i have been in but there is usually 4 people on the entire server at that time:_: WE LIKE YOU! COME BACK TO US XD
i have been in but there is usually 4 people on the entire server at that time:_: WE LIKE YOU! COME BACK TO US XD
How early in the morning are you on... LOLi have been in but there is usually 4 people on the entire server at that time
Accepted.1. Ingame name? - Getcrazy
2. Do you have TeamSpeak? - Yes
3. Are you whitelisted? –yes
4. Are you willing to help out with Town? - yes
5. Have you obtained a Class? - I am a paladin and enchanter
6. What did you have for Lunch today? - I have yet to eat today.
7. Name 2 of the town managers and who they are? – @devotedworker @Pietro011
1. Ingame name? - achildersTown Of Silverspring
[Insert Weird Picture here ]
Our Town Staff
Town Mayor – Anevia ( Our Nature loving leader who is supper nice! )
Town Successor – MorganFX ( Our Quiet yet cool Co-Leader! )
Manager#1 - Dancergirl653 ( Our Artist and Mute Manager! )
Manager#2 – Devotedworker ( Our “Devoted” Manager! )
Manager#3 – Pietro011 ( Our “Awesome” manager! ) -
Manager#4 – Firecrafter1119 ( Our Newbie Manager! )
The Rules
1. No Snooping, We don’t go into your IRL house and search your closet so don’t do that to us
2. No Stealing, ( Duh… )
3. Help out, Cuz… We are a town be expected to help us and we shall help you to the best of our ability
4. Don’t build without permission, You don’t go to your school and build a random tower or a farm do you?
5. Have fun, cuz if you don’t then what is the point?
Status and Projects
Create Small town - COMPLETE
Create Primary Wall - COMPLETE
Create a Town TS and Ingame Channel - COMPLETE
Create Undercity – OMG we still haven’t done this :_: *Nags MorganFX*
Create Town Hall - COMPLETE
Upgrade to Medium Town - COMPLETE
Create Secondary Town Wall – Use the Managers as Slave labor >Mahaha
Rule the world :3 – Not quite yet…
Create a Kingdom? – Err… Not sure about that yet but a possibility
Town Member Application Format ( JUST COPY, PASTE, AND FILL OUT )
1. Ingame name? -
2. Do you have TeamSpeak? -
3. Are you whitelisted? –
4. Are you willing to help out with Town? -
5. Have you obtained a Class? -
6. What did you have for Lunch today? -
7. Name 2 of the town managers and who they are? –
8. Tagged @devotedworker @MorganFX @anevia @Dancergirl653? -
Town ally Application Format ( Includes towns that do not have regions yet… We <3 to have Nice Nieghbors! )
8. Tagged @devotedworker @MorganFX @anevia @Dancergirl653? -
Accepted1. Ingame name? - achilders
2. Do you have TeamSpeak? - yes
3. Are you whitelisted? – yes
4. Are you willing to help out with Town? - yes
5. Have you obtained a Class? - yes
6. What did you have for Lunch today? - ham
7. Name 2 of the town managers and who they are? – devotedworker manager, pietro011 manager