• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!



Jan 22, 2012
  1. In-game name: Tizzletom
  2. Location & Age: 15, England
  3. Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None :)
  4. Referral(s): lhatchy1, ChuckMed, bingy1218, pringle285, baconbuttyboy1
  5. Reason you should be accepted: I feel that I could bring my something to my server, my good attitude and friendly nature help me work well in a team. I like being part of a great community and enjoy joining in on conversation and i'm quite good at PVP, but i'm no GOD.
  6. How did you hear about Herocraft?: Those listed in referrals don't shut up about it! It sounds great!
  7. Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes
  8. Additional Info: I have a playstation 3, I don't usually play on it, however I like assassins creed. I game on PC more than anything, I play DC Universe, occasionally Call Of Duty, Team Fortress 2 and of course Minecraft! I'm good at Maths, English and on Sunday and some Wednesdays I play hockey for my local team. I like to make myself out that i'm rather talented on a computer, my friends tell me so anyway. Thanks.