I agree with J2gay in many aspects of his post.
If players want to build above ground, take care and read the following:
I will give you some friendly advice, stick to what you have limits for. Place (some of) your LWC's above ground so you can quickly deposit valuable blocks/tools if you see a group heading at you, always keep an eye on what's going on around you, have a friend watching for activity while you build, there's many ways to avoid the constant danger of PVP if you play intelligently. If you don't want to fight, but you want to lose the least viable amount of stuff if you get ganked then -- Only carry 1 tool on you, and 1-2 stacks of blocks at a time. (depending on how plentiful they are.) Only carry a little food, and just enough material to recall. Keep everything else in an LWC nearby, and move the LWC using droptransfer and directly move it without ever even having materials on you.
Granted, some of these tips require that you have a donor/supporter tier..

You can always get someone else to droptransfer for you (I used to do this for my friends.)