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[Town] Konoha {Will of Fire} - [Neutral] *Recruiting*


Legacy Supporter 4
Sep 15, 2011
Dear new applicants:

Due to... unforeseen circumstances within the town, we have modified the application system. If you hope to be accepted, here are some tips:

  1. Please be sure to make more LENGTHY applications. The longer the application, the more likely you will be accepted. None of the 2-3 sentence applications you see above.
  2. Be HONEST. Lying is a great way to make people dislike you. If you want us to trust you, and if you plan on becoming a person of significance within the town, honesty will help you get much farther in much less time. We do not tolerate dishonesty.
  3. Only include MEANINGFUL information. We don't care how many dogs you have, what your neighbor calls his bunion, or how your friend throws rocks at small lizards. We want to know about your background in Minecraft and other social areas. The more you can give us, the more we will think about you.
  4. DON'T BEG. I, along with many other people here, don't want to hear your sob story about how your fish just died and why you should be accepted because nothing good is going on in your life. If you want emotional support, contact your local psychiatrist. He'd be more than happy to listen to you for your money.
  5. Make your OWN application. Don't have your friend write it for you, don't copy someone else's and use a thesaurus to change it up, and don't just use Google to find ideas. We want to know about YOU.
  6. And finally, just because you have FRIENDS in high places doesn't mean you get off the hook easily. If you think that just because your friend is on the council you can get away with a tiny application, think again. The mayor and I will not give anyone more priority over anyone else.
If you follow these guidelines, getting in shouldn't be a problem.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 2, 2011
*bump-bump-bump* Keep in mind that Konoha is still ACTIVE! As long as the Kage is still standing, we will still reign within the ranks of townships.

The Will of Fire burns bright within the heart of Konoha and the Way of the Ninja will still live within the souls of the people. We! Are! Konoha!

Gotta love Konoha's Pride. <3
Jan 25, 2012
  1. In-Game Name:MiguelA777
  2. Age:16
  3. Referrals: Joka10
  4. Have you had experience with Herocraft in the past?: yes
  5. Previous Town(s)?: osiris
  6. Why do you want to join Konoha?:My friend Joka10 said that this was a good town
  7. What can you contribute to the town?:My Mining and scavenging skills
  8. Are you willing to participate in Konoha’s projects and keep yourself in an active state?:Yes
  9. Have you read this link:No,sorry the link is broken as I type this.
  10. Additional Info?:Im in JROTC at my school so I am familiar with the chain of command
    . I like to watch anime


Legacy Supporter 4
Sep 15, 2011
Dear new applicants:
  1. Please be sure to make more LENGTHY applications.
  2. And finally, just because you have FRIENDS in high places doesn't mean you get off the hook easily.
  1. In-Game Name:MiguelA777
  2. Age:16
  3. Referrals: Joka10
  4. Have you had experience with Herocraft in the past?: yes
  5. Previous Town(s)?: osiris
  6. Why do you want to join Konoha?:My friend Joka10 said that this was a good town
  7. What can you contribute to the town?:My Mining and scavenging skills
  8. Are you willing to participate in Konoha’s projects and keep yourself in an active state?:Yes
  9. Have you read this link:No,sorry the link is broken as I type this.
  10. Additional Info?:Im in JROTC at my school so I am familiar with the chain of command
    . I like to watch anime
@MiguelA77751 - Congratulations! You have been accepted as a Citizen of Konoha!

Azen, not nagging but how can we prevent those situations if we don't follow our own rules? ... I just think we really need to strictly enforce these rules. I think that application should have been longer.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 2, 2011
I didn't judge everything according to the Application. He helped me substantially by filling in the pools within the 200x200 area before he was even a member. I considered that deed as well; and he was accepted.

However, I should be taking the rules in much higher consideration - sorry.
Jan 25, 2012
Joka sorry i have failed you i lost the food and died on my way to the island...I dug straight down and fell in some hole
but I spawned somewhere and now im mining and getting rich so its not a total lose

Ps. I still have the rally point


Jan 24, 2012
Why would you rate my post "bad spelling"? I just emphasized my happiness that Miguel got in. Jerks.


Jan 24, 2012
I have a nagging feeling that Shinobi has nothing to do with HC, but, being new as of Dragon... what are the Shinobi Wars?
Jan 25, 2012
Some guy named digger got past our defences...i loged out before i died...again
well he attacked me at the gate
Jan 25, 2012
If my message did not post

Some guy named digger has gotten to the gate of our base i logged out before i would die again (5th time today)
Joka did he follow you here...or just by luck he found us i should have really payed attention to the double kill and multi on the chat i just didin't know he was that close sorry.


Jan 24, 2012
It's all the protection we need, and all that we have. Just always keep it shut and we'll be fine.