- Joined
- Jan 24, 2012

The town itself:
Valor was a town of hardships, taxes were high and active citizens were low. The town sought out ways they could save themselves, but slowly they became inactive... until now.The new Valor, This will be a jewel among towns everywhere, the town, will be renewed. And in its renewed state, we will prosper, And together, With our greatest allies, We seek to create a beacon of hope for all those in need!
War, there is bloodshed among the world, and Valor will be a part of it. It is inevitable, So will you stand among side us as the towns best? Will you take on the challenge that offers unfathomable rewards? Join then...
Mayor/Lord: Archmage_LloydSiC/Captain Commander: -Open-
Banker/Teller : @Mariohgcz

Citizens list.
- Archmage_lloyd
- Mariohgcz
- Cake9000
- KDTrey5_OKC
- MonkeyMonk78
- Potato_Chipz
- Redtexan
- ThebirdBag
- Xblock_loverX
- Erikus6
- Disrupt3r
- hummybuddy
- turtle_guy
- pr0jectpat
- yoyoskates99

Rankings: There will be 4 (playable) rankings in the new Valor. Each one is as it depicts itself.
Villager-You labor, doing mindless tasks, Like farming, fishing, mining, and aiding the town. (The Sic as well as mayor can assign you to it as a temporary post until further notice)
Recruit- The most basic of fighters, these un-specialized characters do the minor works of the military, such as scouting. They will receive training every week, that proceeds them to become the next in their rank ( Captain Commanders and captains may appoint recruits, Mayor as well)
Guard- This is your post, where you will stay throughout the town until further promotions are in order. Being this rank gives you responsibilities, you have to be on the walls and on the guard at most times when you are on! its a boring job, but would you rather some random fool mess around with the town? (Reports go to Captains, Mayor and Captain commander may appoint)
Captain- The last rank you shall reach, it is the highest among the Town. You have outstanding privilegedges, But outstanding responsibility. This is the rank where you have showed to me as a mayor that you are an absolute devotee of defending the town.
You are able to make squads consisting of 2 guards maximum, and you are also able to "Request" Villagers of what you think the town needs material wise. (double checked by the mayor and SIC, only Mayor may grant)
Captain Commander - (SIC) Commands all guard and captain units, that are willing and able. The captain commander has the ability to decide what happens around the town when the mayor is gone.
Mayor (a.k.a. Lord)Oversees Any and all activities.
RANKINGS FOR VILLAGERS; THE SUB SYSTEM (Part 2)In Valor, once you have gained, earned or received your Villager, there is a sub class of rankings. These sub-rankings are for the Lord and Captain commander to see how much work is being accomplished. The ranks go up to 5. For each different rankings you will have tasks.
Each ranking Requires you to work and please the Lord, by giving him materials such as gold or just farming basic fruits and foods for him. By doing enough for the lord to recognize your hard work and bountiful harvests, he will promote, this means that you are a more valued Villager as you clearly prove to contribute as much as you can.
List: WIP

I believe there is a certain fine tuning I need to achieve, with the plots. Thus i will be making 2 sets for those with money, and those who are poor as dirt.
Overworld: The rich living on the surface, who can see visible sunlight. Their taxes are fairly high, and thus they must have the money. However the plots are big,
(plots cost 50c, Taxes are 15c per week)
it is a 12x12 plot
basement is 5 blocks (not including flooring)
Height may be as high as 15 blocks (15 blocks max)
Market! (WIP)
The Market is a WIP, but it will allow for many of the villager's (Villager ONLY) Items to be put on sale, Whether it may be simple tools, to armor, Or just fruits and foods. (NO GOLD) as of now it IS a work in progress, but it has potential.
*Special* : Throughout Valor, there will be a series of special plots, these are called "Mansion plots" The mansion plots are to those who are rich and are willing to contribute big coin but receive big plot space, Mansion plots are very special in 3 ways, They have different Tax payment. Second, they have much bigger Plot size, (dimensions may vary) And third, unlike normal plots, Mansion plots may be expanded 5 blocks higher so there for the height is 20, depth is 5 and size is X, X, Y, Y, NOTE! They can also be named "Estates"
Mansion List:
Ember Mansion (Medium) OWNED TheBirdBag
Cost: 500c
Tax: 50c
Charring Mansion(Medium Small) OWNED Hummybuddy
Cost: 400c (?)
Tax: 40c (?)
Noble Mansion (Large)
Cost: 600c
Tax: 60c
Underworld (MASSIVE WIP, all plots are temporary)
as you can guess, the poor live here, able to feed their family with a loaf of bread... a week. Well No, As a Lord, I provide these families with their basic sheltering, As well as aesthetically pleasing areas. But further on, they will have underground parks, and areas where you can stay for FREE. they are affordable in tax, and can have alot of potential
(Plot of 8x8 costs 10c)
(Plot of 10x10 costs 20c)
(taxes are for BOTH 10c a week)
8x8 or 10x10
5 block basement,
10 block height.
Also in underworld, there will be various 5x5x10 plots found, these are free, but are limited.

