Legacy Supporter 8
- Joined
- Sep 28, 2011
Just edit the post next time...
When did you join Herocraft:few years ago
When did you start playing Minecraft:around 2009
Previous Towns/Guilds:none this map
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s) (Leave blank if none):Shiroku, Praxis, Comunist Collective
Class/Profession | Level: lvl 10 wizard lvl 15 miner
What can you contribute to Raubtier:i am a good miner and i can stimulate our economy with lots of diamonds and iron. I also like to pvp i can protect our town or go on raids!
Why do you want to join Raubtier:i need a town to join and your town looks like the perfect fit!
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak/Skype?
References (Leave blank if none):Yes i have a mic i just have to set it up!
Both accepted. Get in game with someone from Raubtier. :\IGN:wolfer396
When did you join Herocraft:2010
When did you start playing Minecraft:2008
Previous Towns/Guilds:Shiroku, Praxis, The Communist Collective.
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s) (Leave blank if none):i didnt
Class/Profession | Level: Im almost nothing. Trying to get back into my old herocraft days.
What can you contribute to Raubtier:An extra pair of hands, i will improve on my classes and what not till i can perform in battle.
Why do you want to join Raubtier:A few old friends are present here and my brother Tyronus joined recently.
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak/Skype? yes
References (Leave blank if none):Tyronus
Additional Info: i enjoy Minecraft im a country boy from Florida love to hog hunt have bonfires and go mudding.![]()
Most of us are on during weekends, malikdanab and 0xNaomi ARE on, they just are busy with balancing and coding.So guys im moving too Drakenvill. i still want to help you guys out if you need any ports in the future just ask! You guys are never on and when your on your AFK! Also i would like too PVP a lot more! I hope to still hang out with you guys!
Every thing seems good. Msg me online and I'll set you up. Welcome to RaubtierIGN:gridlock0520
When did you join Herocraft:a few weeks ago
When did you start playing Minecraft:about two months ago
Previous Towns/Guilds: was trying to join hyperion but they took to long
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s) (Leave blank if none):took to long
Class/Profession | Level: lvl 34 ranger lvl 60 miner
What can you contribute to Raubtier: im lvl 60 miner so i can make ingot sale areas and im very active and willing to help with what ever is needed
Why do you want to join Raubtier:my friend drloves recommended me
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak/Skype? i can use both i prefer skype
References (Leave blank if none):drloves
Being an engineer will help a bunch (Have some projects to do). Would be great to have you. Welcome!IGN:drloves
When did you join Herocraft:Few weeks ago
When did you start playing Minecraft:Back in Beta 1.5.2
Previous Towns/Guilds: Hyperion
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s) (Leave blank if none): Took way too long for town leadership to add me to the perm
Class/Profession | Level: Master Engineer and 22 Ninja
What can you contribute to Raubtier: Im fairly active, and Ill be a new face around willing to help with anything
Why do you want to join Raubtier:Because malik is a pretty chillax dude(active leadership too)
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak/Skype?Yes and either or could work
References (Leave blank if none):
Additional Info:I still dont have much experience with pvping, but I hope to get the hang of it as I do enjoy the pvp aspect of HC
Accepted, get in game with malikdanab or I to be invited and stuff.IGN: brote
Age: 16
When did you join Herocraft: 2-3 weeks
When did you start playing Minecraft: 2012ish?
Previous Towns/Guilds: none
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s) (Leave blank if none):
Class/Profession | Level: Wizard 14; farmer 22
What can you contribute to Raubtier: If given a plan, i can be a hard worker for the community
Why do you want to join Raubtier: I want allies, and i also want to be safe. My friends reccomended this town
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak/Skype? i could but my computer can run both minecraft and a voicechat smoothly
References (Leave blank if none): drloves, gridlock0520
Additional Info: I love farming![]()
Accepted! Welcome back! I remember you from Vigil. Contact malikdanab or I in game.IGN:me19584
When did you join Herocraft:a year ago exactly!
When did you start playing Minecraft:ABout 2 years ago
Previous Towns/Guilds:Vigil
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s) (Leave blank if none):Map reset
Class/Profession | Level: Lostsoul level 9 and crafter level 7
What can you contribute to Raubtier: Help with whatever is needed and eventually a good protector for pvp
Why do you want to join Raubtier: I was a part of Vigil before the map reset and it was a lot of fun
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak/Skype? Not at the moment
References (Leave blank if none):
Additional Info: Sorry for being inactive for so long, classes were taking up a lot of time but I will be on more often from now on
When did you join Herocraft:like 2 months ago
When did you start playing Minecraft:back in beta 1.5.2
Previous Towns/Guilds:hyperion
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s) (Leave blank if none):following my bud drloves
Class/Profession | Level:level 36 enchanter/level 25 dread knight
What can you contribute to Raubtier:Im on fairly often and i can contribute everything and anything.
Why do you want to join Raubtier:I need a new town and this town seemed great . Also because my friend droves joined
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak/Skype?I could download and use teamspeak if i have to
References (Leave blank if none)Drloves
Additional Info:Not too much experience with PVP but am willing to learn and get better