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Suggestion Townships + Mechanics Feedback


Balance Team
Adventure Team
Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 27, 2012
If I have more to add I'll just copy and paste this into a new post with the new things added.
I'm sure you've already seen at least some of these, feel free to ignore those.
White, bold, text is new, blacked out text is redacted.
Text in italics are ways that the idea could be monetized.
If any of my ideas are used feel free to change them however you want.
Thanks for hopefully at least reading this.

1. Please add aprofession that is mostly/only fishing, it could have the ability to fish up gear for all classes instead of only bows and fishing rods, it could fish up enchanted leather armor and possibly other enchanted armor at higher levels, and things like that. Also, fishing really doesn't go with farming so it doesn't make too much sense for farmers to get boosts doing that.

Give farmers more boosts while fishing, let farmers get loot for any classes including custom/rare loot (with a really low chance of course)

2. I don't personally need this but it'd also be cool to have a 'Builder' profession that has boosts when building things. Builders could possibly have temporary flight to assist in building and maybe very limited world edit, and maybe a chance to not use up a block when it is placed (block wouldn't yield anything to prevent duping) and the ability to place blocks that don't belong to it's profession are things it could do. Builder profession could have a temporary, very close range free camera to help with building at better angles.

3. I know you already know but this is just to add to the list so I don't forget: farmer skills are almost all broken from what I've seen as a level 35 farmer.

4. Please add a live market like there was pre-reset, and also the ability to sell most ingots to the server if players don't want to wait on the market (of course they would probably get less money for them if they do that ) and free /spawn even when you have chosen a profession.An area for high leveled players and merchant to set up shop in spawn and sell their goods. To monetize this, premium or paying players could get more highlighted shops or custom banners to advertise themselves better than non-paying players.

5. Please make it easier for party members to see where each other are, maybe a name tag that you can see through blocks for a limited distance or something similar. Larger nametags with coloured backgrounds and different colour text that could be seen through walls could help with finding party members.

6. Less varying in bow shots, sometimes I feel like it takes me 10 shots to kill a skeleton and other times 2, I don't know if it's the damage varying or something else but it's just something I noticed.

7. Clickable text in spawn like there was pre-reset, so that new players can easily pick classes and more importantly please add a section that says, for example "To learn basics about the game go to hc.to/guide and to learn about your class go to hc.to/wiki" because I feel like there are a lot of new players asking questions that can easily be found on the wiki.

8. Towns: some way for strong enough towns and individual people who aren't in towns to take over territory a town owns. Maybe through the amount of money the town/individual has (this probably wouldn't really work well) or maybe some metric that increases every day for each town member that came online (for example a town has 20 members and 5 come on, that town's "power" increases by 50), and the same thing could happen for individuals so if a lone wolf wants to take over a town he can if they're weak enough. In addition, every week a person is inactive it could decrease by 5 to prevent towns hoarding newbies or alts that never play. I just want this because I don't like that there is no way to attack another town.

9. Towns: There should be multiple town banks of varying sizes that are unlocked as the town levels up, the town leader should have complete control of who gets to view and deposit and withdraw from all of them, in addition a town leader or just town members should be able to buy more town banks and increase the size of current town banks.

10. Towns: Town leader should have control over town spawn and choose if it's free or not (if not the money goes into town bank) and where it is in addition to what ranks can use it and what ranks can't, maybe even different costs per rank if the leader wishes. Town spawn, as with all possibly long distance teleports should have a long delay, and I think 10 seconds is plenty.

11. Please add /sethome and /home with a decent delay (10 seconds seems good to me).

12. Elo: To balance it, the elo reward for killing a certain player should decrease exponentially upon consecutive kills, until it reaches 0 after a certain number of kills. In addition this wouldn't be permanent so that after maybe a day maybe a week whatever is decided on, the reward goes back up slowly until it is back to the 'base' amount. To clarify: if Bob killed john once he would get the base reward of 50. On the second kill it would be 25, then 12, then 6, then 3, then 1, then 0. Further kills would reward nothing. A week later Bob kills john again and he gets the full reward of 50 and it (maybe) repeats.

13. Runesmith seems rather expensive to me, I don't know if it really is but it's just something I've noticed while reading about the professions.

14. Give the enchanter the ability to attempt to enchant an in-hand item anywhere, provided they have the required resources, giving it a randomly (or not) selected enchant with a high chance to fail. Higher level enchanters may have a better chance for stronger enchants and could have lower chances to fail enchants. I feel like this would put then enchanter on-par with the blacksmith as a blacksmith can repair without the use of an anvil. Since apparently anvils are no-nos, enchanters could possibly be able to apply enchanted books to items? If that's a possible thing then it would be cool as a high level and high cost skill.

15. If you are adding a pve-only dungeon for new players, please only make one and have the mob levels really low to ensure that the dungeon only helps new players who are trying to ease into herocraft. Herocraft is a PVP server and it should be at least mostly PVP.

16. Give Merchants more uses? I don't know how this can happen but with my (limited) experience with them they seem sorta useless other than their ability to place ender chests. Merchants could possibly have a high level skill that gives them storage similar to /town bank view. The storage could upgrade as the merchant levels up from like 9 slots at level 30 to 27 at level 60. If you want to keep merchants useless you could also use the storage thing as a purchasable town bank for maybe 2x the price of backpack slots of the same size and you can go from there. This might be super unfair, I'm not really sure.

17. After a restart add extra time to everything thats on a timer to compensate for people maybe leaving to go to the bathroom or make a sandwich. If after a restart all death chests and death chest protections could be increased by 5 minutes, boosts be increased by 5 minutes, and everything else like that that a player might want to continue doing after the reset to prevent people from losing death chests they could have gotten or missing out on boost time they might have paid for.

