• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

Hamlet White Hall


Staff member
Legacy Supporter 9
May 1, 2011
South Louisiana
White Hall

Snowy Mountain Retreat

Township Name: White Hall
Mayor: Moejunur
Location of Town: white covered grounds

A retreatt community that enjoys Herocraft and the group of old friends that belong to it.
We are currently adding to town by recruiting new players.

TAXES: currently 0 taxes per player.
Town runs on funding donated by Mayor, and town members.

Town members are asked to donate if they can to the town bank, use /ts bank deposit (Amount)
Each town is subject to pay upkeep costs to the server.
At tier 1, 25c is deducted daily at 12:00pm CST.
This value increases with tier.


Staff member
Legacy Supporter 9
May 1, 2011
South Louisiana
Reserved for Town use:
White Hall Town Rules:
Please read the HC Rules at a minimum!
Town Rules/Mechanics:
    • Follow all the rules of the Herocraft server.
    • Please note that you would be joining a community.
    • Build restrictions - Do not build outside your plot limits and Do not dig into town farms below. If you have any questions please consult one of the Officers.
    • Plot Limits are defined. use a piece of coal to see your plot limits.
    • Do NOT steal, grief, or attack other citizens of Acadia.
    • Do NOT steal, grief, or attack citizens of allied towns.
    • DO NOT DIG within the town region unless approved by Moejunur, or a Manager.
    • No mines from your basement.
    • Citizen's houses must be aesthetically pleasing. this will be later in the town build
    • Cover all your CHESTS. ALWAYS!
    • Must be active, You need to be active enough to join in atleast 1-2 hr.s per week. if inactive for more than 14 days you will be evicted! You must have money in your account or the town plugin will evict you!
    • Everything you leave inside of Acadia belongs to the Mayor. If you leave Herocraft and do not return for a while, your assets may be taken by the Mayor when you are removed automatically for inactivity. They will either be stored or redistributed among the people. If you return, I will help you get back on your feet out of my own coffers.
    • If player submits a leave of absence notice, that can be dealt with on a case by case basis.
      • Whatever agreements made on each case shall be honored.


Staff member
Legacy Supporter 9
May 1, 2011
South Louisiana
White Hall
Town Member Application:

White Hall is recruiting!!, If you are interested please fill out application and PM Moejunur. BoDuhal.

Create a profile on HC website!
Highlight and Copy this app, create a new post, paste this into the post, and fill in the blanks:

In-game name:
Location and Timezone:
Your Age:
Description about yourself :
Description about your style of play :
Have you created a profile on Herocraft website?
How often do you play HC?
What is your chosen Hero class/spec ?
Have you been kicked out of other towns?
Please list player Referral(s):
Briefly note why you would like to join White Hall:
Have you reviewed HC rules and our town rules?

Please include all listed below on applications:
@MoeJunur, @BoDuhal
Last edited:


Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 12, 2013
In-game name: Jreems
Location and Timezone: Eastern PA
Your Age: 22
Description about yourself : Enjoy long walks on the beach with Kainzo
Description about your style of play : Aggressive pvp all the way bay bay
Have you created a profile on Herocraft website? yes
How often do you play HC? will be playing everyday
What is your chosen Hero class/spec ? healer/any profession the town needs
Have you been kicked out of other towns? never
Please list player Referral(s): none atm
Briefly note why you would like to join Acadia: I would like to join an active town of old members who enjoy minecraft and herocraft.
Have you reviewed HC rules and our town rules? Yes

Please include all listed below on applications:
@MoeJunur, @BoDuhal


Staff member
Legacy Supporter 9
May 1, 2011
South Louisiana
In-game name: Jreems
Location and Timezone: Eastern PA
Your Age: 22
Description about yourself : Enjoy long walks on the beach with Kainzo
Description about your style of play : Aggressive pvp all the way bay bay
Have you created a profile on Herocraft website? yes
How often do you play HC? will be playing everyday
What is your chosen Hero class/spec ? healer/any profession the town needs
Have you been kicked out of other towns? never
Please list player Referral(s): none atm
Briefly note why you would like to join Acadia: I would like to join an active town of old members who enjoy minecraft and herocraft.
Have you reviewed HC rules and our town rules? Yes

Please include all listed below on applications:
@MoeJunur, @BoDuhal
I would like to accept you into White Hall, we are semi active due to work at this time, but we have room for more players


May 15, 2013
In-game name: Kirodo
Location and Timezone: Alberta Canada MST
Your Age: 25
Description about yourself : Tall handsome quiet and nice.
Description about your style of play : I enjoy doing my own thing for the most part mostly mining and wandering around
Have you created a profile on Herocraft website? I have yes
How often do you play HC? Recently not much but I hope to get back into it
What is your chosen Hero class/spec ? Wizard
Have you been kicked out of other towns? Negative
Please list player Referral(s): N/A
Briefly note why you would like to join White Hall: Looking for a group of friends to enjoy the game with
Have you reviewed HC rules and our town rules? I have yes.

Please include all listed below on applications:
@MoeJunur, @BoDuhal


Staff member
Legacy Supporter 9
May 1, 2011
South Louisiana
In-game name: Kirodo
Location and Timezone: Alberta Canada MST
Your Age: 25
Description about yourself : Tall handsome quiet and nice.
Description about your style of play : I enjoy doing my own thing for the most part mostly mining and wandering around
Have you created a profile on Herocraft website? I have yes
How often do you play HC? Recently not much but I hope to get back into it
What is your chosen Hero class/spec ? Wizard
Have you been kicked out of other towns? Negative
Please list player Referral(s): N/A
Briefly note why you would like to join White Hall: Looking for a group of friends to enjoy the game with
Have you reviewed HC rules and our town rules? I have yes.

Please include all listed below on applications:
@MoeJunur, @BoDuhal
Welcome to White Hall, get with me or BoDuhal in game to get you set up, again welcome to White Hall.


Feb 18, 2016
In-game name:JNXD
Location and Timezone:Central
Your Age:16
Description about yourself : I make lots of jokes just try to have fun and enjoy things
Description about your style of play : I like to pvp and grind hard get stuff done
Have you created a profile on Herocraft website?
How often do you play HC? I took a break but when I get into it I log on almost everyday
What is your chosen Hero class/spec ? Ive been told my best class is runeblade but I also like ranger
Have you been kicked out of other towns? No
Please list player Referral(s):
Briefly note why you would like to join White Hall: I want to join an active community on the server that I can enjoy the game with
Have you reviewed HC rules and our town rules? yes

Please include all listed below on applications:
@MoeJunur, @BoDuhal


Staff member
Legacy Supporter 9
May 1, 2011
South Louisiana
In-game name:JNXD
Location and Timezone:Central
Your Age:16
Description about yourself : I make lots of jokes just try to have fun and enjoy things
Description about your style of play : I like to pvp and grind hard get stuff done
Have you created a profile on Herocraft website?
How often do you play HC? I took a break but when I get into it I log on almost everyday
What is your chosen Hero class/spec ? Ive been told my best class is runeblade but I also like ranger
Have you been kicked out of other towns? No
Please list player Referral(s):
Briefly note why you would like to join White Hall: I want to join an active community on the server that I can enjoy the game with
Have you reviewed HC rules and our town rules? yes

Please include all listed below on applications:
@MoeJunur, @BoDuhal
Welcome to White Hall, ill get you set up shortly