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The Problems I see in Herocraft.

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Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 3, 2011
And to your pushing people out of no-PVP thing. It should be legal. You can throw lava on me if I am standing in your town hall, and maybe, just maybe you shouldnt go AFK on this game. I have pushed a few people off the edge in Zeal because they were stupid enough to do it. We were even safe because we know soulfire can hit in no-pvp so we didnt even have our paladin attack until our other member could hit him.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 21, 2011
And to your pushing people out of no-PVP thing. It should be legal. You can throw lava on me if I am standing in your town hall, and maybe, just maybe you shouldnt go AFK on this game. I have pushed a few people off the edge in Zeal because they were stupid enough to do it. We were even safe because we know soulfire can hit in no-pvp so we didnt even have our paladin attack until our other member could hit him.
It should be and is legal, see:
It is completely legal to push someone into a PVP zone from a non-PVP zone. Don't want to die? don't go afk where people can push you or LOG OUT.


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 3, 2011
I know! Just saying it should remain legal. He was saying it should be illegal, and I was saying it should be legal.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jul 10, 2011
Norway, Vardø
Wow I can't belive I acually read all that stuff, must have taken ages to write..
Anyway, if you still don't know how they get inside Orion let me tell ya.
For the first, the wall is unregioned, everyone can dig under or jump over,
for the second, its like only 20 blocks high :p


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 3, 2011
You have surely missed the overflow of sarcasm in that comment kevin. And btw. They got a capital, so their wall is now regioned. So you cant jump it, or dig under.
Mar 28, 2011
Then please please please inform Adaring to not freak the f*ck out when people get in.

Edit: Thank you Kris lol


Legacy Supporter 3
May 29, 2011
New Jersey
The reason he made this last night is because Tree Creepers raped his shit. He feels that this is the only way he can "stand up" for himself. Daring, if your gunna non-stop bitch about it, then don't even say anything. Your immaturity definitely showed last night when you said, "I'm here to watch you guys, so I can make an opinion on you." You know what you did the whole time? Bitch and moan about us killing. We do it for fun and to lvl up. Next time you try and kill us, bring competent people as well, that will be able to kill us.


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 3, 2011
^ he made it cause Ignotis came in and killed his town. Then raged, trying to find a way to get us banned (but knew everything we did was legal).


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
In my own opinion, there is way too much "He said/she said" business in this sort of thing.
Mar 28, 2011
"In my own opinion, there is way too much "He said/she said" business in this sort of thing."

I agree, but I'm also not going to let adaring talk shit about me and my town, make us out to be the bad guys and not say anything about it.
I am aware that this post in itself a he said business but my point is there as well.


Mar 20, 2011
so if i'm off topic or missing the point fine but heres what i think,

There needs to be a way to get into regions without griefing or expoilting, We are playing herocraft a hardcore server, pvp is part of the game. I personally want to tear down my glass bubble around my town but I'll give the citizens security until we're closing to finishing construction plus i'm not going to open another can o' worms.

I know we can't protect from every douchey kiddo that exploits but I personally there's no point to playing SMP if you want to lockdown your town from everyone and never want to pvp except outside your town. If your going to start building a capital expect a few people to come and kill ya, and dont act like you guys dont do the same thing. I for one do what i can in a raid and when it's over, I'll try to ask the people what they took, because I like a good story.

Dammit I didn't want to preach...


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 7, 2011
@Doreagarde Like I said, I'm not bashing on the administration, if I did nothing would be productive, you can do it how you like, but I'm stating how I see things. From what people say around me, I'm one of the people with a nicer perspective of the administration. Also, dissatisfaction is inevitable. You can't make a perfect anything, no matter what you do is going to be upsetting to some people. And if you want to know why I drew attention to what I wanted reiterated by other people, it's because I'm always answered by flat out arrogance and douche baggery. Am I a douche-bag for being dissatisfied and complaining about aspects of the server? I don't think so, thats just criticism, and if you don't like being criticized it's going to be a rough trip because you will always be criticized, on a daily basis, for better or for worse. No, being a douche-bag is when you see someone looking to get some answers to resolve a dispute is to interject, claim it's your business as well, and then tell me to step down, even if you never saw it happen.

