Why do you wish to join Lightforge?: New player, need protection and a place to stay

How long have you been on the server?: Two days only, but have already been sucked in and need a town or city now to keep playing in fear of PvP. ( I've been murdered already, and it isn't a pleasant experience.)
What will your class be (Spec included)?: Healer into Bloodmage or Monk, depending on whether or not I go out and have to PvP. Crafter into either Mason or Enchanter, leaning on Enchanter because I love enchanting items.
Past towns?: None, lone wolf been surviving off coal and leveling off of it.
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: I have a thing for floating islands, and in past servers I have gone to great extents to make them look amazing.
How often can you be online?: Hours a day, and possibly the entire day on weekends, since I am still in high school.
Age? 16.
Are you a builder or a fighter?: Examples? Builder, I'll link to the album I submitted to get whitelisted on this server.
These areas were for
a map I'm currently working on.
My IGN: aerofive