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Suggestion [Titles] Additional Title Suggestions


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
How was new players confused about staff titles ? Just curious.

Because the new players don't know what a member of i. e. the Rules Council does, and having this title set as prefix in game might confuse new players, I suppose. They wouldn't understand the reason how they got this title and what for I think.


Feb 5, 2014
Because the new players don't know what a member of i. e. the Rules Council does, and having this title set as prefix in game might confuse new players, I suppose. They wouldn't understand the reason how they got this title and what for I think.
But you would think the name rules council is self explanatory hehe


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I've added some new title ideas. Check the unassigned titles in the list. Maybe you find a use for them?
Last edited:


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Just a random idea I thought about while I was building stuff.
I thought about additional titles and how they could be acquired, their appearance and you know the rest.

I'm talking about prefix titles only, no suffix titles. Anyway it's another "fancy" addition, nothing for the priority list.

So without further a do, here I go:


- - - Special Hero Titles - - -

[Specialist] - With the interest and experience in the various fields of studies and arts, you indicate the contrast among the other citizens of these lands.
You've truly mastered all professions!

[Completer] - A long way lies behind you. You've traveled far and encountered many battles in which you were able to utilize all schools of magic and all arts of combat.
You've truly mastered all heroic paths!

[Grandmaster] - You remember the day you stranded on these lands very well. It's been ages since that day. Ages in which you've explored every corner of these lands, fought thousands of battles, created and destroyed. You've achieved a remarkable grade only few have achieved before you.
You've truly mastered all classes and professions!

[Vanguard] - Your skills in combat no longer remain a secret to the other Heroes. You've truly exceeded your own potential and can count yourself to the greatest Heroes of the lands.
You've truly destroyed over 1000* Players and over 5000* Monsters!

[Legend] - You are a legendary Hero. You are notorious for your acts on the battlefield, no matter the incitements that led your blade and controlled your force, in the end your actions will either remain a scar or a tale to remember.
You've truly exterminated over 2000* Players and over 10000* Monsters!

- - - PvP Titles - - -

[Duelist] - You might be an Amateur, but you are passionate when it comes to fighting.
You've defeated over 50* Players (Total)!

[Slayer] - You are a bloody-spirited Hero, who is fierce in combat.
You've killed over 100* Players (Total)!

[Executor] - You are an infamous and merciless Hero, known for you bloodlust.
You've truly executed over 500* Players (Total)!

[Murderer] - You are a mindless and dishonorable killer, who prefers unarmed and innocent civilians as victims.
You've killed over 200* Players (Civilians)!

[Avenger] - You are an unforgiving Hero who prefers satisfying his thirst for vengeance, with blood.
You've killed over 500* Players (Rivals)!

- - - PvE Titles - - -

[Protector] - A true Hero protects the weak from the evil that is lurking in the dark woods and caves.
You've killed over 500* Monsters!

[Banisher] - Your edge and mind know no fear, you strike down any creature of the dark with no mercy and send them back to hell.
You've banished over 1500* Monsters!

[Saint] - You've sworn youself to cleanse the lands from the darkness, to allow the citizens of this world to live in peace.
You've truly extinguished over 3000* Monsters!

- - - Event Titles - - -

[Undisputed] - You are a glorious warrior of the arena, that remained unbeaten for a long time.
Be the victorious Champion in over 5* PvP events in a row!

[Creative] - You have proven to be the most creative artist and builder in several contests.
Be first placed in any building/artistic in game event/contest!

- - - HC Shop Titles - - -

Single buy prefixes and for mass bulks:


"Hero's Ethos Prefix Titles (5)":


*Indicated numbers are not supposed to be fixed requirements, but examples describing the difficulty of achieving each title!
Actual requirements would be decided by the staff only. Some titles are not supposed to be achieved the easy way!

- - - Other/Unassigned/Miscellaneous Titles - - -

The following titles are supposed to be unique and should only be acquireable once (or for each world/server).
Maybe in Events? Mechanics/Achievements triggering them? Post your idea below!

[Prime] - You must have really wanted this.

[Spirit] - In the very end you even transcended death, literally.

[Aeon] - The one who became an everlasting fragment within the infinite circle of creation and destruction.

[Lunatic] - God moves in mysterious ways... and so do you.

[Juggernaut] - ...who's next?

[Fated] - It no longer lies in your hands.

[Pacifist] - One has to do the dirty work!

[Sacrifice] - Your time has come.

[Puppet] - Congratulations, you haven't changed one bit, "Hero"...


In the end...
... I'm sure there is nobody who would dislike additional titles, only the requirements and the work of implementation behind them. I wasn't sure myself about some titles listed in the HC Shop Titles list myself, especially about my named "Hero's Ethos Pack", however. I only wanted to suggest some possible title additions for the future, because I know that especially PvP titles might be hard to acquire in the current server-player situation.

Anyway, you know the drill, post your feedback below, and if you like, post your own title idea as well! Don't forget to add requirements for the title(s) and to add their color(s)/appearance!

I'm looking forward to creative and serious replies!

Other things to question:
- Will some titles remain forever, aka, bound to the account?
- How much will the "Hero's Ethos" title pack cost?
- It is a low priority subject, but when could the implementation be possible?

Additional ideas:
- Publishing a list of players, that achieved special and event titles at -date-, -world- and -amount- (as in how many times), on the wiki or website.

(Optional) Pro:
- Consecutive success would be rewarded with additional free title(s)
- May motivate more players to join special events
- Could encourage players to do more PvP/PvE and use the Heroes plugin more often in general

(Optional) Con:
- A few titles are going to have high requirements and may therefore be ignored by several players
- Some titles can only be purchased with real money
- Some of the titles mentioned are automatically achieved when certain requirements are met, therefore this kind of system has to be implemented, which is additional work again

Thanks to the community that answered some in game mechanics prior this posts!
These titles are now part of Title Bulk 4

Ultra Mega Necro!