Here's an analogy: I got in a fight at recess, me and my friends got beat up and so did the bullies who started it. I go up to question why they would do that, and instead of being answered politely, they spit in me and my friend's faces. While I'm asking them, some other kids who just got let out see this group, and start interrupting. They had no clue what happened, yet they are making irrational demands and claiming it's their business too, even though it is not. In this case, you could consider the playground the be [o] chat. Everyone is allowed to be there, but that doesn't mean everyone's business is your own. Polite people keep to themselves, they don't go around looking to instigate another fight.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but you should be used to it. I'm a low ranking moderator on a Garrysmod server, and I get metric fuck tons of shit about the server rules, and I never wrote them. When I moderate there, I abide by global rules, and I go by my own small set as well, including punishment. Difference being that on that server, there are very few rules.

And maybe I went too long on a few rules I don't like, but the overall theme is that the lack of a set of rules is tearing the server apart, every staff member has a different perspective, and there are far to many rules that are never stated. I hate the lack of an organized set of rules that includes everything on the server. On the whitelist page, there's a super vague, super small list of rules, which are typical to almost every other server, but it doesn't tell you that stealing railroads is griefing, or that you can loot rare blocks in the wild. It doesn't say that you can't kill people in a no PvP region, but you can push them out.

And possibly even more irritating, is the constant flip flop. One week we were told we could use lava or flint anywhere but other towns as long as we cleaned it up. A few days later, the rule was down to you can only use lava and flint in your own town. And not surprisingly, tons of people don't even know it's legal to use lava in your own town, hence some of the conflict above.

That's how I feel, if you're offended at this point, and you're hating me because I think like this, than there is nothing I can contribute I suppose. I'm trying to point out contradictions and flaws, but I'm slapped down because it's coming from some anonymous stranger who doesn't know jack shit about managing a server.

As far as that goes.....you're completely misusing my name; did you understand the situation that I handled?
Yes, i completely understand the situation you handled. I know it's illegal to trade gold in zeal (though no one has ever told me why.) And more importantly, I know that you think luring people into the wild is legal, which I said I agreed with. I'm not mixed up on that, and my point was that you can be scammed in a 'secure' trade. When I said secure, I meant it was in a no PvP region, so that killing was impossible, i.e. Zeal, where I witnessed first hand a scam of 32 diamond blocks. So I think you misinterpreted what I said there.

Also, if you are starting to hate me because I used you in my post, you should get used to it. I cannot back up my argument by giving anonymous staff, it degrades the quality of my material. What you told me, is exactly what you would tell everyone else, in this case your opinion got more publicity.

Your post I will dissect, since there are a lot of misunderstandings in it from how I see it.

"The "global" ,as you put, channels are moderated for your benefit.
We are not WoW or whatever CHAN board you commonly attend.
We have standards and we are extremely biased against stupidity."
If the global channels are not moderated for my benefit, which includes everyone else, then why is it? Also, I've never belonged to a chan board nor have I played WoW for more than 10 minutes. Those were rather rash assumptions.

"If you want 'discussion / conflict' channels, feel free to use the non-global ones, such as SLAP / LAG / RELIGION, etc. MORE can be created upon request."
The problem with using those non-global chats is that I was trying to address a group of people, not one person, and using SLAP, LAG, or RELIGION, would not have gotten me far. If I did that, not a single person would take me seriously. Finally, even creating another channel would not help very much, as I'd still need all of the people I wanted to talk to in that channel, which isn't likely.

"Have a genuine question or problem? Use /ch h or /petition - you will get far faster help there."
I had a genuine question, but it wasn't for me, it was for the people who attended the raid. Using a petition would have done nothing other than have a staff member ask them how they got in, and make the staff even more irritated at me.

"Completely opposed to someone and hate their guts? USE /ignore name"
Honestly, that would have solved nothing at all. I don't care if I hate them, ignoring them is never going to help in any way, shape, or form. I have to deal with people I hate in real life every day, and I can't just ignore them. Instead I listen to them and tell them why they are wrong, or I tell them I don't feel like discussing what ever trivial problem they came up with. Ignorance is only bliss because you choose to ignore anything that isn't blissful.

"I can't remember any game I've ever played where you will get a reasonable response in off-topic chat. This isn't to say "anything goes" in off-topic, but it's not always the place for serious conversation/inquiries. The same holds true here. If you want a serious answer, don't ask in a public chat channel. Keep it to tells or private channels. Petition with any evidence you have. Message one of us on the forums. There are so many alternatives available."
I may expect too much from people, maybe the idea that any human can be reasonable and polite, even over the internet, is wrong. Regardless, I asked them rather without being too rude, and trying to avoid and derogatory language. My goal was to make them admit they cheated, and humiliate them, or get them to tell me they blinked in and prove that they are decent people. Seems they couldn't prove either. Furthermore, I didn't want to bother staff over something I didn't want to see any punishment on, that's why I tried to get it myself. Also, thank you SO much for being so mild and polite. It's new to anyone who's ever thought differently than me. Maybe I'm not even capable of it, but I'm glad you are, I've got a higher level of respect for you, since you didn't take immediate offense to what I said.

