Buried Deep into the Townships Wiki there is a command that allows for you to grant specific permisions inside a township. By default if you are just a member of the town all of these are toggled off, so add them as needed
"/to toggleperm [player] [permission] [town name]
Toggles permissions for players in your town. Can be used by owners.
Permissions list can be seen in game by typing "/to listallperms".
Permissions include:
- [structure type] - allows that player to build that structure in town .i.e "shack"
- addmember - allows that player to add players to the town
- taxes - allows that player to be exempt from paying taxes.
- title:<inserttitlehere> - sets that player's title in town chat.
- withdraw - allows the player to withdraw from the town bank."
Hope this helps!

And Remember kids! The Wiki is awesome o_o