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Whitelist App: Cgodmer


Jun 17, 2012
Minecraft In-game name: cgodmer

Location & Age: United States, 15

Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain):

I creeper bombed in a server called ScourgeCraft. Many players were unaware of this rule being under "exploiting" due to the fact some moderators of the server assured us that we could do this to get into faction bases. Many other players, veterans of the server even, were banned for this reason the moderators soon put up that new rule involving factions to prevent anymore conflicts like this from happening. [Temporary Ban: 5 Day Suspension]

This one, I truly admit was my own stupidity. We were raiding a faction base (again on the same server), and my friend accidentally found a way to get in accidentally. He used an enderpearl on a glass pane that allowed him to get through to the other side. Without truly thinking this through, I did the same (not an accident) and shot around 7 enderpearls to get through to the other side. Moderators soon found out about this and shot me down with a [Temporary Ban: 1 Week Suspension] I know this was my own fault. I know, I take full responsibility of that. In that week of ban, I watched on their forums, checked their rules numerous times, and regretted the fact that I'm losing the community's trust by constantly breaking these rules. I made a silent oath that I'll do my very best to keep clean from then on.

And a final ban I recall...this one is very long ago when my friend and I came across a base and he told me that I could take rails from the area. Without considering if it's truly legal, I take the rails around the area and suffer the consequences soon enough for my ignorance. I was jailed, but later banned because the moderator was unsure of how the jail system works. I apologize for any missing details as this truly was a long time ago and I served my time. From these 3 bans I recall, I have learned from my mistakes and I surely will not risk another one as it will hurt my reputation. This one, just for taking rails, had a large consequence as it was a permanent ban as I was on a [Guest] status and any offense would lead to a permanent ban. Once again, these are the ones that I really remember to explain and I promise these instances won't happen again. I do not hack, exploit, and I basically follow all rules the server has.

Referral(s): @MrAwesomeShadow

How did you hear about Herocraft?: My friend recommended me to join this server, because he said that there's a great community and the server gives a whole new experience to Minecraft.
Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: I would vote for the server once I'm whitelisted. After all, why would I vote for a server if I haven't tried it yet? I'm pretty sure I will after all the good things my friend has been telling me.
Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: I agree to them. I fulfill the requirements anyways.
Reason you should be accepted: I know I have applied previously, but I thought it would be worth a shot to try again. This time, I have carefully reviewed my application for any flaws, looked over your guidelines, and I am completely honest with everything. So please, just give me a chance.
I should be accepted because of my building capabilities. I may not be the best builder in all of minecraft, but I have been complicated by my friends and other people in the community that I am quite creative. I heard that heroes pvp is quite different from vanilla (which I'm good at) and I'm willing to give it a try. I could help other members for assistance if they need any and be more than happy to help the community.

Special key (DON'T LEAVE BLANK!): HCC7

Additional Info: I know you guys think that my age was never consistent, but those are what my friends made, not me. I can assure you that 15 is my legitimate age. If you guys don't trust me, then tell me what I have to do to fix that. I know that will be a problem in the future due to the fact more and more people will look at those false applications and believe my age is inconsistent (like you guys).
Well, after I reviewed your wiki, your rules seem pretty unique. I'll do my very best to follow them and ask for assistance when I'm confused. I looked over the classes and they all seem unique in their own way! I'm thinking of becoming a Rogue and a Crafter. After that, I would probably specialize into Ninja and Enchanter. Thank you for reading over my rather lengthy application. I hope to be a part of this wonderful community one day and have [even more] fun in Minecraft. If I get accepted, I know you guys will keep an eye on me, but I assure you that I won't disappoint! If not, then thank you for taking your valuable time to read this and have a great day! Once again, thank you.



Jun 17, 2012
Yes he does, but the fourms username is bgodmer. I have angrysoup here because for some odd reson cgodmer was taken.


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
If it would make you feel better I could restrict him to tekkit servers?

The issue is he could still access the server. He is too young by law, and there would be nothing stopping him from causing trouble if he so chose to. The excuse "My brother did it" is not valid in an appeal.


Jun 17, 2012
Scratch that, my stupidity read something else. Alright, no account sharing in HC correct? Then I will change my password to my account to deny him any type of access on HeroCraft. I will also strive to get some money to get him another minecraft account. If there's anything else I can do please tell me.


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
Scratch that, my stupidity read something else. Alright, no account sharing in HC correct? Then I will change my password to my account to deny him any type of access on HeroCraft. I will also strive to get some money to get him another minecraft account. If there's anything else I can do please tell me.

So you are changing the password to restrict him on ALL servers?


Jun 17, 2012
If that's what's needed to gain me access on this wonderful server. It won't be much of a problem since I can get him a new minecraft account afterwards so he can get back to playing on his other servers (he doesn't really play on them, but anything for my little bro).


Jun 17, 2012
That is another reason why I now restrict my brother from my account. And as earlier mentioned, I had to use "AngrySoup", becuase cgodmer was used. That was not my account that made that application. Would you like it if I checked with my brother if he made that?


Jun 17, 2012
I understand, thank you very much for the reassurance that I'm not forgotten. I know you're probably getting irritated at my situation Angyles, but thanks for being patient I guess. The staff here seems to be very friendly even at people like me. But wait a second, with that application link that you showed me, I didn't do that. And if I did, why would I take the risk of making these "lies" just to get unwhitelisted? I came along here to check out this server and now I'm being denied when I'm honest? That random person got my account whitelisted yet I still made this. Also, I do know that you just can't trust me from my words as you think I'm not obliging with your ToS. Do you really think I'd waste my time to make this application, read over your guidelines, and lie to you multiple times to achieve that? If I was 12, I would wait until my birthday and reapply, but the fact is I'm not. I'm 15 years old and I'm taking my ground to tell you the truth and be 100% honest. I know you'll take your time to talk with the other staff about my situation and I respect that. The only thing I dislike is being called a liar after I do everything to tell someone the truth. Thank you.


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
Alright here are the issues:
  1. You account share
  2. Inconsistent ages
Now you have stated you will not allow your brother on your account any longer, and I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on this. Your age seems to change, and that is because of friends or your brother posting applications for you. I hope you realize how asinine this is, and you should be the only filling out your own applications.

I am going to give you a chance on the server but I am going to warn you on this. Do not allow your brother on the account, if it is discovered the account will be banned. If he is on your account and anything happens, it is your sole responsibility. The excuse "My brother did it" is not valid in a ban appeal, especially in your case as you have been warned about it in this thread twice.

Do not disappoint me in giving you this chance. Welcome to Herocraft.


@bearcat99 - <3 Not sure how to handle this one, as there is another account registered by his brother with the IGN, but he does not have access to it. The IGN is cgodmer, not quite sure how you want to change the forum name. Thanks!