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Wertopia, Now Recruiting! :D

Oct 26, 2013
The Town of Wertopia is currently recruiting!!!!

We are looking for able, active players to expand and better
improve our town, currently seeking a new Runesmith, Blacksmith and Support,
though we will accept others. We hold respect above all else, disrespecting
Town members, Allies, or any player who isn't being a jerk to someone else
will put you on my bad side. If you are searching for a safe heaven for yourself and your items, there are few places better than the fortress of Wertopia. If you are interested, please leave an application below and wait to be contacted by me necrophoros or Darkconvergence.


Gender: (for purposes of not calling a girl a guy in-game, we all know it happens, if you are not comfortable with stating your gender, that is alright, it is not required)
How long have you played HeroCraft:
Class/profession(if crafter, then what do you plan on being your future profession) and level:
Why do you want to join Wertopia:
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability:
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills:
Do you have TeamSpeak:
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server:
How active are you on average per day:
there is currently a 15c tax daily(i wish it wasn't daily but that was set by the admins) are you willing to pay the town tax(if you have to miss a day for real life reasons, talk to me or a council member and we will set something up for you):



Town Rules:

No Mining or strip mining in the town or 100 blocks around the town
No Killing other town members (unless they agree to pvp)
No Griefing
No Stealing
Do not disrespect other town members.
If you start an argument switch to a private chat, do NOT argue in town chat
Abide by the Server Rules.
Do not taunt or harass other town members.
Do not enter someone's room without permission
Respect members of the town who are higher ranking than you, regardless of if you agree with them or not.
Build with the town theme, if you have questions of a build, ask a higher ranking member.
If there are issues between members please bring it up with a higher ranked town member
These rules are subject to change at any time without warning
These rules are the first and last warning, by applying to Wertopia you accept that you have read these rules and that if you break one you accept the punishment for you actions.

Current Members:
Mayor: Necrophoros
SiC: Snowjin
Council: Spyke1of24
Council: Zombie_Spartan
Council: LadyReAnne
Council: DarkConvergence
Council: Divinespectrum

Member: MortalDragoon
Member: Searingwolf
Member: Gullibleslime
Member: Stealth_Slaya
Member: ixiplixy
Member: Ida_best
Member: Morganthe_
Member: Tomtankill
Member: CPTsnipey
Member: ixiplixy
Member: ElPolloLoco1235
Member: Satanic_BoyScout
Member: SlappyNoodles
Member: Pokemasta24
Member: Sub_Zerox3
Member: ihateujed
Member: 1Ninjabuilder


Last edited:
Apr 23, 2013
Age: 28
IGN: spyke1of24
Timezone: New orleans, whatever timezone that is
How long have you played HeroCraft: started like two worlds ago. been away for a while though
Class/profession and level: 10 and 12
Why do you want to join Wertopia: my 2 friends and i are lookign for a town to be a part of. social interaction kinda makes or breaks games
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 7-8
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 2-3
Do you have Skype:yep
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: i havent been on the server as long as i have breaking them
How active are you on average per day: on my work week barley at all. on my week off quite a bit
Oct 26, 2013
Age: 28
IGN: spyke1of24
Timezone: New orleans, whatever timezone that is
How long have you played HeroCraft: started like two worlds ago. been away for a while though
Class/profession and level: 10 and 12
Why do you want to join Wertopia: my 2 friends and i are lookign for a town to be a part of. social interaction kinda makes or breaks games
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 7-8
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 2-3
Do you have Skype:yep
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: i havent been on the server as long as i have breaking them
How active are you on average per day: on my work week barley at all. on my week off quite a bit
I need the Name of your Combat Class and Profession, also please explain what you mean with "i havent been on the server as long as i have breaking them"
Apr 23, 2013
oh im lvl 10 ranger lvl 12 crafter. going for alchemist.

and I havent been on the server since last world. I just recently came back. Idk where the "breakign them" came from. sorry

edit: oh i realize what i meant. I was sayign i wouldnt have been on the server as long as i have if i was breakign the rules.
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2013
oh im lvl 10 ranger lvl 12 crafter. going for alchemist.

