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[Town] Panorama [KO] [36]


Legacy Supporter 6
Dec 31, 2011
If there's anyone in Panorama now, there is somebody outside the walls and they attacked me as I was returning from my trip and I had valuables so i logged out, I didn't know where else to go and tell somebody since if I go ill die. :eek: There's also a guy living about 400 away from town at like coords -376, -1856 I think the coords were...


Legacy Supporter 5
Dec 20, 2011
If there's anyone in Panorama now, there is somebody outside the walls and they attacked me as I was returning from my trip and I had valuables so i logged out, I didn't know where else to go and tell somebody since if I go ill die. :eek: There's also a guy living about 400 away from town at like coords <REMOVED> think the coords were...

I'll check it out in a Minute. Just Go do something else for a bit then check back at this thread!


Glowing Redstone
Nov 12, 2011
If there's anyone in Panorama now, there is somebody outside the walls and they attacked me as I was returning from my trip and I had valuables so i logged out, I didn't know where else to go and tell somebody since if I go ill die. :eek: There's also a guy living about 400 away from town at like coords <removed> I think the coords were...

If there's anyone in Panorama now, there is somebody outside the walls and they attacked me as I was returning from my trip and I had valuables so i logged out, I didn't know where else to go and tell somebody since if I go ill die. :eek: There's also a guy living about 400 away from town at like coords <removed> I think the coords were...
I'll check it out in a Minute. Just Go do something else for a bit then check back at this thread!

@Dwarfers @qsa123456789 both please remove C's from the posts, If a Panorama-member need's the C's use PM or skype.


Jul 5, 2011
Hopped on today, never fear my ever loyal minions members! I have taken careful consideration of the present situation at hand, and I can assure you my thriving prison metropolis will be in running condition soon enough! I, as dictator mayor will take the reigns and return Panorama to its former glory! :p


Legacy Supporter 5
Dec 20, 2011
Hopped on today, never fear my ever loyal minions members! I have taken careful consideration of the present situation at hand, and I can assure you my thriving prison metropolis will be in running condition soon enough! I, as dictator mayor will take the reigns and return Panorama to its former glory! :p

LoL. Glad to see you back Mad!


Jan 24, 2012
1) What is your IGN? Metasin
2) How long have you been playing Herocraft, Minecraft? Herocraft for a few days, minecraft since beta, i don't know too long! lol
3) What class are you/plan on speccing to? Warrior / dragoon or dreadknight haven't decided yet.
4) What could you bring to KO - why should we recruit you? Cause i like to build :p I'm also bringing two others with me who like to mine and craft/grow. Garrick52 and thayin. I'll help build buildings and build up the town. Plus i just built a huge castle not far from the town which the town can use as a forward post or something :)
5) Do you have TS3/Skype? If not, could you easily obtain it? Yes
6) Troppicz showed me to the forum page for app.


Jan 25, 2012
1) What is your IGN? garrick52!​
2) How long have you been playing Herocraft, Minecraft? Herocraft? 3 days. Minecraft? 1 yearish.​
3) What class are you/plan on speccing to? Healer!​
4) What could you bring to KO - Healer-man! Also, farming maniac!​
5) Do you have TS3/Skype? If not, could you easily obtain it? I have Skype. TS? C'mon, ventrillo sounds better :p

