Nothin much, Yves had xray and has been banned, I was showing signs of having xray and I'm on a 3 day ban even though I don't have xray and Tempest has still been raiding us a bunch. Basically, like I said, we need the trade post redone and we need to get the roads set for the regular residential district so we can get new people in with plots soon. Of course, if Yves is gone we'll need to make mcempire a council member and put him in yves's house and try recruiting more members to the town. Hopefully no one else ends up getting banned because that would be a big hit to the town. Don't start on the library without me I want to get a model set up in my head and go off of that. I have two stacks of book cases standing by and I need a good 5 more stacks at least for what I'm planning.
So, just to recap:
1)Trade Post
2) Roads and resident plots (10x10 plots)
3) Reeds for book shelves.
4) (if you run out of stuff to do) start gathering materials for the walls and hopefully when I get on again townships will just about be up.
5) If you feel like we have enough (I'd say at least 3 doublechests full) smoothstone for walls, go ahead and plan out the barracks or the guild district. Let's get some more roads done so it's easy to find our way around town before we do go ahead and do too much buildings. Remember, don't build roads out of town until we get rings.
Also, I have new building ideas for some guild HQ's we can put in the guild district, I've been playing single player with the new yogmod pack and some of the millinaire buildings are pretty neat looking once you start gathering enough supplies to upgrade them.
EDIT: On second thought, don't worry about the trade post,I have an idea for that too, line the area to mark it and put a sign there. Just worry about organizing the layout of the town, shape the terrain for the residential district and I'll show you what I want done with the market later. I may just send a screenshot to you in a PM if you're really bored.