"Everyone will have their own opinions on rules and how to interpret them, this includes some of the staff. Yes, the rules were fuzzy, and many still are fuzzy, but we're working on this. I have done my best recently to funnel every decision, especially any decisions in question, through founders. All founders stay in close, personal contact. The warning system is helping quite a bit so far. The rules are being updated often."
The problem is that the rules are not posted in a blatantly obvious place, you must explore the wiki in order to see more extensive rules. There are only five officially stated rules on the whitelist page, which is where most people are going to read the rules, there isn't even a link to a longer list of more defined rules nor a suggestion to view the wiki to view a more detailed list of rules.

Last night, you didn't give an appropriate response. You constantly failed to answer a simple question that would have benefited everyone. You telling me that you blinked in isn't going to give me a method of stopping you from blinking in, that should have been obvious. I was looking to get an answer to an even bigger question: Are you polite, decent people. I got that answer, it was no. I made you out as a dick because you are. You can't answer a simple question that would not have negatively impacted you, other than benefiting me.

"We enjoy battling with you guys. Believe me its a lot of fun. Almost as much fun as the "rage from Adaring" that will inevitably come after the fight. Did you notice how you were the only person from Orion really complaining about all of it. Greenliketea and Morriku were only arguing about Max joining in on the conversation."
I never said it wasn't fun, that was never part of my argument, in fact the only reason I can see that you added that was so that you could say "Almost as much fun as the "rage from Adaring" that will inevitably come after the fight." Which doesn't always follow, that was a rash generalization. Also, there was no rage in that. I don't know why you fail to see that, or more precisely, imagine that you are seeing me as angry. Did you notice that I also do most of the arguing on my behalf, and not so much for the rest of the town? Did you also notice that if I make a point that everyone else in town agrees with, they won't start the same argument because it would be superfluous? Green and Merikku were helping me get Max to stay out of it, because he was so intent on ruining me. He wasn't fighting for his right in [o], he was fighting because he is also from Ignotis.

"It was a fun battle! Even Greenliketea admitted that he enjoys the raids. Adaring everyone was telling you to shut up. To take the chat else were, but then you started getting angry at all these people who were telling you to. They had every right to, the /O chat isn't meant for those who want to rage, so if you start to rage on it, expect retaliation."
Again, that first part is superfluous, you are only trying to make it look like Green was actually against me, when he was not. I don't care that people were telling me to take my chat elsewhere, I have a right to use the [o] chat just as they do, which you seem to be neglecting, as you view me as sub human and thus deserving only sub human rights. I got angry at those people because they were being arrogant, they could have ignored it, there is no case in which that could have possibly irritated them unless they get mad at anything anyone says in [o] that isn't one line long. You constantly make the error of saying I was raging, the only people I raged at were the ones who kept telling me to leave, because they didn't belong in that conversation, they had zero positive input or criticism, anything they said was destructive and unnecessary, I don't know why you would support that kind of behavior, other than because you are exactly like it and it would be hypocritical to disagree with your own ways.

"You and i think a couple other people were saying well just leave /O chat then if you don't want to talk about this. Are you kidding me? That chat is meant for everyone. You can't tell people to get off because often times, there is some genuine conversations, and asked and answered questions that come up, and they want to stay on it. You have no right to tell people to leave the chat when EVERYONE would agree that the chat would have been better off without you in it. "
You and a couple of other people misinterpreted what I said, you just twisted my words on me which is a cheap shot. I never said to leave [o], or if my memory forsakes me, I never meant it. Furthermore, you just made a huge insult to me which I am astounded at your lack of courtesy. You made a massive, and incorrect, generalization by saying that everyone agrees that the chat would have been better of without me. If you want me to respond to you the same way you respond to me, then try harder.

"On a side note that is just a little pathetic.
"last of the opposition crushed by our strengthening number"

I wasn't aware that equated to everyone just throwing down lava buckets and not using a single skill other then root."
On a similar note, you asked for it by camping in our no PvP region, which we will do anything to rid it from your pestilence. Similarly, only 2 people used lava the entire time, the rest of it involved a brawl which you lost and you are failing to admit to, after all only one of you burned to death, the rest were player killed.

