• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

The Noob Guide

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Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 19, 2011
The Multiverse
Refer to http://herocraftonline.com/wiki/Category:Newbie_Guide


== Welcome to Herocraft! ==
Herocraft is a Survival RPG server featuring different '''classes, skills, towns, bounties''', and more, with a focus of '''Player VS. Environment'''. At its core is the '''[[Heroes|Heroes plugin]]''' coded and worked on by our own developer team, as well as staff who can help with any issue you may come across. While your first few days may be your hardest as you combat powerful mobs in dungeons or fighting to protect your base, there are many players in the community who will help and aid you along the way.

This guide will aid you, New Hero, to immerse yourself and become an aware member of the Herocraft community.

===The Herocraft Wiki===
:The '''[[Main_Page|Herocraft Wiki]]''' is a staff run resource where you'll find information regarding the server, its features and plugins in detail. It will be updated by certain players who have the time, information, and dedication to do so. Clicking on the various hyperlinks found throughout the '''[[Main_Page|wiki]]''' will redirect you to the topic noted. If something seems off or out of date, bring it up with a Wiki contributor!

:If you think something in the wiki might not be correct, it's a good idea to check in game or the patch notes on the forums.

:If you'd like to '''[[Contributing_to_the_Herocraft_Wiki|contribute]]''', we'd love your help!

===Follow the Rules===
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:The [[:Category:Terms| Terms of Service]], the gameplay [[:Category:Rules| Rules]], and the [[Teamspeak]] and [[Discord]] rules are always enforced. Familiarize yourself with the rules - ignorance of the Rules does not make you immune to the consequences of breaking them. The Rules are updated as needed, so re-read them periodically to keep up to date. The rules are equally enforced for [[Supporter|server supporters]] as for all players. No matter how much you donate, how many people you claim to be able to bring, you are never immune to being banned, suspended, or muted.

===Get help and report rule-breaking===
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:You can ask for help ingame in [[CHAT#Public_chat_channels|Tour chat]] or [[CHAT#Public_chat_channels|Help chat]]. Many players are helpful in chat and will answer your questions.
::In particular, players with the [Guide] tag in front of their name are staff members whose job it is to help you, so don't be afraid to ask them if you are skeptical of other players' responses.
::It is suggested you don't ask questions in O chat, since that can get filled up pretty fast and your question will be lost amongst the conversations. If you see a Guide, message them using '''/tell (Name)''' if you really need help, and they will help you to the best of their ability.

:If you have evidence of rule-breaking or need assistance from Staff in-game, start a [[PETITIONS FOR STAFF ASSISTANCE|Petition]]. You might also like to petition for a ruling if you are unsure about whether something you've seen or are contemplating doing falls within the rules. Failing to report exploiting by other players is ''also grounds for banning''.
Petitions are usually handled by [[Staff|Admins and Moderators]]. DO NOT submit petitions about minor matters.
Do not hassle staff about your Petition and you will be answered in due course. You can expect a response within 24 hours.

== The Basics ==

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===The Heroes Plugin===
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At the core of Herocraft is the Heroes plugin, allowing for an RPG based experience along with the building simulator Minecraft is accredited for. Every character has two classes:
*a Hero class
*a Profession class.

A '''hero''' class is your combat class. This comes with spells and abilities that are unique to the each class, and will aid you in dungeons and PvP.

A '''profession''' class is your crafter class. You begin your journey as a crafter and once maxed, you can change to a specialization to gain abilities that will assist you.

As your levels increase (this is referred to as [[Leveling#Leveling_Curve|"leveling"]]), you gain access to more of your class's [[Skills|skills]] (see also [[HERO_CLASSES#Skills|skills commands]]).
*Each class's skills are listed on the class's wiki page, and also in game via /skills (Class)

There is a range of commands you can use in-game to find out about:
:*[[HERO_CLASSES#Finding_out_your_own_levels|Your own class, levels, and stats]], and things like swapping your status bar view between your combat and crafter classes
:*[[PLAYER_INFO|Another player's class and levels]].

When you first join, you will be a ''Lost Soul'' and a ''Crafter''. As you ascend the stairs During the tutorial you will be prompted to select a class. You can do so by ''left clicking'' on the floating text of your desired class.

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===Hero (Combat) Classes===
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You can increase your levels in your combat class by [[Leveling#Combat_Classes_EXP|fighting mobs]] and by [http://herocraftonline.com/main/top-voters <span style="color:blue">voting for the server</span>].
*As your levels increase, your pool of [[Bars#Health|health points]] & [[Bars#Mana_is_.E2.80.A6|mana points]] increases.
*You unlock more powerful spells and abilities as you level up, as well as more skill allocation points. Note you can only have up to 7 active prepared skills.
**The [[HERO_CLASSES#Armor_and_tools|tools and weapons]] you can use are also limited by both of your classes.
*You can change your specialty combat class for free from Lost Soul at any stage - you do ''not'' need to master Lost Soul. You can return to Lost Soul at the price of losing all gained experience by using '''/class''' and clicking the ''barrier'' item.
*After this, you can use a [[Class_relics|codex]] to change to other combat classes, or you can use the '''/class''' command and pay a 100 coin fee (if it's a class you have chosen before without a reset, it will cost 500 coins instead). The command has a 30 minute cooldown unless you reset.

The specialty classes you can chose from are grouped into 4 paths as follows:
{{Combat classes}}

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=== Profession (Crafter) Classes ===
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[[Crafter]] is the base Profession class. How you gain Exp toward leveling your profession differs from class to class, and includes [[Leveling#Mining|mining]], [[Leveling#Building|building]], [[Leveling#Crafting|crafting]], [[Leveling#Farming|farming]], [[Leveling#Logging|logging]] and [[Leveling#Other_Skills|other skills]] use, depending on the class.
*You can change your specialty Profession by using a [[Custom_Items#Relics|codex]] at any stage, or after mastering Crafter by using '''/prof''' and paying a 100 coin fee (if it's a profession you have practiced before it will cost 500 coins, instead). The command has a cool down of 30 minutes.

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=== Money ===
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One of the critical components to this game and what makes the world go around here is money, aka Coins.

;Money and the economy
Money has many uses. Class changes, township management, purchasing items and services from players, and /shop items are just a few ways as of now to spend your money. Manual player trade can be arranged in [[CHAT#Public_chat_channels|trade chat]]. <br>
To name a few ways to actually acquire money, you can first and foremost vote every day, as well as mine and sell gold, slay monsters to gain gold drops, sell items and services to other players, and partake in the /lottery and gambling at the Casino in the western wing of Spawn.

==Know where you're at==

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===New Atlas===
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When you first join, you will find yourself in Abel's farmhouse, with Abel standing not to far off from where you spawned in at. Speak to him, and he'll teach you the basics of being a soul. <br>
Learn from him and many other souls within the tutorial to learn the basics of the server. When you're done, you'll be in the center of New Atlas.

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=== PvP ===
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PvP is enabled. This means you can be killed or kill other players if you wish. Be warned, players here are not always forgiving or nice; They don't have to be.
*While there are no specific PvP rules, it should be remembered that abusing glitches and griefing on a large scale are illegal and banable offenses. Stealing and Raiding however are all part of the game play.
*For this reason, don't grow too attached to starting gear. Many things are out for your soul fragments. Simply dust off and try elsewhere. If you have valuables, look into a [[town]] or a [[LWC_PROTECTION|LWC]].


== Connect, communicate, coordinate ==
This can be a great way to make the early levels a lot easier on yourself. Having allies is always better than having enemies, and with Herocraft's party system, you can even share some of the Exp you get for defeating monsters and crafting with your friends. Invite your friends to a party by using /party invite (name).

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===Chat channels===
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Herocraft uses [[CHAT|HeroChat]], a plugin developed by Herocraft coders.

[[CHAT#Public_chat_channels|Tour chat]] (/Ch Tour) and [[CHAT#Public_chat_channels|Help Chat]] (/Ch Help) is a good place for new players to ask questions and connect up with others just starting out.
*Tour and Help chat is also frequented by Guides and other established players who enjoy helping new players out. Ask your questions in the Tour or Help channels as you will receive more attention there than in off-topic chat.

Registered players can join any of the [[CHAT|public chat channels]] - off topic, help, recruitment, trade, and LFG. There are also a few unofficial global chats that are not moderated as harshly. Postings to content-specific official global channels, such as help, recruitment, trade, and LFG must stay on topic.

There are also ways to chat just with players in [[CHAT#Public_chat_channels|your local vicinity]] or send a [[CHAT#Chatting_with_individual_players|private message]] a single player anywhere.

Read and understand the [[:Category:Rules#Chat_Rules|Chat Rules]] - they are firmly enforced.

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===Discord and Teamspeak===
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Players can also join Herocraft's [[Discord]] and [[Teamspeak|Teamspeak 3]] server, where much communication occurs between town members while they are in-game.
*The IP and password for teamspeak can be found on tutorial island, or by asking in-game.
*The join URL for discord is [http://hc.to/discord here]

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Herocraft's [[Parties|Party]] system allows 10 players to group together, share the spoils of exp gain; Party members also avoid damaging each other, can apply buffs to one another, and/or heal each other.
*Parties are essential for large scale PvP raids or defending yourself from one.

==Join the Discussion!==

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=== Hang out at the Herocraft Forums ===
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Go to [http://herocraftonline.com/main/forums/ Herocraft forums] and register to join in the community discussion! You can also report bugs, post suggestions for the server/wiki, ask for help, or apply for townships.

*Joining the forums is also essential to having a full HeroCraft experience, as you need to register in game with your email.

*Go to [http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/useful-threads-for-new-players.55843/ This Thread] for a list of other pages that might help you!

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===Banned or Muted?===
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Head over to [http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/read-before-posting-ban-mute-format-here.128/ The Appeals section]

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===Found a bug or glitch?===
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Head over to [http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/report-a-problem-dont-tag-staff.9249/ The Bug Report Section]

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===Want to donate? Already donated?===
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Go to [http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/how-to-become-a-supporter-of-herocraft.16881/ This page] to learn how to donate!

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===Want Mods?===
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We a Hero Modpack available on Technic launcher available for use! Find it @ [http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/herocraft-launcher-technic-modpack-available.56565/ This Thread]

== Enhance your experience ==

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===Support the Server===
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A wide range of benefits are available to players who graciously help to support the server via [[Supporter|donor tiers]] or the [http://shop.herocraftonline.com/ <span style="color:blue">Herocraft Store</span>]. The top donor each month receives a 20% Coupon and 5 Golden Crate Keys!

[http://herocraftonline.com/main/top-voters <span style="color:blue">Voting for Herocraft</span>] rewards you with Exp and currency, and supports the server by catching the eye of new players. You can even win rare [[Custom_Items#Relics|relics]] or dragon eggs! Make sure you log in before voting, and have space in your inventory, or you won't receive any item you win. You can vote every 24 hours for maximum benefit. Top voter each month gets $10 store credit, to spend on anything in the HC store!

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===Short Links===
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[[Short Links]] is a list of Herocraft [[Main Page|wiki]] and [http://herocraftonline.com/main/forums/ forums] pages that are so useful they get their own short link URLs.

===Some Finer Points===
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:It is Minecraft, after all! Mine to gain exp and level your Profession, and mine to gather resources. When you mine ores, there is also the chance of a [[Money|currency item]] drop. You can see how much [[Leveling|exp you are gaining]] from mining and other exp-gaining activities by toggling [[HERO_CLASSES#Finding_out_your_own_levels|exp notifications]].

;Chest shops
:[[How_To_Make_a_Chest_Shop|Chest shops]] are automated shops set up by the server (for currency items at The Exchange and for redstone at many graveyards) and by many players who are selling and sometimes buying items. Right click on the sign to buy from the shop, and left click on the sign to sell to it. Note: You can't interact with chest shops if you are "sneaking" (a skill used by classes on the Rogue path).

;Food and Health
:The hunger system normally used in Minecraft does not exist in Herocraft. Instead, you regenerate health points by [[Bars|eating foods]] (this only works when you are out of combat). If you start without friends on the server and are not in a town, you will need to set up a reliable food supply. Animals in the wild are quite rare and not a reliable source of food. Since bread can only be made by Farmers, Carrots, Potatoes, or Melons if you can find a seed are the best bet.

;Death chests
:When you die, your inventory will drop into a [[Death Chests|death chest]] Note that if you have a [[Backpacks|backpack]] (purchasable through the [http://shop.herocraftonline.com/ <span style="color:blue">Herocraft Store</span>] or as a [[Supporter|supporter Tier benefit]]), its contents will not drop into a chest.

;About protecting your stuff...
:Stealing or looting from chests (other than those of fellow town members) is allowed. There are a few options for protecting your stuff:
:*Store it in [[LWC_PROTECTION|LWC]]-locked chests (costs 300 coins)
:*Join a [[Towns|town]] or make a personal region of your own using the Towny permissions.

