- Minecraft In-game name: TheBigH
- Location & Age: Alberta, Canada. Current age is 16.
- Previous Bans from other Servers (If yes, explain where/when): My most recent ban was from a server known as OnlineMinecraft. Due to constant disagreements with a staff member (if you're interested in looking into this, the current administrators name is Cat7777777), a fellow player and I decided to leave the server. After Cat overheard this, he instantly banned us from both the Ventrilo and Minecraft server, and although he didn't ban my fellow player (MGMgrand14) from the website, he made a special point of banning me, forcing me to create a new account simply to post a ban appeal (if you wish to read my appeal, view this link:http://onlineminecraft.com/vanillaforum/m/10087793/viewthread/5419883-banned/post/30454938#p30454938 Again, I apologize for the use of foul language, but after committing a year and a half of my life to that server, to be banned in about 5 minutes by a kid who had been on the server for 7 months made me rage. Hard. But the whole point of the ban wasn't because I was advertising. Cat and I have had problems stemming back from when he joined OMC. We instantly hated eachother beyond belief, and since he attained his position as staff member, he had been holding it above my head. He had taunted me for weeks about becoming administrator, and followed me whenever he and I were on at the same time. He had been looking for his oppertunity to ban me, and I guess this is when he took his chance. Aside from this, I have accumulated around 4-5 bans on MCBans from when I first began Minecraft, and decided to grief. After being griefed and robbed myself, I repented and stopped it all together.
- Referral(s)[Optional]: If you wish to hear from other HeroCraft players, talk to Zeelix, or Pengwie80.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: I had been taking a break from Minecraft for a while (5-6 months) and had been jumping from server to server. Today, my buddy Zeelix told me about HeroCraft, and how all of my old buddies from OMC were online. I joined the server shortly thereafter, and didn't really stop playing
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Indeed.
- Have you subscribed to our YouTube Channel? (Optional): Indeed, I have subscribed under the name "TheBigHitler"
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: Indeed.
- Special key (DON'T LEAVE BLANK!): HCT7
- Reason you should be accepted: The vast majority of servers I have played on have called me a valuable asset, and after getting to know players, I try to assume a leadership role and show younger players the way. Every server I really been a part of has really meant something to my life, wether it be the connections to staff, fellow players, or the creations I spend hours of my life on. I consider myself to be a great builder, a hardworking citizen, and an all-around good guy. I try to get along with every player I can, and if I don't, I try to steer clear of them. I am also INCREDIBLY interested in joining the rapidly growing HeroCraft community, and hope to spend quite a while playing.