- Minecraft In-game name: slipcast
- Location & Age: UK, 22
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): One or two temp bans back in my more reckless days.
- Referral(s): None
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: Googled "roleplay minecraft servers" and found this through Yahoo Answers!
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes :3
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes
- Reason you should be accepted: In the past I have found Minecraft to be a surprisingly effective outlet for practising diction and spontaneous narrative through roleplay- I enjoy writing and I feel that spending time on Minecraft, conjuring up people and places from blocks, is a nice way to keep things sharp without having to do pen & paper exercises and all that palava. Plus it's hella fun. I'm looking for a server that goes above and beyond the norm in regards to the proportion of the game created by the players themselves. A good community can increase the depth and enjoyment of a minecraft server tenfold, and I think minecraft is built, to be built upon! Plus I'm a competent builder c:
- Additional Info: Enjoy writing, films music & books - have many hours of my life sucked away by Total War games. Being dramatic is a favourite past-time of mine, ain't nothin' like a sword and a dark cave to make a kid pretend to be out of LoTR.