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[Town] Canterlot [77]{Neutral}


May 27, 2012
Hey, I'm interested in joining your town.

In game name: bassking31

Age & Location: Maine, 14

Why do you want to join Canterlot: I haven't ever been in a town before, and I'm looking to join. I'm good at PvP and Building, so I'll be able to help defend the town, and I won't make any eye-sore houses.

For how long have you played Herocraft: It's my second day.

Have you been in any past towns?: Nope.

I hope I'm accepted.


May 28, 2012
In game name: sabre707​
Age & location: america 17​
Why do you want to join Canterlot?: Sounds Like a good town, and I need one.​
For how long have you played on Herocraft? Just starting​
Have you been in any past towns? If any, which town/towns? No​
How did you hear about Canterlot? You were advertising on the server, i was in /ch re​
Are you okey with paying 20c taxes every Sunday? Did you know you could vote for Herocraft twice every day and earn 14c by doing so? Go to www.tiny.cc/hc1 and www.tiny.cc/hc2 I didnt thank you for telling me, and yes I can live with that​


Feb 3, 2012
In game name: sabre707​
Age & location: america 17​
Why do you want to join Canterlot?: Sounds Like a good town, and I need one.​
For how long have you played on Herocraft? Just starting​
Have you been in any past towns? If any, which town/towns? No​
How did you hear about Canterlot? You were advertising on the server, i was in /ch re​
Are you okey with paying 20c taxes every Sunday? Did you know you could vote for Herocraft twice every day and earn 14c by doing so? Go to www.tiny.cc/hc1 and www.tiny.cc/hc2 I didnt thank you for telling me, and yes I can live with that​



Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Hey, I'm interested in joining your town.

In game name: bassking31

Age & Location: Maine, 14

Why do you want to join Canterlot: I haven't ever been in a town before, and I'm looking to join. I'm good at PvP and Building, so I'll be able to help defend the town, and I won't make any eye-sore houses.

For how long have you played Herocraft: It's my second day.

Have you been in any past towns?: Nope.

I hope I'm accepted.
Accepted, Welcome to Canterlot! @Jotamota3006

In game name: sabre707​
Age & location: america 17​
Why do you want to join Canterlot?: Sounds Like a good town, and I need one.​
For how long have you played on Herocraft? Just starting​
Have you been in any past towns? If any, which town/towns? No​
How did you hear about Canterlot? You were advertising on the server, i was in /ch re​
Are you okey with paying 20c taxes every Sunday? Did you know you could vote for Herocraft twice every day and earn 14c by doing so? Go to www.tiny.cc/hc1 and www.tiny.cc/hc2 I didnt thank you for telling me, and yes I can live with that​
Accepted by Jotamota! Welcome to Canterlot


Feb 3, 2012
New updated picture:


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 20, 2011
I am changing SiC because my SiC's intend to leave Canterlot after some months. I'm just missing Zeal so much and being completly neutral. I wish XD could go complete neutral with no allies except the towns in XD. Being a part of XD is a bit boring right now when I can't thrust anyone in the Dominion except a few people. When we also have a huge amount of allies that I'm forced to respect, it limits who I can kill. For me PvP and town management is what that makes HC special for me, but when I can't kill whoever I want because some people from XD decided to make them no-agression or allies, it makes my HC experience worse. I' tired of being restricted to allies outside XD. If XD is as powerful you say it is, why do we have allies?

Get out of my thread tard.

Thoughts of betrayal Victim says. Nobody cared when you betrayed us, and who even mentioned that I would betray XD? I'll stay with XD for now, but I can't thrust any leaders of XD except Haxnn, mille and Kourne.

Also, this "Princes of XD" system is bullshit lol. Like I would ever care if Entun, Drastikos or Symbo made decisions as "Princes". I only see Mayors of other XD towns as equals in The Council. "Princes" just caused more problems then good. Believe me, many hates how you made "Princes" to make NM and N even more powerful over the rest. Entun seems to have forgotten that it was my demand that he was made Prince too, so that former KoE had eyes inside Prince/King Council. Too bad he forgot that it was me who gave him more "Power".

Blablabla. Cant wait to get home.

