You really have a warped rational. If I've called you an idiot, you defended it very poorly. My arrogance is backed up by action. I have things to say, so I apply myself to say them. I generalized the "you are all ignorant" to those who're trying to oppose me.
You are misusing a word. I could call you ignorant, but I don't. I know the definitions of these words. I love how people bring up school too - I'm curious as to how you do in school.
What, like the grades I get for my subjects? I guess you didn't fully read what I wrote, or skim read and picked out "context" :O You're incredibly pathetic, hypocritical and don't have the first clue as to what you're getting into.
Thanks for that. I read everything you wrote. Am I now pathetic for having an opinion? Jeez. What a world we live in. I'm going to keep writing, even though if you were level headed in any way, you would understand that this alone voids nearly everything and anything you've said.
Now, it's easy to tell anger through analysis of text. I pride myself on my reading abilities, from books, to articles to random internet forums. It's fun deciphering emotes through peoples text, and your writing screams hostility.
How is it possible to understand what someone's emotions are through text? You have to know the person writing it, and really, you don't know me. I don't know you, which is why i'm not pulling any ''emotion'' cards you on. From the frequent quotations to the need of citations to prove anything. You don't have any experience with trolling, and that I can tell because you're still replying.
I did say above that I like a good debate/arguement/discussion. Although this is getting pointless because of the long-posts. Kinda boring IMO. This also isn't going anywhere, which sucks. Basic troll myth says : Don't feed the troll. This meaning, if you leave the troll thread alone, it'll die off and dwindle to nothing. You, however, tried to bring attention to yourself and this thread.
To myself? Why to jump to conclusions. What, am I an attention seeker? I'm almost certain no one else is going to waste their time reading all of these posts, for the simple matter that I write a little too long. I write a lot of useless shit because I think it's funny.
I don't think it is. I'll write this whole message when really all I had to do was bring up a few small points. I write like this because it's much harder for people to understand, and I eventually want to find someone who can.
Way to over-complicate things to make yourself seem superior. This isn't needed.
As for your contribution to the server; yes, you are active here and in game, and yes you've helped a couple towns
*nearly all towns i've joined. I admit I didn't help Valor or Erebos. This really has nothing to do with what I was talking about, but I'll explain that later on. A community is built on differences. You're a follower, and that's clear to everyone. If a person of influence has something to say, you jump right on their cock and enjoy the ride.
I disagree with a lot of what upper staff suggest/want on the server. If you want some examples I can give you some. I'm not saying you don't agree with all this stuff, but if someone was building 5 - 10 penis sculptures outside your town/house on a daily basis, staff isn't helping you take them down/finding the griefer and you have to waste your time and effort bringing them down day by day. (Let's say obsidian penis' just for fun) You're not going to be happy.
No, but I guess i'll live with it. I wouldn't spam the chat channels and /petition until it's done. I'd probably decorate them, add flowers maybe. Probably have a couple of laughs!
Most likely, it wouldn't be much of an issue (i've never seen serious issues go unnoticed on this server, you may disagree, but I have my reasons). You're going to want to find justice, fix the system, and rid of corruption.
I don't know of any active staff members who are corrupt. The same corruption we dealt with when we had a regioned shape of some sorts built around a herogate in attempts to aid the TC's pvp. This wasn't good in my eyes, so I spoke out about it. I was civil, gentle and fairly kind about it, but I was bullied by a higher power.
-Now back to the help. This is the help I was talking about. Bettering the environment so everyone can play equally. Not so friends of staff get promotions/upgrades, but so everyone has an equal chance to help out. Ex: I applied for a banker, guide and balance team member. I received a banker position, but I'm very qualified for every one of them.
-As a guide, I would only be able to help people even more, but because the guide staff isn't friendly with me, other, less qualified people were getting jobs, juts to be part of the group.
You arn't a guide, so why is this needed? It's like if I said ''if I were an admin...''. Kinda pointless.
-As a balance team member, I would be able to sort out imbalances in the pvp/pve situation. A lot of classes are either over powered, under powered, or just straight up wrong. I wanted to help test classes and see what we could do to fix them. Once again, I wasn't tight with that group, so I was over passed by less qualified, less active players.
Same as above.
-Finally, I received banker. Whenever I was online I would bank a soon and swiftly as possible. I'm not sure of everyone else, but I had banked roughly 45k of gold on my best day.
I help out a lot with what I'm allowed to do. Many of my towns members helped sort out broken classes, work on improving the beauty of the server, and helped noobs make a living. We're bad people because we like to have fun, but I say you guys are bad people for trying to ruin our fun.
If I went out and ranted racist/sexist jokes, because I want to have ''fun'' with them, then would that be ok? It wouldn't, that would be stupid, hurtful and wrong. You used sexuality as a form of humour in your first post. Consider that there are people in the world who are uncomfortable with the topic.
What I want you to take from this is don't run your opinions off reputation.
Mute appeals, writen by you, don't have anything to do with repuation. You hear things, and act only according to them. You believe anything anyone you're friendly with tells you, and that's called gullibility.
I'm friends with EtKenn, Leftovers, TheMormon, ect ect. They are cool people, but I still disagree with what they say. I don't like EtKenn's PvP tactics, Leftover's town theme ideas and TheMormons attitute about the XD. I still get along with them. I don't endorse everything they do, I still keep my own opinion. Want more examples? It's not a good thing, and you should work on it.
So I am not allowed to agree with some things that my friend say? Well done, you've created pure independance. Like I said, I disagree with some things, but I agree with other things (probably the reason that we're friends).