Who We Are:
Panorama is the continuation of the Realm of Truth from the previous Zeal map. Although we have lost members, we still stand strong as a loyal community, and hope to prosper in Dragon.​
Mayor: Madsplatter​
SiC: nafets121​
Banker: Troppicz and Dils1​
1) Madsplatter​
2) nafets121​
3) microsim​
4) Daanor*
5) The_Player_189​
6) Piggy37​
7) plob5​
8) DerpSquirrel​
9) Ejh16​
10) xXAmonicXx​
11) Roow505​
12) mawaty​
13) BigguthDickuth​
14) nielhessel​
15) Qsa123456789​
16) krunkn_munky​
17) Roflceroflol​
18) pandaman7*
19) Sigpit*
20) Troppicz*
21) time_warp1*
22) Upb34t*
23) dils1*
24) Carlover1234​
25) ChicagoFire​
26) Shadownub​
27) patr12​
28) Michael42​
29) imagurl​
30) KenHTMS​
31) Anor​
32) THE_BRA1N​
33) Sean31555​
34) leafninja44​
35) Madlios​
36) MagicalPanda​
37) Karnier​
Panorama will be a lovely town, a society built upon a river. A lively port and market, beautiful architecture, and attention to detail will make Panorama a landmark to many.​
Overall View​
Town Hall​
Town Inn​
Wall Template​
1. Follow all overall Herocraft rules.
2. No stealing from townsmembers, including snooping around in others' houses.
3. Do not kill townsmembers or allies.
4. No being an asshat in public chat, or anywhere really.
5. Worship the walrus.
6. Laugh at Lee while drunk.
7. Wear sexy firey skins
8. Repeat step 6
Dragon Empire, the highest alliance. Treat them like you would our own.​
Valley Communities​
Kingdom of Edolas​
Tree Penises​
Talking about Status
To Do
A list of things that must be done, in order from highest importance to least. Red being of most importance, green not as much.​
Level up, spec, get some monies in your skimpy wallets!
[33%] Build Panorama public buildings
[100%] Dig Undercity
[90%] Make the floor of undercity all grass
[80%] Make a farm beneath undercity (tree, pumpkin, melon, auto-wheat, etc)
[10%] Remove old piece of shit base
[30%] Border River with wooden slabs
[30%] Pretty up land around Panorama
[0%] Make a boat in the river
[95%] Make a windmill
Want to join the sexiest kingdom around? Look no further! Please fill out the application belooooowwww.​
1) What is your IGN?​
2) How long have you been playing Herocraft, Minecraft?​
3) What class are you/plan on speccing to?​
4) What could you bring to KO - why should we recruit you?​
5) Do you have TS3/Skype? If not, could you easily obtain it?​


Jul 5, 2011
1) What is your IGN? garrick52!​
2) How long have you been playing Herocraft, Minecraft? Herocraft? 3 days. Minecraft? 1 yearish.​
3) What class are you/plan on speccing to? Healer!​
4) What could you bring to KO - Healer-man! Also, farming maniac!​
5) Do you have TS3/Skype? If not, could you easily obtain it? I have Skype. TS? C'mon, ventrillo sounds better :p
MY GOD. Don't you ever, ever quote the entire post again. -.O Besides for that, all 3 above applicants have been accepted.


Jan 25, 2012
1) What is your IGN? I'm not really sure that's a common acronym for that but its Thayin...​
2) How long have you been playing Herocraft, Minecraft? Herocraft: 1 day, Minecraft: At least a year...and it's sweet. Both.​
3) What class are you/plan on speccing to? I am Paladin all the way...always are!​
4) What could you bring to KO - why should we recruit you? Uhm...I'm not 15, I love minecraft, I'm constructive not destructive, and I love to work together and create something unique.​
5) Do you have TS3/Skype? If not, could you easily obtain it? Sure.​
6) Also, I like cookies...​


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 2, 2011
1) What is your IGN? I don't know what IGN is but I'm pretty sure if I had one it would be awesome.​
2) How long have you been playing Herocraft, Minecraft? 1 day...and it's sweet.​
3) What class are you/plan on speccing to? I am Paladin all the way...always are!​
4) What could you bring to KO - why should we recruit you? Uhm...I'm not 15, I love minecraft, I'm constructive not destructive, and I have a bad hahit of hoarding diamonds.​
5) Do you have TS3/Skype? If not, could you easily obtain it? Sure.​
6) Also, I like cookies...​
IGN = In game name. xD