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[Town] Lightforge {45} [Good] Xandria Dominion*RECRUITING*


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
@ theorangetoast @dennis You're both accepted, talk in game on /ch lf to ask for help, and either Haxnn, Me or Diavolo1988 can give you regions and a plot.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
@ theorangetoast @dennis You're both accepted, talk in game on /ch lf to ask for help, and either Haxnn, Me or Diavolo1988 can give you regions and a plot.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
Btw, the double post was a mistake, and also, Im promoting dazureus to veteran seeing as he has been KoE in sanctum and zeal, and he was a mayor of a Koe town (Silverwyn)


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
You make people veteran for being KoE since Sanctum :confused: I make veterans if someone helped out alot or donated alot in Canterlot. Everyone, including me, joined Herocraft on Zeal or Dragongarde. Nearly everyone from Camelot quit when the map wipe was announced :( One good thing: I have been Mayor on two maps now, even though i only played for 3 months on HC :D


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
You make people veteran for being KoE since Sanctum :confused: I make veterans if someone helped out alot or donated alot in Canterlot. Everyone, including me, joined Herocraft on Zeal or Dragongarde. Nearly everyone from Camelot quit when the map wipe was announced :( One good thing: I have been Mayor on two maps now, even though i only played for 3 months on HC :D

Edit: Slow Iphone network resulted in doble post.


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 19, 2011
Okay guys sorry for not being acive AT ALL on the forums. It's just that they have been insanely slow for me. So I deleted my avatar I dunno if that solved anything,

Okay. So seeing as we have so many new members, I think I should inform all of these newbies WHAT a good member is.
Here it goes.

1. A good member follows orders from there superiors.
2. A good member has read the wiki.
3. A good member does not bother other members with questions that can be answered in 5 sec if the person actually searched.
4. A good member uses manners!
5. A good member does not beg or whine about stupid stuff.
6. A good member does not argue or fight with other members.
7. A good member defends Lightforge if there is reason to do so. ( If your a level 2 caster and there are fully armored pallys down there then it is understandable that you don't have to really fight)
8. A good member understands how things work around light forge.
9. A good member listens to other people and remembers rules and guild lines for light forge.
10. A good member is active on the forums.(unless the forums freeze on you and are SUPER SLOW.)
11. A good member pays taxes and donates if they have a little extra cash.
12. A good member should spend there time wisely and should have a drive to level, as boring or annoying as that may sound.
13. A good member should think about the good of light forge before themselves.
14. A good member has a somewhat decent house.
15. A good member participates in light forge events and helps build town buildings.
16. A good member should know light forge's allies,kingdom and alignment.
17. A good member CAN ask questions but they shouldn't be stupid ones.

Well that's another one of my VERY LONG POSTS and sorry I havnt been on in while. If you guys feel anything else needs to be added I will add it.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
@EtKEnn my other 2 veterans got their positions because of merit, yet it would seem ridiculous not to have Dazureus as a veteran, he was a leader of Atlas, the mayor of Silverwyn, and currently heads our oldest and closest allied guild. (The Academy).


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 18, 2011
Oh damn, I remember now... I still have those 2875 coins (not 3000 anymore, because i did lend some to falker) for you Wole, I'll send them now... :S
Sorry for the inconvenience.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 6, 2011
We can stop actively recruiting people, refer them to Canterlot and Xd+Panorama, yet we will not refuse them if they really want to join LF.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
Ok 1.4k comming your way entun, I need the 100 to get us into the nether. It is fun when your rich, but kindof take away a goal, and the fun of the lotto! :D


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 19, 2011
I hope everyone understands what I am trying to do. If you dont will just throw them out there right now: I am trying to change Lightforge. For the better of course. I believe that most people need to gain some level of maturity. I dont think any of you understand how frustrated I get over the way things are going in Lightforge. It pisses me off when I hear Tickles, a guy that came to help us as soon as heard we were getting raided, say "I think I am going to stop coming to defend Lightforge" "Why?" "Because your townies are ass holes". That shit just pisses me off. Our own allies are abandoning us because none of us have any fucking common sense. Some might say that I don't have a leg to stand on and they may be right. But I try to improve my attitude for the good of lf and I think we all should consider doing the same.

I am a guy who likes when people are active in chats. People who try and get TS. I guess I just like communication. Everyone needs to learn how to communicate and do it a little more. Tbh I truly only like, Donny, Haxnn, kourne, wild, and Sweord on this map. This is most likely because all of these people talk in chat and please don't be offended by this. It may be perhaps because I havnt really talked to you enough.
I think we need to be a bit more picky about who we add on our cits list. I think that some of these new townies are in for a rude awakening... And I am going to give it to them. Or we could just kick the ones That we feel arnt contributing enough.

I have actually considered leaving Lightforge because of the way things are turning out. I may be out of place saying all of this, but I believe that what I am telling you guys is for the better. I may sound like a hard ass sometimes or a jerk or something a long those lines. I am sorry that I do but I get VERY VERY frustrated. I hope your all reading this, but I bet none of you are as you do with all my posts like this one.

That reminds me. My post on good citizens was from my perspective. I hoped you all read it because I feel that it had some good info on there and I hope it has caused some people review how they have been as a citizen.
I hope Lightforge turns over a new leaf and we get town, build cool shit and have a fun time. Otherwise I feel that a lot of people are going to have no fun with this town and may end up leaving.