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[Town] Ched Nasad (37) [Neutral] - Recruiting - No Taxes


Legacy Supporter 9
Jan 12, 2013
Ohio, USA
1. Torod is my Papa Smurf<3
2. I told BlackOhso to fuck off and he went all apeshit[DOUBLEPOST=1375577747,1375577714][/DOUBLEPOST]


Accepted. Due to your previous hostile nature to our town you are accepted on a probation basis - be good or we will simply boot you - no warnings, no second chances. Get with a manager for acceptance.


Jul 2, 2011
Accepted. Due to your previous hostile nature to our town you are accepted on a probation basis - be good or we will simply boot you - no warnings, no second chances. Get with a manager for acceptance.

Thanks <3
Jun 9, 2013
IGN: SyoranKitsumi
Age: Fourteen.
Time Zone: Western Pacific.
Class / Profession: Dreadknight.
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Uninstalled it. Too lazy.
How long have you been on HC: Around three days.. I haven't been timing the actual hours.
Why do you want to join: Le Refferal; MsGiGi
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: None.
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes, I do understand your rules.
Tell us about yourself: Bacon.
Referrals: MsGiGi


Legacy Supporter 8
Mar 17, 2012
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
IGN: SyoranKitsumi
Age: Fourteen.
Time Zone: Western Pacific.
Class / Profession: Dreadknight.
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Uninstalled it. Too lazy.
How long have you been on HC: Around three days.. I haven't been timing the actual hours.
Why do you want to join: Le Refferal; MsGiGi
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: None.
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes, I do understand your rules.
Tell us about yourself: Bacon.
Referrals: MsGiGi

Accepted. MsGigi, can get you situated in town


Glowing Redstone
Feb 23, 2013
IGN: HBrules
Age: 13 (Neaarly 14)
Time Zone: GMT (English Time)
Class / Profession: Samurai / Smith (Soon)
Do you have or use Teamspeak: I have teamspeak, but use skype mainly. However im fine with either.
How long have you been on HC: A few months.
Why do you want to join: I need a decent town, this one looked good, and I was asked if I wanted to join by MsGigi.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: I was in Defiance to begin with, I left because it was a new town at the time, and wanted a more developed one. I then went to Malkier, I got kicked from that for Inactivity.
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: I understand them and agree.
Tell us about yourself: I am 13 (Nearly 14) and not like those little annoying 13 year olds who rage and call hacks all the time. I am happy to help out with whatever and love a good battle and will stand strong and not surrender.
Referrals: MsGigi

Thanks for reading!
Jan 26, 2012
IGN: Dillonlawrentz
Age: 20
Time Zone: Eastern
Class / Profession: Already Mystic..planning on either Farmer or Scribe for prof.
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Yes
How long have you been on HC: I played for about a year then stopped for a while in college but plan on being an active player again.
Why do you want to join: I've heard the town is very active and helpful.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: I was in skyforge about a year ago and left due to inactivity
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes
Tell us about yourself: You'll like me
Referrals: Sonax


Dec 29, 2012
IGN: Sneekpeek
Time Zone: Eastern
Class / Profession: Level 20 rogue going to be ranger and going to be smith
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Yes
How long have you been on HC: Played a lot over six months ago then came back and playing a lot again
Why do you want to join: Looks good and it seems like a helpful town. Also want to help protect it
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: This would be my first town
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes
Tell us about yourself: I follow rules and I'm pretty funny so i'll keep people entertained. I'm also competitive so i want to win
Referrals: DIllonlawrentz


Legacy Supporter 8
Mar 17, 2012
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
IGN: HBrules
Age: 13 (Neaarly 14)
Time Zone: GMT (English Time)
Class / Profession: Samurai / Smith (Soon)
Do you have or use Teamspeak: I have teamspeak, but use skype mainly. However im fine with either.
How long have you been on HC: A few months.
Why do you want to join: I need a decent town, this one looked good, and I was asked if I wanted to join by MsGigi.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: I was in Defiance to begin with, I left because it was a new town at the time, and wanted a more developed one. I then went to Malkier, I got kicked from that for Inactivity.
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: I understand them and agree.
Tell us about yourself: I am 13 (Nearly 14) and not like those little annoying 13 year olds who rage and call hacks all the time. I am happy to help out with whatever and love a good battle and will stand strong and not surrender.
Referrals: MsGigi

Thanks for reading!