"Everyone who was on last night know you were not having a friendly discussion on /o chat. You were raging. Its completely understandable, we got in and killed a bunch of people before you guys killed us. That would make me really pissed. But to say that you couldn't believe that people like Max(some number sequence) was in the wrong, you are COMPLETELY ignorant. You started a raging conversation that 3-4 people joined in on. Yet you attack Max with such hostility, it doesn't make rational sense. Not a single person in general agreed with you last night because they saw how irrational and how angry and pissed off you were."
I was not having a friendly discussion, I was asking questions, and there was hostility, but I tried to avoid it. I didn't rage, if I did I would have accused you of hacking and cheating with NO basis for it what so ever. Rather, I tried to get you to either admit you did, or prove you didn't which wasn't that hard. When you got in, you killed a few of us and we killed all of you, which evened the fight. It was a failure for everyone, and you won't admit it, while I will. My town failed to properly defend itself, but that wasn't what made me angry. What made me angry was that you wouldn't answer my simple questions, and that others were interfering. I attacked Max with so much hostility because he attacked me first. He should have expected that getting involved in something with me would not end well for him. It made 100% rational sense that I was mad at him, he was interfering and making it difficult for me to ask my questions. If that's not rational, then I don't know what is. And just because I was mad, despite my lack of expressing it in the chat, does not mean that everyone disagreed with me. You are trying to isolate me, make me feel alone, and you are failing.

"It was your own fault for saying it in /o and anyone feel free to check the chat logs you can see that he was starting something.

Then you started spamming him with tells. You were raging. Seriously raging. End of story."
And you want to know why I was 'spamming' him? Because he told me to take it to tells, and so I did. Then I told him why he should not have gotten involved, and exactly how he presented himself to me, told him why he was wrong to interfere, and told him for the nth time to stop interfering, but he ignored me, because he couldn't handle being attacked by me after he attacked me.

"And last but not least why would you complain at all(about our attack)? We ran in there killed people with with every intent to kill till we died ourselves. We didn't take anything, nor did we even try to. You would get our stuff and the stuff we looted off you. You probably would have gotten more if you didn't use so much lava where our bodies would be but still. We went to kill and we did and we died and we had fun. Onix's first post in the forums which mirrored all of us , was "that was good guys lol" " that was a lot of fun" or something to that effect. Because it was. A couple people from Orion also agreed with us, it was fun. But here you go trying to ruin a good thing."
Honestly, if you cannot comprehend why I might be the slightest bit angry at you raiding us, then I fear you are doomed for a life of incompetence and arrogance. It's human nature to get angry when defeated, like I've said before, I'm not hiding that I was mad, but I never raged, I asked questions and demanded answers. I never tried to start something, but everyone else who interfered started to instigate and inflame the situation. I don't care why my friends or you thought of the raid. I was a crafter, I didn't want to get involved but I knew a small amount of diamond would not hurt me and that staying passive would have.

"Oh wow. First of all, you were accusing us of exploiting in "o" chat. People jumped in because you were being rude, and in all sense a dumbass. Yes we blinked in (you knew we had a wizard in our party), and no we do not need to tell you what we did or "come back and show me how you got in"."
I never flat out accused you of exploited, I listed it as one of the options. People jumped in because they felt like it, I wasn't be rude, I was asking a question expecting a simple answer. I asked for proof that you didn't exploit when you said that you didn't and having said that you blinked in would have sufficed. Yet you could not even give me that. I never asked to come back and show me, I asked you provide proof, and saying that you used blink would have sufficed.

Seriously, stupid question, then you escalated and started accusing us of killing mung3r in a no pvp when we specifically told you that Thunderjolt knew we didn't because he watched us do it. You had pride issues and would not ask him. You pretty much yelled and said you were making pe's, and we were fine with it because we had done nothing wrong. You escalated it, started yelling and accusing us in "o" chat, and you werent having a discussion. You were pressing us for answers that we dont need to give in o chat.
it wasn't a stupid question, it was a rhetorical question, and if you think rhetoric is stupid, you are the one who is incompetent. I then moved on to my next question, which was how you killed someone in a no PvP zone. I asked everyone what happened, thunder never spoke up, he never said that he witnessed it. I didn't have pride issues, because if I had known that Thunder watched you do such a low and cowardly thing, then I would still have asked how, so that you would openly admit it to the server, that you performed a cowardly and despicable action like that. From there, I stopped being able to ask anymore questions because every time I did, I was greeted by "lol, w/e idc just /pe it" which was so informal and rude on its own that it irritated me more than you trying to insult me. Furthermore, Max kept interrupting and disrupting my questioning for no reason that I can think of. Not once did you give an answer in [O] chat, even if you didn't feel obliged, but you never gave me a private messaged either, which gave me enough reason to believe you may have exploited in, even with the ability to get around that.