This is reminding me of Games of Thrones lol. I love that book-series.

Edit: I participated on North road all the time. I fought against and with Freepers from the start to the end. Dark Brotherhood means nothing to me, I joined because Alexhoff was a part of it.

To be straight with you, there is always someone to kill. Don't be so foolish to throw our power away. Here it comes, EVERYONE LOOK The secret to XD's power is the fact we have so many allies and friends. Who would want to fuck with a kingdom that can throw 4+3 towns of people at you? Currently (Because of Jotamota might I add.) we might be going off to war with Windhelm, we already have an aggression with the TC and Erebos. All I see is someone who would rather the PvP come to him over him going to the PvP.

And to the prince situation. I agree, but Sym and Entun deserve it because of their lineage and time spend on Sanctum and Zeal. As for Dras, he's a cool guy, but I don't think he is that high up. Actually, if he's prince material, then so am I lol.

Although I will admit, Canterlot is the under town of XD and LightForge not to far ahead. That's Xexo's doing and you must show him your involvement. PLUS Hit me up on weekends, I love raiding alone, but if you have an army online, lets go kick some ass! (Also, we are Neutral for the most part. Xexo refused to ally with many towns and now we only have Neutrality pacts and Non-aggression pacts) Our last alliance was the town of Sanctum, but that's because I own half of their town.


Feb 3, 2012
Currently (Because of Jotamota might I add.) we might be going off to war with Windhelm, we already have an aggression with the TC and Erebos. All I see is someone who would rather the PvP come to him over him going to the PvP.

What are you talking about "Because of Jotamota"? I walked three THOUSAND blocks to help defending Windhelm against a raid. I had nothing to do with Windhelm wanting to kill us. Ask anyone in there, they should know me, because I'm more online than you Victim, and more willing to help them than you.

Although I will admit, Canterlot is the under town of XD and LightForge not to far ahead. That's Xexo's doing and you must show him your involvement. PLUS Hit me up on weekends, I love raiding alone, but if you have an army online, lets go kick some ass! (Also, we are Neutral for the most part. Xexo refused to ally with many towns and now we only have Neutrality pacts and Non-aggression pacts) Our last alliance was the town of Sanctum, but that's because I own half of their town.

And what do you mean "Canterlot is the undertown of XD"? Canterlot is the MOST active town of XD. Xexo is almost never online, and you can pretty much always catch a online member of Canterlot anytime. Keep your hating to yourself, and stop flaming people without proved arguments.

PS: sorry if I misunderstood your post but it really sonded as you were hating me and Canterlot.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 20, 2011
What are you talking about "Because of Jotamota"? I walked three THOUSAND blocks to help defending Windhelm against a raid. I had nothing to do with Windhelm wanting to kill us. Ask anyone in there, they should know me, because I'm more online than you Victim, and more willing to help them than you.

And what do you mean "Canterlot is the undertown of XD"? Canterlot is the MOST active town of XD. Xexo is almost never online, and you can pretty much always catch a online member of Canterlot anytime. Keep your hating to yourself, and stop flaming people without proved arguments.

PS: sorry if I misunderstood your post but it really sonded as you were hating me and Canterlot.
@EtKEnn I meant that you are treated badly as the Undertown. Xexo will learn one day that we are not active, but until then you can't go bashing the towns. And I am very active; Windhelm and Jotamota apparently planned attacks on Xmas town, our sworn allies through friendship. Xmas Town comes above all others because of who they are. (XD being first and foremost always regardless of who it is.) And stop rating my posts randomly.


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
@EtKEnn I meant that you are treated badly as the Undertown. Xexo will learn one day that we are not active, but until then you can't go bashing the towns. And I am very active; Windhelm and Jotamota apparently planned attacks on Xmas town, our sworn allies through friendship. Xmas Town comes above all others because of who they are. (XD being first and foremost always regardless of who it is.) And stop rating my posts randomly.
Is XXXmastown our allies too? The shit? Canterlot' allies: XD and FE. No other towns/communities -.-

I got all the wool we decorate Canterlot with from XXXmasTown. Thanks @MajorasMask , consider yourself not a KoS anymore. That port gave us a huge supply of colored wool :p


Feb 3, 2012
@EtKEnn I meant that you are treated badly as the Undertown. Xexo will learn one day that we are not active, but until then you can't go bashing the towns. And I am very active; Windhelm and Jotamota apparently planned attacks on Xmas town, our sworn allies through friendship. Xmas Town comes above all others because of who they are. (XD being first and foremost always regardless of who it is.) And stop rating my posts randomly.