18. 1.9 Combat Update: It'd be really really cool if you guys and your amazing coders could change dual wielding so that items in both hands hit and not just main hand (if you have a weapon in both hands) and since both of those items would be one-handed, their (hopefully) lessened attack power and attack speed combined should be equal to a single two handed weapon. All melee classes (All warriors, ninjas, runeblades, pyromancers, and also disciples) should be able to use shields. You might ask why ninjas would use shields, well the answer is if a ninja wants to have less damage and less viability in a fight they should be able to do so if they want. This could also let them fill in tank roles of their party doesn't have one. Pyromancers were included in that list of melee classes because pyromancers are very much get-in-your-face and so they should be treated like the other classes that do that too. Please balance the slower weapons (Axe mostly) to keep them on par with fast weapons like hoes by either increasing the damage but leaving the attack speed to compensate for their speed, or by increasing speed and slightly lowering damage.

19. Since it seems like Elytra will be allowed, skills should be disabled while in flight to prevent infinite flight or glitches that pop up with them.

Huge blocks of text hurts people's eyes


Mar 16, 2014
Idk how to make it smaller and I like making revisions give me a better way that i like and ill use it


Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 9, 2013
Engineer Problem that only popped up a couple days ago: IC's MC1272 and MC0272 (Player Detectors) have stopped working. Rather, the ones i had placed already stopped working. I tried retyping the signs but it failed to recognize it is an IC. I really hope they haven't been disabled.


Legacy Supporter 6
Sep 27, 2013
-Some IC's not working (believe it has to do something with the chestshop plugin)
-Noob camping in herogates is making many quit...
-Pyromancer nerf pls, targetable stun, and >600 damage during the stun
-Trick someone to join your party, gtp, trap and kill him (not forbidden)
-PE something is just useless, not enough evidence...
-Town graveyard is quite annoying if you have died in a dungeon or close to a herogate. It would be way better if it checks where you died and only revives you at the town if you are close to it (ex. in 500 blocks from it)
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Mar 25, 2013
delete my account
- Lack of help about commands (more lines of help would be nice)
- Spells just seems to miss a lot
- The wiki is a pile of broken links and needs serious fixing
Last edited:


Rules Council
Event Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Apr 3, 2012
- Lack of help about commands (i've been asking for an hour on help chat now about why this damn residence thing keeps saying my horribly small 4 x 2 x 4 box is OUT OF MY ALLOWED LIMITS but no help arrived)
- Spells just seems to miss a lot
- The wiki is a pile of broken links and needs serious fixing

  • You should be asking questions in the Help Channel: /ch help
    • Asking in other channels blends with similar colored channels.
  • Vague statement, which spells are you having trouble with. Some are designed to miss.
  • What links? Also vague.


Mar 25, 2013
delete my account
  • You should be asking questions in the Help Channel: /ch help
    • Asking in other channels blends with similar colored channels.
  • Vague statement, which spells are you having trouble with. Some are designed to miss.
  • What links? Also vague.
I did ask for help on channel help. Anyway some commands followed by "?" don't show the total list.
Spell missing, example : fireball. Sometimes it seems it hits grass or hit a block near me (side or bottom), no idea where the projectile starts from ..
The wiki. It's broken everywhere. It's not vague, it's a statement. The left column for example ..
Newbie guide : leads to nothing
Classes : leads to nothing
Professions : same
Only the wiki index works .. Also, you added residence today, you deleted the wiki page about it.


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
I did ask for help on channel help. Anyway some commands followed by "?" don't show the total list.
Spell missing, example : fireball. Sometimes it seems it hits grass or hit a block near me (side or bottom), no idea where the projectile starts from ..
The wiki. It's broken everywhere. It's not vague, it's a statement. The left column for example ..
Newbie guide : leads to nothing
Classes : leads to nothing
Professions : same
Only the wiki index works .. Also, you added residence today, you deleted the wiki page about it.
The residence page was removed because we used to use it, it's actually archived and just needs to be moved. @WitchOnaRampage


Legacy Supporter 2
May 23, 2012
I did ask for help on channel help. Anyway some commands followed by "?" don't show the total list.
Spell missing, example : fireball. Sometimes it seems it hits grass or hit a block near me (side or bottom), no idea where the projectile starts from ..
The wiki. It's broken everywhere. It's not vague, it's a statement. The left column for example ..
Newbie guide : leads to nothing
Classes : leads to nothing
Professions : same
Only the wiki index works .. Also, you added residence today, you deleted the wiki page about it.
Sidebar doesn't work yes,

But did you try perhaps any of these?


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
- The wiki is a pile of broken links and needs serious fixing
Sidebar doesn't work yes,

Sidebar works now! :D

Also, you added residence today, you deleted the wiki page about it.

I'm currently working on the Residence page. I actually need more info myself on how Residences work and the commands etc before it can magically reappear in the wiki. (It was out for all of last map - there's usually a different plugin managing Residences each map.)

@Wifibee We're updating the wiki as information becomes available - it's a huge job and hats off to everyone that's working on it. @Wiki Team I'm aware info is out of date but I'm puzzled about broken links - were you only referring to the sidebar, or are there other broken links too?


Legacy Supporter 6
Sep 27, 2013
Mana regen for no-pvp idea: an skill out of combat, CD: 2-3min, moving would stop it, you get a 5% of your mana pool each sec while channeling it.

Residence cost: increase the create cost (1500c) and lower the daily tax (15-20c). Also make it so that the higher tier, the cheaper x block, so a max tier pays just a bit more for a max size