- Joined
- Jan 15, 2013
Ok great when can I get started?Accepted on trial, we'll see how you work with our current members and how good you are at fighting.
Ok great when can I get started?Accepted on trial, we'll see how you work with our current members and how good you are at fighting.
In game name: K3josh
Hero Paths/Specs: Currently dragoon:27 Switching to Bloodmage:16 and Crafter:12
Hero Levels:Above.
Mastered Specs/Paths: Healer And Warrior
What you can contribute: Pvp Skill,Hard work,Help while raiding in providing various practicle tactics.
Time Zone: USA Eastern Timezone
Teamspeak(Ability to talk/listen/both):Both
Thank You For Reviewing My Application I Hope You Take It Into Serious Consideration
-Josh McNulty
In game name: DistortedNoFucksGivenFilms
Age: 17
Hero Paths/Specs: Wizard. Noob. Farmer
Hero Levels: Wizard; 30
Mastered Specs/Paths: None <3
What you can contribute: A great amount of skill in shit talking and tripping over myself.
Time Zone: Central Murican
Teamspeak(Ability to talk/listen/both): Of course.
In game name: FrozenAshes_
Hero Paths/Specs: Bard / Enchanter
Hero Levels: 2 / 37
Mastered Specs/Paths Cleric
What you can contribute: Everything you can possibly imagine
Time Zone: Atlantic Standard time
Teamspeak(Ability to talk/listen/both): Yes
In game name: TheUberNerd
Age: 14
Hero Paths/Specs: Ranger / Alchemist (Pots and transmute yo).
Hero Levels: 25 / 24
Mastered Specs/Paths: None cause I'm a FOB noob. <3
What you can contribute: Raining arrows. Free Tracks. Transmute. Pots. (Cause errey one loves pots). Any work, clearing, hits on people, etc. PvP skills. (I'm a good shot with a bow, and I get jumpy when I go melee, I call it, my bunny ninja melee mode. Also.. A bow isn't the only weapon I can use to kill.
Time Zone: Eastern Canadia Time. EH?
Teamspeak(Ability to talk/listen/both): TS3, Skype, Vent, Raidcall, Mumble, you name it. Headphones? Check. Working Mic? Check.
P.S. If you don't want me, I'll climb onto my pet moose, and ride back into my Igloo and drink maple syrup while crying in the corner. :'(
was he hot?We need wizards, and Distorted seems like a pretty nice guy. (He teleported me when I was stuck somewhere).
@DistortedFilms and @FrozenAshes_ Accepted if you still want to join, better get the levels up!
@TheUberNerd Denied, sorry you're too young.
Everything.......?In game name: FrozenAshes_
Hero Paths/Specs: Bard / Enchanter
Hero Levels: 15 / 37
Mastered Specs/Paths Cleric
What you can contribute: Everything you can possibly imagine
Time Zone: Atlantic Standard time
Teamspeak(Ability to talk/listen/both): Yes
Accepted, get with one of us ingame!In game name: Sniped105
Age: 17
Hero Paths/Specs: Pyromancer/Samurai/Alchemist
Hero Levels: 39/56/33 (In order of specs listed above)
Mastered Specs/Paths None currently.
What you can contribute: Anything that needs doing, especially PVP.
Time Zone: Atlantic Standard Time
Teamspeak(Ability to talk/listen/both): Yes
@DistortedFilms and @FrozenAshes_ Accepted if you still want to join, better get the levels up!
@TheUberNerd Denied, sorry you're too young.