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[Town] Midgard(The White City) [17][Neutral]


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 16, 2011
  • In-game name: TwoWattWaffle
  • Location and Timezone: Central US
  • Age: 20
  • How Long have you been playing Minecraft? 1-2 years
  • How Long have you been playing Herocraft? 6 months off and on
  • Previous Towns(positions within said town if possible as well): Bjorkgarr (Mayor) and Neverast (Citizen)
  • Referral(s): None
  • Reasons you chose Midgard (Please give us some details just saying "I like the name." doesn't cut it.): The city is well organized and thought out more than just, "Lets put this building here and hope for the best." It not only looks fantastic, but it has more room to grow upon that.
  • Screenshots of previous projects (optional): Bjorkgarr
  • HeroCraft Path (Crafter, Rogue, Warrior, Caster, Healer): Caster
  • Heros Level: 24
  • Heros Path Specialization(if any): Wizard or Necromancer if it gets fixed, eventually
  • If you could do anything for/in this town what would it be?: Just help out in general with the towns projects.
  • What is your ideal job?: I can do a bit of anything.
  • Are you ok pitching in with the tedious work? I will pitch in when im needed.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 20, 2011

  • In-game name: CheeseN1p
  • Location and Timezone: Central US.
  • Age: 21
  • How Long have you been playing Minecraft? 1.5 ish years
  • How Long have you been playing Herocraft? Month or Two
  • Previous Towns(positions within said town if possible as well): Bjorkgarr (second in command)
  • Referral(s): TwoWattWaffle, 42Tuna
  • Reasons you chose Midgard: i'm impressed with how you drew out the town and then built it, instead of winging it. it shows you put thought into things.
  • Screenshots of previous projects (optional):
  • HeroCraft Path (Crafter, Rogue, Warrior, Caster, Healer): Rouge, thinking about changing to a crafter (I enjoy making traps for defensive purposes)
  • Heros Level: 20
  • Heros Path Specialization(if any):
  • If you could do anything for/in this town what would it be?: Have fun, Defense / war guy.
  • What is your ideal job?: Building a Thunder Dome
  • Are you ok pitching in with the tedious work? yep, the more who do it the faster it gets done


Jan 24, 2011
In-game name: 42tuna
Location and Timezone: Central Time Zone [US]
Age: 19
How Long have you been playing Minecraft?: about a year and a half
How Long have you been playing Herocraft? 6 months, I took a 5 month break during the end of my last semester of college
Previous Towns(positions within said town if possible as well): Bjorkgarr [Inventory Manager], Neverast [citizen]
Referral(s): none.
Reasons you chose Midgard (Please give us some details just saying "I like the name." doesn't cut it.): Seems like a very organized town, it is apparent that this town actually takes itself seriously
Screenshots of previous projects (optional): n/a
HeroCraft Path (Crafter, Rogue, Warrior, Caster, Healer): Healer
Heros Level: currently 21
Heros Path Specialization(if any): planning on going Druid
If you could do anything for/in this town what would it be?: Interior Wayfinding/Directions, Inventory Management
What is your ideal job?: helping keep inventory stocks high for everyone else / keeping Midgard a nice place to live
Are you ok pitching in with the tedious work? Oh absolutely


Mar 19, 2011
I regret to inform my fare city that I am leaving. As many of you know I am studying to be a game developer and I am in the process of coding the physics engine for my latest game that I am making next fall. I am hoping to have it done by the end of summer but in order to do that and hold my 40 hour per week job something has to go. Unfortunately that something is the large amounts of time i spend on minecraft. I will be passing the torch of mayorship to Sarelth (don't be mad at me shadowbunnies) as he is on practically all day, and when he isn't Ginzuishou is. He should be able to do great things with the town. I am sad that I must go as I have enjoyed ruling over my minions and kicking budding townships out of our territory. I wil still be on occasionally just not in the daily arathons I currently do. So with out further ado I present to you your new Mayor O' Midgard, Regent of the White City, Master of Minis Tirith... Sarelth.

Oh and one more thing...


Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 25, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Ok, All 3 of your are welcome in town. Consider yourselves our newest members.

Let the other guys know they need to apply to the town.