In-game name: 42tuna
Location and Timezone: Central Time Zone [US]
Age: 19
How Long have you been playing Minecraft?: about a year and a half
How Long have you been playing Herocraft? 6 months, I took a 5 month break during the end of my last semester of college
Previous Towns(positions within said town if possible as well): Bjorkgarr [Inventory Manager], Neverast [citizen]
Referral(s): none.
Reasons you chose Midgard (Please give us some details just saying "I like the name." doesn't cut it.): Seems like a very organized town, it is apparent that this town actually takes itself seriously
Screenshots of previous projects (optional): n/a
HeroCraft Path (Crafter, Rogue, Warrior, Caster, Healer): Healer
Heros Level: currently 21
Heros Path Specialization(if any): planning on going Druid
If you could do anything for/in this town what would it be?: Interior Wayfinding/Directions, Inventory Management
What is your ideal job?: helping keep inventory stocks high for everyone else / keeping Midgard a nice place to live
Are you ok pitching in with the tedious work? Oh absolutely