Town Name: Demacia
Mayor: MeltyFace
SIC: Bl00dmaster
Location of Town: +492, +770
Tax Payment Info: -
11/07/11 @ Kainzo 300c
18/07/11 @ Kainzo 300c
18/07/11 @ Kainzo 300c
Charter Signatures:
[0] MeltyFace
[1] Bl00dmaster
[2] B0nes4w
[3] Guyerbenny
[4] Si898
[5] Phlucz
[6] Aperado
[7] Optr1x
[8] Ben8208
[9] Xpresas
[10] Phoenix13c45
[11] Daruliz2222
[13] owenfitz2
Council - Founding members of the town.
High Members - Friends of the founders.
Inactive - will be set if not seen within a week, will be removed if not seen within two weeks.
[1] Do not break any of the server rules. If we find you do you will be reported to the staff.
[2] Do not kill any of the town member or our allies.
[3] Do not enter another player's house unless you have their permission to do so.
[4] Do not steal from anyone in the town.
[5] Follow all building guidelines for the town.
[6] Be active and contribute to the town.
Town allies:
Town Pictures: