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- Joined
- Jul 30, 2012

The Order of Arch is a holy organization of knights, scholars and builders dedicated to protecting Haven from Chaos and spreading the faith of Aetherism throughout Zolaria. Founded at the end of the 6th age, or Bastion, The Order was originally a branch from The Word of Helios, an extremist pacifist faith that restricted its followers from even defending themselves, but has now grown into its own faith. We are servants of the Light, keepers of Order and we will fulfill our purpose, no matter the cost.

The Order is comprised of three branches, each with its own duties, purposes and leader the leader of one branch is also the leader of of the Order as a whole.
Initiate- The starting rank of all new members of The Order, they stay at this rank until they are moved to a branch of either their choice or the one found most appropriate for them.
Initiate- The starting rank of all new members of The Order, they stay at this rank until they are moved to a branch of either their choice or the one found most appropriate for them.
The Order of the Chroniclers
These are the holy men and keepers of lore in the guild. They are tasked first and foremost with spreading the faith of Aetherism using the Book of Light, The Order's central and most sacred text. Along with this all members will be assigned certain areas of lore to study and chronicle in new books for the archives. Higher ranking members may be assigned to watch over a church in an area near them.The Order of the Chroniclers
Scribes- The lowest ranking members of the Chroniclers, Scribes main duties are to collect supplies needed by the higher ranking members and to learn how to spread the faith and chronicle knowledge for the archives.
Current Scribes:
Monks- The main preachers of the faith, they are the ones sent into the world to teach the people of Zolaria about Aetherism and record knowledge during their travels and subjects assigned to them.Seer- The Seers are some of the most important members of the order. They are the ones who help the Oracle decipher the words of the Elders and chronicle them in The Book of Light. Beneath the Oracle they are the leading authority on the interpretation of the text.
The Oracle- The leader of the Chroniclers and the spiritual aspect of Aetherism. His is the final word on the interpretation of the Elders' messages.
Chroniclers skin:
The Order of the Stone Masons
These are the skilled builders of the guild, members of this order are charged with the building and maintaining of churches, shrines, gardens and other structures of the guild.
Apprentice Mason- The lowest ranking masons, responsible for collecting materials and building basic things.Current Apprentice Masons:
Journeyman Constructor- Responsible for building regular churches, shrines and gardens.Current Journeyman Constructors:
Master Architect- The most skilled of the Stone Masons in charge of building the great Cathedrals and shrines to the Elders and Patrons of the faith. Master Architects can expect to be sent to the greatest towns in Zolaria to build.Current Master Architects:
Grand Stone Carver- The leader of the Stone Masons, the Grand Stone Carver is responsible for approving, organizing and coordinating the building projects of the guild.Current Grand Stone Carver:
Stone Mason skin:
The Order of the Iron Fists
The warriors of the faith the Iron Fists are charged with the defense of followers of the faith and protecting the land of guild. Members of this sect are expected to max their desired combat class in a timely manner and train constantly either solo or at training sessions set up by the Lord of Steel.The Order of the Iron Fists
Squire- The lowest ranking of the Iron Fists, these members collect the materials needed to fuel the army of the fists, they also are asigned to a Templar to learn the ways of PVP from.
Current Squires:
Templar- Making up the majority of the Iron Fists the Templar are critical to winning the battles of the Iron Fists, they also may be assigned a squire to train.
Current Templar:
Iron Crusader- The elite fighters of the guild the Iron Crusaders are at the front line of The Order's fight against Chaos.
Current Iron Crusaders:
The Lord of Steel- The leader of the Iron Fists charged with organizing, supplying, training and deploying the Iron Fists to protect the faithful.
Current Lord of Steel:
The Inquisition
A secretive sect of The Order, The Inquisition is not bond to the normal guild hierarchy like the other sects. For their only concern is the purity of the faith and the purging of heretics and cultists. It matters not if their target is a king, mayor, peasant and even brothers for all the guilty look the same in the eyes of the Inquisitors. Protected by both steel and faith only the most vigilant and pure Brothers of The Order may join their ranks. Being an inquisitor is a great burden, for you will be feared and hated by members of the faith and brothers of The Order. Your gaze must be ever watchful and your retribution righteous and true. Take hied cultists and heretics for the eyes of the Inquisitors are ever watchful and their arms ever reaching!
Grand Inquisitor:

The Inquisition
A secretive sect of The Order, The Inquisition is not bond to the normal guild hierarchy like the other sects. For their only concern is the purity of the faith and the purging of heretics and cultists. It matters not if their target is a king, mayor, peasant and even brothers for all the guilty look the same in the eyes of the Inquisitors. Protected by both steel and faith only the most vigilant and pure Brothers of The Order may join their ranks. Being an inquisitor is a great burden, for you will be feared and hated by members of the faith and brothers of The Order. Your gaze must be ever watchful and your retribution righteous and true. Take hied cultists and heretics for the eyes of the Inquisitors are ever watchful and their arms ever reaching!
Grand Inquisitor:
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