Legacy Supporter 4
- Joined
- Jan 28, 2012
I guess I could give you a small tour.. xDCan I get a tour?
But seriously - I've walked past this town loads, I'd love to come check it out!
I guess I could give you a small tour.. xDCan I get a tour?
But seriously - I've walked past this town loads, I'd love to come check it out!
I will give yous tours once the base is COMPLETELY finishedI would also love a tour as a fellow Templar good sir!
Would love to have you in the town, just need you to re-answer the highlighted question.IGN: cortawsome
Age: 13 (almost 14)
When did you join Herocraft? Just today
When did you start playing Minecraft? A year or so ago
Did you read all of the town rules? yes
Previous Towns/Guilds? Nope
did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? nuh uh
Class/Profession | Level: Healer/lv 1 (sorry)
What can you contribute to Doriath? To heal the wounded
Why do you want to join Doriath? To train and become a better healer
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? However many hours are in a week
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? No, sorry
How did you hear about Doriath? I was just searching towns
Additional Info:
I'm very polite and nice. I'll never be mean to anyone, I promise. I'm kinda a slow typer. If you ask if I'm a girl and I say yes, it's because I am one. Thank you and good bye.
Accepted. Get with me in-game.IGN: sirdemonic3
Age: 17
When did you join Herocraft? a couple months ago but me and my friends just started back up after a long time of being away
When did you start playing Minecraft? beta
Did you read all of the town rules? marshmellow
Previous Towns/Guilds? none
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? wasent in any
Class/Profession | Level: caster/crafter 16/15
What can you contribute to Doriath? me and my friends play alot and all look to join here, we are all the primary classes and like to pvp and talk with people
Why do you want to join Doriath? we have been living alone in the wild and people keep stealing fom us while we are asleep. we want a safe place to work
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? about 10h but summer is almost here so quite alot
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? yes
How did you hear about Doriath? my friend uin153 told me about it, he looked at it on here and told me he wanted to join
Additional Info: im a long time minecraft pvper that has played many servers and i have 2 other friends that would like to join, uin153 and oojoc. we know each other in real life and fight well together. i like being in a social enviorment and i can roleplay pretty well if i need to.
Accepted. Get with me in-game.IGN:uin153
When did you join Herocraft?About a year ago, but I have been off and on
When did you start playing Minecraft?in alpha
Did you read all of the town rules?Marshmellow
Previous Towns/Guilds?None
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)?NA
Class/Profession | Level:Rogue/Crafter/2__ just reset my hero as a side note
What can you contribute to Doriath?I am a good miner and pvper with decent building skills
Why do you want to join Doriath?Because me and 2 friends are looking for a town because we are tired of getting stolen from out in the wild when we go to sleep
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week?5-10 HRs life pending
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak?yes for both
How did you hear about Doriath?Server town list, and i have seen the name in chat
Additional Info:I have two friends that might apply, their names are sirdemonic3 and oojoc, and monkeyfatzer may want to play. If i get accepted I would really like to get in with them aswell. We are really good friends IRL
Accepted. Get with me in-game. We can power level you to Necro, because we actually need a necro xDIGN: MsGigi
Age: 19
When did you join Herocraft? I'm not 100% sure but I think it might have been about 4 weeks ago
When did you start playing Minecraft? When it first came out nearly 2 years ago (before servers)
Did you read all of the town rules? Toasted Marshmallows
Previous Towns/Guilds? Oblivion / Currently in Xcution
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? Little activity, constant betrayal in the town, constantly having raiders invade the town, all of my chests were stolen by an insider, and too much immaturity and dick-ery from certain players
Class/Profession | Level: Caster (soon to be necromancer) /27 --- Alchemist/19
What can you contribute to Doriath? Soon, teleports to the Nether, Necro-PVP powers, awesome potions, and gold/diamond transmuting. I can also contribute high gold and diamond production as I do mine A LOT
Why do you want to join Doriath? I was advised that it was a good guild to join from Leftovers5 and rlane2000 and I'm looking for a guild that kinda has a No-Bullshit policy
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? It differs each week. Some weeks I can get on for 4-6 hours a day at least and then some weeks, I'm restricted to maybe an hour a day if that. Estimate: anywhere from 6 to 24 hours a week, sometimes much more than that. If my wifi situation changes at home, I'll end up being MUCH more active because then I won't be restricted to play-time on my consecutive days off.
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? Yes and Yes
How did you hear about Doriath? Rlane2000 and Leftovers5
Additional Info: My name is pronounced as if it were initials (G.G. or Jee-Jee), not hard G like in "Goo Goo Ga Ga". Future reference for team-speak![]()
Accepted.IGN: SpectreAU
Age: 15
When did you join Herocraft? About 10 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
When did you start playing Minecraft? I would say around 1-2 years ago.
Did you read all of the town rules?: Marshmellows.
Have you been in any other Guilds?: Nope.
Path/Profession: Right now, I'm thinking of Healer.
What can you offer to Doriath: Comedic relief, pretty decent at building and mining, and most importantly, know all the lyrics to She Bangs by Ricky Martin. I think that will come in handy.