IGN: Dillonlawrentz
Age: 20
Time Zone: Eastern
Class / Profession: Already Mystic..planning on either Farmer or Scribe for prof.
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Yes
How long have you been on HC: I played for about a year then stopped for a while in college but plan on being an active player again.
Why do you want to join: I've heard the town is very active and helpful.
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: I was in skyforge about a year ago and left due to inactivity
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes
Tell us about yourself: You'll like me
Referrals: Sonax

IGN: Sneekpeek
Time Zone: Eastern
Class / Profession: Level 20 rogue going to be ranger and going to be smith
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Yes
How long have you been on HC: Played a lot over six months ago then came back and playing a lot again
Why do you want to join: Looks good and it seems like a helpful town. Also want to help protect it
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: This would be my first town
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes
Tell us about yourself: I follow rules and I'm pretty funny so i'll keep people entertained. I'm also competitive so i want to win
Referrals: DIllonlawrentz

Please get with a manager and we will get you situated in town :)


Jul 4, 2013
Northern Utah

So.. I lied about my comeback.. :(

Just when I was thinking that I had a good bit more free time, I've gotten slammed again.

I'm really sorry, everyone. A lot of stuff in real life keeps coming up and between school starting soon, the various organizations that I'm in, and my employment, things are only going to keep ramping up as time goes on. I've loved every day that I've played with all of you; it is with a heavy heart that I announce an indefinite hiatus from Herocraft, Minecraft, and my YouTube channel. I just don't have time anymore. There aren't any hard feelings, and I wish I could play more, but I can't.

Feel free to do whatever you need to with my stuff. If someone else needs my room in the future, just stick all of the things that are in my chests and display cases in community storage or something, and cover it up. I'm fine if someone needs to take my room; I'll just find somewhere else to be when I come back.

One of these days, I'll be back. But it probably won't be for a good long while- like, it could be anywhere from a month, to two, to three, or even longer. I just don't know, and I don't want to tantalize anyone with estimates. I don't want everyone to wait on me. Move on and get stuff going. From what I saw on the last login, the town is growing really fast. And we've got a lot of new members coming in.

I'm proud to be a member of this town and I'll see you guys eventually.

Till then? Your loveable geek smith says goodbye.


Legacy Supporter 9
Jan 12, 2013
Ohio, USA

So.. I lied about my comeback.. :(

Just when I was thinking that I had a good bit more free time, I've gotten slammed again.

I'm really sorry, everyone. A lot of stuff in real life keeps coming up and between school starting soon, the various organizations that I'm in, and my employment, things are only going to keep ramping up as time goes on. I've loved every day that I've played with all of you; it is with a heavy heart that I announce an indefinite hiatus from Herocraft, Minecraft, and my YouTube channel. I just don't have time anymore. There aren't any hard feelings, and I wish I could play more, but I can't.

Feel free to do whatever you need to with my stuff. If someone else needs my room in the future, just stick all of the things that are in my chests and display cases in community storage or something, and cover it up. I'm fine if someone needs to take my room; I'll just find somewhere else to be when I come back.

One of these days, I'll be back. But it probably won't be for a good long while- like, it could be anywhere from a month, to two, to three, or even longer. I just don't know, and I don't want to tantalize anyone with estimates. I don't want everyone to wait on me. Move on and get stuff going. From what I saw on the last login, the town is growing really fast. And we've got a lot of new members coming in.

I'm proud to be a member of this town and I'll see you guys eventually.