Payed @Brutalacerate 03/07/2012 - 220c 1 day late
Payed @Brutalacerate 08/07 /2012 for 09/07/2012 - 200c ,1 day early
Payed @Brutalacerate 16/07/2012 200c On time
Payed @Brutalacerate 22/07/2012 200c On time
Payed @Brutalacerate 30/07/2012 200c On time
Payed @Brutalacerate 6/08/2012 200c On time
Payed @Brutalacerate 03/07/2012 - 220c 1 day late
Payed @Brutalacerate 08/07 /2012 for 09/07/2012 - 200c ,1 day early
Payed @Brutalacerate 16/07/2012 200c On time
Payed @Brutalacerate 22/07/2012 200c On time
Payed @Brutalacerate 30/07/2012 200c On time
Payed @Brutalacerate 6/08/2012 200c On time

0. Follow server rules!
1. Always respect townies
2.Do not join this town Maliciously or I'll find you (In game of course)
3. Think of your actions and the harm they could cause before doing them
4. Mayors and Sics Word is above all other words, opinions and arguments will be respected by them, but no more if one says stop.
5. Dont attack allies, know who they are. THE END.
6. Inform the town of any vacations you are having (so we can stalk you) So we know you will be IA (inactive) IA's will be removed after 1 month of being IA
7. Leave a good impression, dont be a dick to any towns/people even if its the guy from LOTR who is trying to rule the world or whatever, THIS MEANS no raging, no all caps all the time, don't make me mute you, I'll do it (xblock_loverx is learning this one... XD).
8.Respect our kingdom leader, AzenYumCha (not in valor but leads from a different town that is right in front of us)
[ON HOLD/Not in yet.]9. ROLE PLAY, Be someone, Add yourself a back story, don't be considered a kid in front of his computer, Consider yourself anything above that. You have 1 month at MAXIMUM (1 week minimum, think about it) to figure out something that follows rule 9.1 and 9.2 you will be kicked otherwise
9.1 PLEASE make it someone, who is accustomed to your role in Herocraft, I.E do not be an Archmage, if you are in fact a warrior or do not be someone from YT, be your imagination. The limit is Herocraft
9.2 Dont change who you are, once you are a person role playing, Stay with that person and have fun with It. Add things to him/her, and new information every now and then.
10. NEVER EVER EVER use alot of obsidian and cobblestone and ugly blocks like that in a plot. (Small quantities only)
11. Golden rule: (OPTIONAL! This is if You Are NOT aiming to pay taxes for plots, *1* mining trip a week,) You must go mining once a week NO MATTER THE RANK and obtain a minimum of *10* Gold ore, Before recalling. this ensures that there is no-one who won't contribute, we are aiming for the next town rank guys and girls, so mine like it!
The rules must be followed at all times, and always clarify something with a superior before doing it,Consequences for rule breakers
1. First offence, Warning
2. Second, Last warning
3.Third, one day probing from me (probation- Removal from regions Etc. Channel mute as well)
4.Fourth A week of probation
5. Fifth. PERMANENT Removal of regions kick from town and set as a KOS

Our allies are people who you can always ask for help in time of need
(*=Kingdom Capital)
Kingdom Allies (Will of fire)-The current Kingdom we are in
Kingdom Allies (Forgotten Empire) - The allies of the Will of Fire

Wanna join the New Valor?
Yes? Ill make it simple for you! Fill this out! (copy and paste)
- In Game Name:
- Is your Age 15+? (if not what is?) (optional, may affect app, dependent) :
- Are you on HC for a month now? If so how long?
- Previous towns:
- Previous guilds:
- Preferred Starting Rank: | Recruit | or | Villager|
- Preferred plot size/Location (read above, take note of WIP's)
- Are you planning on following the *Golden Rule* or regular Taxation?
- Do you regularly use Spout or Minecraft Client? (Spout is better!
- Did you read the rules and recite them till you know them by heart?
- How was Valor brought to your attention?
- Skype/Ts Access? (insert "yes" followed by preferred tool Or "no")
- Classes and paths you are currently ?
PLEASE NOTE, We are under the jurisdiction of the Will of Fire, Any orders given from the person with the InGameName of @AzenYumCha will be obeyed to the fullest of your abilities. Don't disappoint. Warning, dont give Money, or feed. Will bite.
Thank you to @Mariohgcz For creating neat little flashy images for the town