Why do you want to join Doriath: Looks like a cool town, and is filled with a bunch of friendly people. I CAN act seriously when the time is right, and I will always be on my best behaviour. I pwomise.
How many hours are you able to be on HeroCraft a week: Around 10+
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? Yes.
Who referred you? FracturedFusion
Additional Info: While I am good at playing solo, I find it alot easier and funner to play in groups, especially with people I get along with. I feel I will make a great addition to this town, and will make a good Healer.
Accepted. Get with either me or @Riffic33 in-game, and register on our private forums @ doriath.eamped.comIGN: Destava
Age: 14
When did you join Herocraft?: Like, a long time ago (last year), but it looks like the server got a makeover so im a healer lvl 1
When did you start playing Minecraft? 1,5 year ago
Did you read all of the town rules? Marshmellow
Previous Towns/Guilds? Spire (dead, i think)
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? I wanted to be another class and they didn't accept the class I wanted to be
Class/Profession | Level: Healer lvl 2
What can you contribute to Doriath? I can be a good worker and healer, also I can be a good friend
Why do you want to join Doriath? Because I am looking for a town and this one is Unique.
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? more than 28 hours in school weeks, and in weekends almost all the time
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? yes
How did you hear about Doriath? I found it on the forums
Additional Info: I need to get into this again because the server is all new
Accepted, Get with either me or @Riffic33 in-game, and register on our private forums @ doriath.eamped.comIGN:Oojoc
When did you join Herocraft? several months ago, I have never been in a town and just picked the game back up.
When did you start playing Minecraft? since beta
Did you read all of the town rules? marshmallow
Previous Towns/Guilds? None
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? N/A
Class/Profession | Level: Warrior:8/Crafter:26
What can you contribute to Doriath? I plan on becoming a blacksmith to preform repairs, I am headed down the class path of warrior, but I'm undecided on which specialization I will choose. I can fulfill any roll necessary
Why do you want to join Doriath? I feel like I will enjoy the town and my brother has already been accepted into the town
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? around 10, but once school is out I will always be free.
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? Yes, to both
How did you hear about Doriath? My brother (sirdemonic3) informed me of it
Additional Info:I can preform menial tasks for several hours, on my previous server I would make potions in a giant room for 3 hours a day. I enjoy pvp and pve with groups of people. I'm not the greatest at building but I am trying to learn more in my down time.
Tell me when you're whitelisted, then you can joinApplication Time!
IGN: thephares3
Age: 16
When did you join Herocraft: Today, Whitelist is pending.
When did you start playing Minecraft: About a year ago.
Did you read all of the town rules? I want a marshmallow.
Previous Towns/Guilds: None at all.
Why did you leave the previous Town/ Guild? Question isn't relevant.
Class/ Profession Level: Hoping for Caster/Crafter, planning on Wizard/Merchant. Although Necromancer might be better for me, since I love the Nether.
What can you contribute to Doriath? I have some basic redstone skills, I'm willing to be a Mason or Engineer if you would like me to, since they seem fun. I'll be willing to help with projects often.
Why do you want to join Doriath? My buddy minerjoesdog is a member, and from what I've heard it's an awesome town.
How many hours are you able to be on HC a week? Right now I can't, because I'm grounded and have an F in English class.
Do you have a mic and/or are you able to use Teamspeak? No and I'm not sure.
How did you hear about Doriath? minerjoesdog told me about it.
Additional Info: I typed this on an IPod without realizing I had the ability to copy until the last question. Also, I can correctly type a sentence on my laptop using my elbows. Really though, I'll probably be on a few hours a week once I can play.
Accepted, Get with either me or @Riffic33 in-game, and register on our private forums @ doriath.eamped.comIGN: cortawsome
Age: 13 (almost 14)
When did you join Herocraft? Just today
When did you start playing Minecraft? A year or so ago
Did you read all of the town rules? Marshmallow
Previous Towns/Guilds? Nope
did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? nuh uh
Class/Profession | Level: Healer/lv 1 (sorry)
What can you contribute to Doriath? To heal the wounded
Why do you want to join Doriath? To train and become a better healer
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? However many hours are in a week
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? No, sorry
How did you hear about Doriath? I was just searching towns
Additional Info:
I'm very polite and nice. I'll never be mean to anyone, I promise. I'm kinda a slow typer. If you ask if I'm a girl and I say yes, it's because I am one. Thank you and good bye.
Good Application, just please re-answer the highlighted question.IGN: panicsfire
Age: 18
When did you join Herocraft? 5/16/12
When did you start playing Minecraft? about 2 years ago
Did you read all of the town rules? yes
Previous Towns/Guilds? none
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? N/A
Class/Profession | Level: healer | 10
What can you contribute to Doriath? material and time to build better and stronger community
Why do you want to join Doriath? Shelter from the storm and makes game more fun being on a team
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? 10+
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? yes and yes
How did you hear about Doriath? You BeasttRecon wispered behind my ear and asked me to join but when i turned around you where gone like that.
Additional Info: Cant wait to join but my old base is far so might take a small bit of time to transfer stuff.