Since when XXXmas town is ally? They never helped us on a raid, and they were never listed as allies. In the old days they used to attack Canterlot.


Sep 3, 2011
They are a peaceful town that has been allied since the start of Zeal.

XXXmas Town have no alliences, last time I checked. Well, they are/were friendly with Windhelm, and have a few non-citizen players that they like, but I never remembered XMas being allied to Canterlot. Infact, I remember EtK stating the exact opposite.

@EtKEnn No problem man! :p Always here to help! ;) I never knew I was KoS, so..... yeah. Good to know I am not! :)


Admin ZeeZo
Retired Staff
Apr 7, 2011
I' tired of being restricted to allies outside XD. If XD is as powerful you say it is, why do we have allies?

We dropped all of our exterior alliances, only towns inside of XD are ''allies''.

but I can't trust any leaders of XD except Haxnn, mille and Kourne.

I don't know why you continue this bullshit. You don't participate, and I come over everytime we're all on and I help you guys with projects, like finishing the road to nevermore from ct, and helping remodel things when I can, and helping take down your mountain. I've protected you against Altum many times, and Unholy. We counter-raided both of them successfully over a dozen times in direct retaliation against them picking on your 'noobs' in canterlot.

You're a fucking asshole right now, I trust everyone on my council. IT IS MY COUNCIL.

Also, this "Princes of XD" system is bullshit lol. Like I would ever care if Entun, Drastikos or Symbo made decisions as "Princes". I only see Mayors of other XD towns as equals in The Council. "Princes" just caused more problems then good. Believe me, many hates how you made "Princes" to make NM and N even more powerful over the rest.

Again more ridiculous bullshit from you, Princes of XD are not their own seperate council. If any kingdom-wide decisions need to be made while I'm offline, they are allowed to do that. There is only ONE grand council conversation and we all participate as a whole. The conversation is there for one reason only - to communicate with me, and with each other where I can see it.

Name one god damn "problem" as you see it that has happened by electing Symbolite, WoleverEntun, or Drastikos a prince of XD has caused? Name one. I dare you. Fucking prick.

You're lucky I even fucking keep you on the grand council at this point. I will give you a chance to reprimand yourself for these hostile actions and words. Clearly you've been fed knowledge by spys, or you are simply mistaken in any actions we've taken.

I've not done a god damn thing except help pvp, build, and rebuild shit since before altum died out. That and make money for us.

I only see Mayors of other XD towns as equals in The Council.
And finally, why the fuck do you disrespect people on the council? 2 of the 3 princes ARE mayors. Drastikos is my SIC and I am King. I can elect my SIC to be third in charge of the kingdom, next to its other rightful heirs.

And where did you come off with this high and mighty egotistical bullshit, "only seeing others" "as equals"? Everyone is equal, this was the point of the grand council and electing more of your people and people from belegost and lightforge onboard, I personally was forced to trust because of your god damn whining.

That's all you do, whine about shit, without reasons, and you don't even make sense. You haven't whined about something and provided logic or a good reason behind it, yet. Or when you have, you've totally contradicted yourself.

So I am to assume you're pissed off because I made my SIC a prince of XD? Because he's not a mayor? Why don't you say that instead of this bullshit
Also, this "Princes of XD" system is bullshit lol. Like I would ever care if Entun, Drastikos or Symbo made decisions as "Princes". I only see Mayors of other XD towns as equals in The Council. "Princes" just caused more problems then good. Believe me, many hates how you made "Princes" to make NM and N even more powerful over the rest.

And I'll say it again - who the fuck hates it except for you? you're always the one whining about it, or whining about how you're being raided, or whining about other nonsense.

You better straighten your shit up, or you'll have my response to this "bullshit" as you would have it.