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[Town] New Dresden [17] - Evil - [ S.S.S.]


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 3, 2011
I'm very confused about how people didn't immediately associate these symbols with Nazism though. Aside from just about all them being common knowledge(any one who goes to school, or has watched 10 minutes of history channel should recognize them) Weynard makes many not so subtle hints at it...

Since when was this a surprise? Its only a small step up from their activity last map :p
Apr 25, 2011
First of all, take it up with Brutalacerate. He closed the thread and said what New Dresden is doing is fine. I personally am anti-Nazi, but I don't believe that New Dresden are Nazi-supporters. Let them say for themselves before you condemn them.
P.S.... if we continue the discussion in this forum, Brutalacerate is likely to yell at both of us, so... PM me if you want to PMS. ;)
But I think it is perfectly on-topic in this thread to ask Weynard what their stand is. If they aren't Nazi-supporters, I might just join them to spite people like you and IngloriousBasterd...


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 15, 2011
Wait... You realize that Hitler/Nazi's hated communism right? It seems to me your not expressing an idea your just combining various concepts that piss people off for amusement.


Its genius you evil bastard.

Let's be honest, despite anything you may have against the Nazis (which is probably for a good reason), their uniforms and architecture is damn cool.

With that said, it's not Nazism, it's our own style (to be honest, we're still figuring it out); it's not communism, it's socialism with dictatorial autocratic tendencies thrown in to the mix.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 3, 2011
Let's be honest, despite anything you may have against the Nazis (which is probably for a good reason), their uniforms and architecture is damn cool.

This is true. I always thought it was a shame that their helmets were de-popularized due to being associated with horrible evil despite the fact that they actually saved a lot more lives and looked cooler.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 13, 2011
This is true. I always thought it was a shame that their helmets were de-popularized due to being associated with horrible evil despite the fact that they actually saved a lot more lives and looked cooler.
i always thought there helmets made them look like a walking, talking, fighting penis.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 13, 2011
Langenhagen (Hanover)
Alright. I am surprised you people dare to claim we were nazis. Oh wait, you already didn't get the reference to the swastika house Artemis (read as: some of you guys) built on the last map.
But what stuns me even more is that you don't have the balls to use your real name and instead hide behind an Anonymous account. That post is not funny and neither are you.
I'm guessing you are one of the guys we were raiding these days -prolly one of the mages but who knows-, but I can assure you that neither are we nazis, far from it, nor will this go unpunished.
EDIT: Can we get this pile of shit deleted? I don't want that in my township thread forever.

Bottom Line: You do not piss off the people of New Dresden.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 3, 2011
Hey I didn't raid you. I find the treatment of your township by other townships disgusting. I just think its funny how much drama there is.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 3, 2011
Do you not realize he attacks our town?
You do realize that to defeat him you've allied those who have backstabbed us in the past and attack us 100x more often and 100x more aggressively? Do you realize our people have done grief damage? Do you realize that even as immoral bandits they have the discipline to wait on their leadership to decide on major things such as war and alliances(especially those with our enemies known for backstabbing)? Do you realize that even as immoral bandits they have the discipline not to sit in our town for days to camp?

EDIT: IronPass' behavior in this conflict is disgusting and degrading our own community.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 13, 2011
Langenhagen (Hanover)
You do realize that to defeat him you've allied those who have backstabbed us in the past and attack us 100x more often and 100x more aggressively? Do you realize our people have done grief damage? Do you realize that even as immoral bandits they have the discipline to wait on their leadership to decide on major things such as war and alliances(especially those with our enemies known for backstabbing)? Do you realize that even as immoral bandits they have the discipline not to sit in our town for days to camp?

EDIT: IronPass' behavior in this conflict is disgusting and degrading our own community.

I appreciate your words there, but please let them figure that out by themselves. If they want to clusterfuck us or start smear campaigns, go ahead guys, just remember that karma is a bitch.

EDIT: gn8.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 3, 2011
Today the council of Ironpass Has voted Unanimously to end random aggression towards you and all other states. If you choose to continue the conflict our citizens are informed in our new rules of conflict are have guidelines On counter attack.

I would greatly prefer a cease fire on both accounts. At least until townships are up and people have a fair chance to defend themselves. As you've seen. If your under attack, there isn't much you can do in defense.


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 1, 2011
New York
Do you not realize everyone attacks everyones town?

Not true at all, i know for a fact, that if you mind your own business and not piss others off, it is possible to start a town with limited interuption. Maybe some hiccups hre and there. At least getting my town started has been pretty straight forward. Attack and be attacked, thats how it is... Mostly


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 8, 2011
Not true at all, i know for a fact, that if you mind your own business and not piss others off, it is possible to start a town with limited interuption. Maybe some hiccups hre and there. At least getting my town started has been pretty straight forward. Attack and be attacked, thats how it is... Mostly

No complaints there. Either way we are prepared for raids. At least, from what I see.

However raids that have stupid reasons, are laughable.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011

"Wait... You realize that Hitler/Nazi's hated communism right? It seems to me your not expressing an idea your just combining various concepts that piss people off for amusement.


Its genius you evil bastard. "
You are thinking of Communism, which is influenced by Marxism and Lenninism. He is referring to communism wich is the sharing of goods, welfare, etc.​


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011
Oh, sorry for the double post, but I almost forgot about this:

In Game Name: st3pur308
Age: 13
Referral: none
Do you have a microphone? yes, but my computer is not compatible with microphones.
How long have you been on the server? A bit under a day, but I'm planning to stay!
Do you have any friends that might also join? I do not understand the concept of friends.
Why do you want to join us? I believe and agree with all of your ideals, rules, etc. I need a place with like-minded peers to help raid, destroy, and pillage enemies with.
Have you been in any other Towns on this map before? None whatsoever.
Have you been banned on the server before? Not yet xD and I am not planning on it either
Anything else? I am an experienced PvPer, I have been in very prestigious, honorable, and effective clans, I can build decent facilities, I do not mind contributing to the community either, in fact I approve and enjoy it!