After doing some math, I realize just how insane the amount of money towns can potentially generate is. These numbers are assuming the individual players are not taxed, all houses are stocked daily, soulshop/factory trades are made at 250s each, and the town has a dragon egg, each tier could generate these numbers after the daily tax.
Tribe - 90s
Hamlet - 790s
Village - 2,000s
Edit, I was bored and did the math forT4-6
Town - 3695s
City - 4975s
Metropolis - 9120s
Not even looking at T4 or above, the numbers are pretty crazy, but let's look at a few things. Towns need to generate money to buy and build new structures. Although technically it's only 2001s to upgrade from T1 to T2, it really costs about 4,401s to do it, considering you need to rebuild, and build new homes. This is without counting in farms, factories, or the Soul Generators. In my personal view, the amount generated by these first three stages seems very nice.
My reasoning being this: Say my town upgrades to T2, we generate 790s according to my math. If every home is occupied, that's 14 people. That 790s a day is to benefit everyone in the town in some way or another. That 790s allows me to reward my town members for keeping their own homes stocked, help them change class/profession, buy them armor, materials, and weapons. And of course some of it would need to stay in the town bank to help it grow and have some level of financial security. So when a town member comes to me needing money for a new God Pick, I can toss 30s at them and say "Enjoy, it's on the town" instead of "Well crap, everyone is flat broke".
All this being said, it does get a bit ridiculous. 2k a day is a lot, even split between 21 people. And of course this is all assuming everyone in town is even active to receive/use the money. But again, this is all assuming optimal conditions; every home stocked daily, successful trade of soul items each day, fully upgraded homes, dragon eggs, and not needing to buy/build anything new. I do think that there should be some sort of crunch, so that things are a bit more even. Jumping from 90s profit to 790s is a bit much, but that doesn't mean that it needs to be hammered into the ground.
In my opinion, towns need to be self-efficient, or else it's going to hurt individual players too much, or make towns much more selective about their population. If towns are forced to tax their players, it kills a lot of casual players. They cant join a town because they don't have enough time between school, work, or other events to generate enough souls to pay a tax AND generate enough to do things such as change class. Before you know it, there's only a few towns on the map, and they don't accept or force out casual players, leaving them with no safe haven, and eventually quitting because they keep getting stolen from.
I started a town out of boredom, because I had money to spare, and knew it would keep me busy with a large project of making it look nice and grandiose. But I've come to realize I also want to help people, to make a town where people can be happy and be rewarded for helping. My town members earn souls for keeping their homes stocked, and I'd like to be able to help them chose their professions or valuable items they need, and that overflow is how I can do it. I think this is how a town should be, helpful to all it's members. And having these individual home regions also helps town security, it keeps a new player to a town from stealing from others and leaving.
Anyways, I'm rambling now. Simply put, I'm fine with reducing the overall profit of towns, especially with the ridiculous jumps in souls earned, but if the town and its members don't benefit from a town, then it will only hurt the server.