And please, do not bash my rank, you were out of control, and everyone in o chat jumped on you for a reason. You were in the wrong, and I did nothing that would permit you to say "KrisKills (who was ill behaved for a pseudo-staff member)". Not once did I hear anyone not from Orion agree with you that night. I even said "okay, the fights over, lets just drop it" but of course. You couldnt. Maybe you are the "Arrogant" one, and even GreenLikeTea agreed you are a rager. In the end, he didn't even care, he liked the fight (like we did) and had gotten over it. You pushed it to the point that Buddah had to threaten mutes if we did not leave "o".
Please name when I bashed your rank. I didn't bash your rank, I stated that you were very ill behaved for being pseudo-staff. Being the lowest form of staff possible was not what I was insulting, but rather your behavior for having your rank. And when you said "okay, the fights over, let just drop it." you were again avoiding my questions. And I don't care what Green has to say, he holds zero authority over me, I have 100x more power than he does in the town, and his opinion is his own. Honestly, using him to support you doesn't work, since he hates your town for initiating the combat weeks previous to last night. I never pushed it to the point that Buddah threatened mutes, every one else pushed me into that position. I can't see how when I'm the victim and I question something, I become the harasser, yet when I am the harasser and the victim accuses me flat out of hacking without questioning me or anything, they remain the victim.

Also @Doreagarde
I do not appreciate any of your videos. I don't see them as being constructive in any way. I also don't see them as clever, even in a position where I am only a spectator.

Also @Doreagarde/KrisKills
I don't see how fireballing someone in a foreign non PvP zone can be illegal while exploiting the ability to manipulate a player's position by pushing them out of a no PvP zone is legal. It is exactly the same thing, bar moving a person as opposed to simply fireballing them.

"The reason he made this last night is because Tree Creepers raped his shit. He feels that this is the only way he can "stand up" for himself. Daring, if your gunna non-stop bitch about it, then don't even say anything. Your immaturity definitely showed last night when you said, "I'm here to watch you guys, so I can make an opinion on you." You know what you did the whole time? Bitch and moan about us killing. We do it for fun and to lvl up. Next time you try and kill us, bring competent people as well, that will be able to kill us."
Shorty, you are so wrong it's more entertaining at your defensiveness when I never attacked than it is irritating how foolish you are. I posted this 30 minutes before I went to AB's shop. You know what I did at AB's? I observed you because I heard from so many people that the tree creepers were merely a group of pricks who got kicked from Iron Pass and select towns. Not surprisingly, this lived up to my expectations fully. The whole time, I told you that killing people there is wrong, it is a voluntarily no PvP zone for everyone, unless you are an absolute asshole. You do it for fun, but that doesn't justify you doing it. I PvP for fun, but does that make it right for me to kill everyone I see on sight? Not at all. Next time I try to kill you, I'll bring a squad and I'll make sure you die, because this is the exact same reason Shiroku was raided by twenty people. The server got sick of Shiroku's bullshit and took a stand, this time it will be even easier, considering there is nothing to like about the tree creepers.

"^ he made it cause Ignotis came in and killed his town. Then raged, trying to find a way to get us banned (but knew everything we did was legal)."
I didn't rage to get you banned, if I wanted you banned I would never have alerted you that I was on your case, I would have gone straight to staff and have it all carefully investigated. Obviously you failed to interpret what I said correctly, ironic too since that is exactly what I'm discussing in my first post.

I agree, but I'm also not going to let adaring talk shit about me and my town, make us out to be the bad guys and not say anything about it.
I am aware that this post in itself a he said business but my point is there as well.
I never talked shit about your town, I called you arrogant because you were. You were the bad guys, considering you were the raiders, that is inherently true.

"Exactly what hes bitchin at us about."
Not at all, I was warning you that you were going to regret your actions. You chose to ignore me and then say I was bitching about it. Like I said earlier, I posted this before I went to AB's shop.

Ultimately you better expect criticism from me, to do otherwise is foolish as it is self-serving. Just because I'm upset doesn't mean I'm raging. Rather, it seems you're raging due to your massive use of profanity inappropriately. Like I discussed in my first post, I'm sick of people misquoting me and dishing out generalizations that server them while being slanderous and completely untrue.
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