes
i agree to the Herocraft EULA & Terms Of Service : Yes
Special Key: HCF10
I have put some screenshots of my most recent build in for you
Location & Age: England, 15
Previous Bans: None
Referrals: None
Reason I should be accepted: I am always a helpful player. i will help new players get started if they want me to help and i don't build random stuff everywhere, i always try to be creative and innovative.
How did i find out about hero craft: I am always on the lookout for a new server and when i saw this one, well it seemed perfect for me as i love playing RPG games
Have I Voted for hero craft: yes
i agree to the Herocraft EULA & Terms Of Service : Yes
Special Key: HCF10
I have put some screenshots of my most recent build in for you