Till then? Your loveable geek smith says goodbye.

Nooooooooo. Hate to lose you. Keep us posted and hop on TS every now and then to chat if you can. Going to miss you.


Apr 28, 2013
Netherlands / Dutch
RL always beats the Game so we can only look forward to see ya come back.. but yea feel free to drop in TS every now and then.
In the Mean time we expand the town for ya


Jul 1, 2013
Hey guys, sorry for not being on. Unfortunately, I have been having sever internet problems of late. It seems everyone in our area upgraded their modems to 50mgs, and our internet provider wasn't ready for it. As such, my internet is frequently going down, or not being near reliable enough to get online.
Last edited:
Jul 25, 2013
IGN: TheUberNerd
Age: 14
Time Zone: Eastern Canadian Time.
Class / Profession: 29 Ranger / 27 Alchemist
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Yes, I have TS3 and a working mic.
How long have you been on HC: I have been on HC for about about 2 weeks now, and I'm now quite accustomed to everything.
Why do you want to join: I'm looking for a fun and exciting community and town to be with. I want to be able to have a couple of players that I could always hang with and have back me up in troubling situations. "Especially active players!"
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: I've been in Wisteria, and as nice as the walls are, and as nice as some of the members are... No one is really active anymore, nothing is going on. So I've decided to go and find a town with a similar community but a much more active one at that.
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes I do! :D
Tell us about yourself: I've played MC for a bit over a year now, and I have played on a variety of servers, from factions, to survival, to RPG. I enjoy many other games such as LoL, certain shooters (occasionally), simulators, etc.
Referrals: TS3.


Apr 28, 2013
Netherlands / Dutch
IGN: TheUberNerd
Age: 14
Time Zone: Eastern Canadian Time.
Class / Profession: 29 Ranger / 27 Alchemist
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Yes, I have TS3 and a working mic.
How long have you been on HC: I have been on HC for about about 2 weeks now, and I'm now quite accustomed to everything.
Why do you want to join: I'm looking for a fun and exciting community and town to be with. I want to be able to have a couple of players that I could always hang with and have back me up in troubling situations. "Especially active players!"
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: I've been in Wisteria, and as nice as the walls are, and as nice as some of the members are... No one is really active anymore, nothing is going on. So I've decided to go and find a town with a similar community but a much more active one at that.
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes I do! :D
Tell us about yourself: I've played MC for a bit over a year now, and I have played on a variety of servers, from factions, to survival, to RPG. I enjoy many other games such as LoL, certain shooters (occasionally), simulators, etc.
Referrals: TS3.

Accepted..an yea we try to stay a verry active town so welcome on board.. dont forget you can only be in 1 town


Legacy Supporter 5
Jun 29, 2013
IGN: Grif18
Age: 16
Time Zone: UTC/GMT
Class / Profession: Ninja 59 Miner 45
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Yes
How long have you been on HC: 3 weeks
Why do you want to join: My town died so i heard about this town and i like the lore and the house system looks great
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: Wisteria and i left because it went inactive
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes
Tell us about yourself: I am a person who would rather stand back and observe a situation before placing myself into the thick of it. I'm a good planer. I like raids but only raid if i have a player advantage or the element of surprise behind me.


Apr 28, 2013
Netherlands / Dutch
IGN: Grif18
Age: 16
Time Zone: UTC/GMT
Class / Profession: Ninja 59 Miner 45
Do you have or use Teamspeak: Yes
How long have you been on HC: 3 weeks
Why do you want to join: My town died so i heard about this town and i like the lore and the house system looks great
What towns have you been in and why did you leave them: Wisteria and i left because it went inactive
Do you understand and agree to all of our rules: Yes
Tell us about yourself: I am a person who would rather stand back and observe a situation before placing myself into the thick of it. I'm a good planer. I like raids but only raid if i have a player advantage or the element of surprise behind me.

accepted by Ts