and I havent been on the server since last world. I just recently came back. Idk where the "breakign them" came from. sorry

edit: oh i realize what i meant. I was sayign i wouldnt have been on the server as long as i have if i was breakign the rules.
ok, that makes much more since.
please make sure your friends apply here as well if they wish to join the town


Legacy Supporter 5
Sep 12, 2015
Age: 12 (Turning 13 in a month)
IGN: Wyzards
Timezone: EST
How long have you played HeroCraft: I played for a year, and then took a long break, but decided to play again. I am applying on my first dack back.
Class/profession and level: Pyromancer LVL. 1 Crafter LVL. 1
Why do you want to join Wertopia: I want to be able to enjoy the server without having to worry about dying too much, and I want to be able to have a community to play with.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 8
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 3
Do you have Skype: Yes.
Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes.
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Yes.
How active are you on average per day: I should be on at least every other day or two.
Oct 26, 2013
Age: 12 (Turning 13 in a month)
IGN: Wyzards
Timezone: EST
How long have you played HeroCraft: I played for a year, and then took a long break, but decided to play again. I am applying on my first dack back.
Class/profession and level: Pyromancer LVL. 1 Crafter LVL. 1
Why do you want to join Wertopia: I want to be able to enjoy the server without having to worry about dying too much, and I want to be able to have a community to play with.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 8
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 3
Do you have Skype: Yes.
Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes.
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Yes.
How active are you on average per day: I should be on at least every other day or two.
what profession do you plan on getting once you master crafter
Sep 12, 2015
Age: 15
IGN: Who?
Timezone: Central
How long have you played HeroCraft: 3 days
Class/profession and level: Wizard + Level 3
Why do you want to join Wertopia: To become a better wizard
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 6
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 6
Do you have Skype: Yes
Do you have TeamSpeak: No
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Yes, of course!
How active are you on average per day: 2-2 1/2 hours
Sep 12, 2015

Age: 27
IGN: Zombie_Spartan
Timezone: Central
How long have you played HeroCraft: 1 week
Class/profession and level: Barbarian 12 / Nothing lvl 16
Why do you want to join Wertopia: Id like to get to know more people and enjoy more that the server has to offer. This town seemed cool.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 7
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 7
Do you have Skype: Ye
Do you have TeamSpeak: Ye
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Ye
How active are you on average per day: 2-8 hours everyday to every other day.
Oct 26, 2013
Age: 15
IGN: Who?
Timezone: Central
How long have you played HeroCraft: 3 days
Class/profession and level: Wizard + Level 3
Why do you want to join Wertopia: To become a better wizard
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 6
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 6
Do you have Skype: Yes
Do you have TeamSpeak: No
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Yes, of course!
How active are you on average per day: 2-2 1/2 hours
you forgot to put your profession but because you have started recently it is probably crafter, i would normally ask for your future profession but im feeling a tad lazy atm and everything else looks good
Oct 26, 2013

Age: 27
IGN: Zombie_Spartan
Timezone: Central
How long have you played HeroCraft: 1 week
Class/profession and level: Barbarian 12 / Nothing lvl 16
Why do you want to join Wertopia: Id like to get to know more people and enjoy more that the server has to offer. This town seemed cool.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 7
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 7
Do you have Skype: Ye
Do you have TeamSpeak: Ye
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Ye
How active are you on average per day: 2-8 hours everyday to every other day.
everything is in order, welcome to the town
Dec 4, 2012
The Town of Wertopia is Open for recruitment, We seek new and veteran players alike. Above all else we hold everyone to a reasonable standard of respect and cooperation.


