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[Town] Ignotis (10) (Evil)


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 3, 2011
Town Name: Ignotis

Mayor/SIC: OnixZ2/ Papabear20xd6

Banker: Icarumba

Location of Town: Around -1200,-1200

Misc Info: Wood and fence walls, Dragon out the front, water walls inside.

Charter Signatures:
  1. OnixZ2
  2. kzgonuts63
  3. icarumba
  4. TheSafetyMan
  5. Rafoki
  6. cshell121
  7. Papabear20xd6
  8. alayne72
  9. Belshazzer
  10. bbear500
Tax Payment Info:
Payment of 8/15/11 300c sent @Kainzo by kriskills. Sent at approx. 1:13pm Eastern Time. http://tinypic.com/r/2melj5/7

8/22/11 Payment of 300c sent by kriskills
@Kainzo http://tinypic.com/r/2vuklds/7
Was sent while Kainzo was offline. Didn't have time to wait for Kainzo to get online. (Work, and school)

Payment #3: Week of 8/29/11
Paid: @Kainzo

Payment #4: Week of 9/5/11
Paid: @BadHaddy

Payment #5 Week of 9/12/11 - 9/26/11
Paid: 900c @Kainzo

Payment #6 10/03/11
Paid: 250c @lucky644

Payment#7 10/10/11
Paid 250c

Payment #8 10/17/11
Paid 250c @Kainzo

Payment #9 10/24/11
Paid 250c @BadHaddy

Payment #10 10/1/11
Paid 250c @Kainzo
We are PVP'rs at heart. We are a force to be reckoned with. We have killed many people, had our fair share of deaths, and kill whomever we desire. Sometimes we help towns that are being raided, and sometimes we raid.

Quotes we live by:
"And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti."

"When I whet my flashing sword and my hand takes hold in judgment, I shall take vengeance upon mine enemies and I will repay those who hate me O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand And count me amoung Thy saints ."

"Whosoever shed man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God, made He man. Destroy all that which is evil. So that which is good may flourish. And I shall count thee among my favoured sheep. And you shall have the protection of all the angels in heaven."

All Quotes from Boondock Saints​

No griefing
No hacking
Be kind to town members
Protect the land
Help other townies
Build nice buildings
Bounties = Don't care who's town you are from.

We recruit others when we need more people in our town. 10x10 plots. Only good Pvp'ers, with at least one level 50 spec.


Killuminati Kingdom


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 14, 2011
Here's some images of our town:

Our dragon in front -


Town hall and dojo in the back, the inn to the right, and a few houses -


Our bank and town hall -



Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 25, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Yeah, always a good Idea to verify that the Mayor knows whats going on. lol. No worries though.
I Approved of this alliance. More friends is good.


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 3, 2011
New wall, need everyone to pm me in game, so I know who is inactive or not. Or put a sign out in front of your house


Aug 23, 2011
I currently dont have any level 50 specs but am an experienced pvper and new to Herocraft i was wonder if there was any chance i could join. if not thats ok thanks for your time.


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 14, 2011
Any town willing to have some organized PvP event go down? For maybe a few thousand coin, or however much you are willing to bet, we could have an organized 4v4, 5v5, or 6v6 and winner takes all.

Max9879, we aren't currently allowing anyone to join our town, sorry. Unless you have raided with us constantly, then we MIGHT take someone, but as of now we are sticking to our current members.

Shadow Bunnies

Legacy Supporter 3
May 13, 2011
I never approved an Alliance I just said you guys were cool with me, etc. and that I'd bring it up, but k coolio, that works for me.


Sage of World Making
Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 16, 2011


Please update your current citizen list.
Citizen audit on Friday September 15th.


Legacy Supporter 3
Apr 29, 2011
British Columbia, Canada


Are inactive or you have their names spelled wrong. You have 1 week to fix this. This will put you below the required amount of citizens for your current region. Please make the necessary changes.