Age: 16
IGN: Stealth_slaya
Timezone: GMT
How long have you played HeroCraft: 4 years xD
Class/profession and level: Dragoon 1 Crafter 1 just started new map
Why do you want to join Wertopia: I like pvp and always have on herocraft and i think this is the town for it looking someone to teach me what has changed with the server :)
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: Not big headed months ago 9 now 7-8
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 8
Do you have Skype: yes
Do you have TeamSpeak: yes but dont use
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Yes
How active are you on average per day: I just started college but atlease 3 days a week

Town Rules:

No Griefing
No Stealing
Do not disrespect other town members.
If you start an argument switch to a private chat, do NOT argue in town chat
Abide by the Server Rules.
Do not taunt or harass other town members.
Respect members of the town who are higher ranking than you, regardless of if you agree with them or not.
Build with the town theme, if you have questions of a build, ask a higher ranking member.
If there are issues between members please bring it up with a higher ranked town member
These rules are subject to change at any time without warning

Current Members:
Mayor: Necrophoros
Sep 1, 2011
Age: 17
IGN: MortalDragoon
Timezone: UTC +1 (Sweden)
How long have you HeroCraft: 4 Years
Class/profession and level: Right now im Ninja level 48 also i got level 60 in Berserker. (Proffesion Enchanter level 16)
Why do you want to join Wertopia: I'm trying to look for a good town with some nice people havent had take luck yet so i'm dipping my toes in the water.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 8 out of 10
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 4-5 out of 10
Do you have Skype: Yes
Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Of course
How active are you on average per day: around 3-6 Hours depends tho if have something to do.
Oct 26, 2013
Age: 17
IGN: MortalDragoon
Timezone: UTC +1 (Sweden)
How long have you HeroCraft: 4 Years
Class/profession and level: Right now im Ninja level 48 also i got level 60 in Berserker. (Proffesion Enchanter level 16)
Why do you want to join Wertopia: I'm trying to look for a good town with some nice people havent had take luck yet so i'm dipping my toes in the water.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: 8 out of 10
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 4-5 out of 10
Do you have Skype: Yes
Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Of course
How active are you on average per day: around 3-6 Hours depends tho if have something to do.
wow, impressive, everything looks good, welcome to the town


Legacy Supporter 4
Nov 15, 2012
Age: 18
IGN: Brady123321
Gender: I'm female but it doesn't bother me at all if people call me guy or dude.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
How long have you played HeroCraft: Almost 3 years in about a month.
Class/profession(if crafter, then what do you plan on being your future profession) and level: Level 27 Ranger and Level 60 Engineer.
Why do you want to join Wertopia: Because my old town kinda fell apart with people getting kicked. I also know MortalDragoon and he referenced me.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: I cant really scale it because i haven't pvp'd much I'm sure as i level my pvp ability will go up.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 8-9
Do you have TeamSpeak: Yeah
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Definitely
How active are you on average per day: Well.. ha. You see I'm on the onlinetime top list so... ;-;
Sep 1, 2011
Age: 18
IGN: Brady123321
Gender: I'm female but it doesn't bother me at all if people call me guy or dude.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
How long have you played HeroCraft: Almost 3 years in about a month.
Class/profession(if crafter, then what do you plan on being your future profession) and level: Level 27 Ranger and Level 60 Engineer.
Why do you want to join Wertopia: Because my old town kinda fell apart with people getting kicked. I also know MortalDragoon and he referenced me.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: I cant really scale it because i haven't pvp'd much I'm sure as i level my pvp ability will go up.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 8-9
Do you have TeamSpeak: Yeah
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Definitely
How active are you on average per day: Well.. ha. You see I'm on the onlinetime top list so... ;-;
Oct 26, 2013
Age: 18
IGN: Brady123321
Gender: I'm female but it doesn't bother me at all if people call me guy or dude.
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
How long have you played HeroCraft: Almost 3 years in about a month.
Class/profession(if crafter, then what do you plan on being your future profession) and level: Level 27 Ranger and Level 60 Engineer.
Why do you want to join Wertopia: Because my old town kinda fell apart with people getting kicked. I also know MortalDragoon and he referenced me.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: I cant really scale it because i haven't pvp'd much I'm sure as i level my pvp ability will go up.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: 8-9
Do you have TeamSpeak: Yeah
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Definitely
How active are you on average per day: Well.. ha. You see I'm on the onlinetime top list so... ;-;
while we are not currently recruiting, i will make an acceptation for someone who knows mortal, also side note, it will be my second year with herocraft next month XD