:Towns might not be for everyone, but for many players they are a source of safety and companionship! Only town members can break blocks within the town region. Stealing from town mates or giving enemies access to chests in your town is termed [[:Category:Rules#Town_Specific_Rules.2FPersonal_Regions.2FNoble_.26_Royal_Plots|region abuse]] and this is a banable offense. Town raiding (solo or in a party with town mates) is a popular activity, but with adequate security measures you and your goods should be pretty safe in your town... Again, placing dirt on top of your chests is advisable. Many towns also have large farms where you can get food.

:The requirements and costs for [[Towns|setting up a town]] and keeping regions are made to be challenging to encourage commitment and a sense of accomplishment in town members. Towns can be set up on either Aegis of Sanctuary.

:Most towns require interested players to post applications on their [http://herocraftonline.com/main/forums/townships.30/ <span style="color:blue">town thread</span>] at the forums, where the town's leaders will set out the town's objectives, hierarchy of leaders, specific requirements expected of town members (taxes, helping with building projects, participating in defense or raiding etc), and the application process. You can also ask in [[CHAT#Public_chat_channels|recruitment chat]] about towns that are recruiting.

;Wilderness houses and abandoned buildings
:If you don't protect your building with a region, expect it to get griefed. Town protections start very cheaply, making personal regions well within the reach of new players early in the game.

;Odd Effects ...
You'll find you'll get unexpected results by right or left-clicking with the following items:
:*diamond (right-clicking) - consumes the diamond in return for some stamina regeneration
:*emerald (right-clicking) - consumes the emerald in return for some mana regeneration

First off I want to welcome you to Herocraft: The Multiverse. I'm sure many of you reading this are anxious to jump right onto our amazing Minecraft server. However, before you can do that, there are some things you should know first. This guide is here to help both newer and older players. If your looking for help with money making, leveling or just everyday terms, this guide is for you!

The Greylist and The Whitelist Process

So you've stumbled upon our website or MCF post and your interested in seeing this server for yourself? Here on Herocraft we have two different options of play. They are known as the Greylist and the Whitelist.

Every player starts on the Greylist. However Greylisted members are limited in what they can do. Some of these limitations are...
  • Limited Access to the Bastion Map (You cannot place block, break blocks, or open chests. This is also the main map used by players and townships)
  • Limited Access to Townships. (You may join them, however you cannot break blocks, place blocks, or open chests.)
  • Limited Chat Access. (Your main form of communication will be in Tour chat, as you will not have access to Off-topic or other channels)
The Whitelist is different from the Greylist. You must apply, or alternatively you can buy premium rights if you do not want to wait, in order to become Whitelisted.

There are many different benefits to being Whitelisted, these benefits include but are not limited to...​

  • Full access to the Bastion Map (Breaking blocks, Placing blocks, opening chests)
  • Full access to Townships
  • Access to different chat channels like Off-topic and Trade so you can fully enjoy the community of Herocraft
If you want to apply, you can follow the steps below to get started.

  • Go to Hc.to/appguide and read it over. This will explain the whole application process to you.
  • Once you have read the page there, you can make a application Here or Here
  • Be sure to follow the rules when posting your application. (Post in the proper format (Include the questions asked with your answers!), do NOT bump your post, do NOT tag staff in your application, and do NOT ask about your application in game.)
  • Most applications are answered within 24 hours. Be sure to check your application frequently! Proctors often have questions they want you to answer.
The Heroes Breakdown!

What is Heroes?
Heroes is a plugin developed by our lovely Development team here on Herocraft. It allows the users to dive into the element of RPG by allowing them to level up different classes. As these classes level they become stronger and gain more skills that help then in both PvE and PvP.
Warrior - The Warrior path has the most HP out of the first 4 starting classes. They do less damage then some of the other classes, however make up for this loss in the form of Iron and Chainmail Armor. Skills used by this class cost Stamina.

Rogue - The Rogue path has the higest Melee damage out of the first 4 starting classes, however they can only wear leather and gold armor. They do not have the lowest HP of the group but come close to the bottom of the totem pole. They make up for this by their Sheer damage and their ability to sneak, allowing them to stay hidden while moving at full speed. Skills used by this class cost Stamina.

Caster - The Caster path is the magic user of the first 4 starting classes. They use their magical abilities to obliterate their opponents, however this comes at a cost. To counteract the fact the deal so much damage and are able to do this at a range, they have the lowest amount of HP of the starting 4 classes. They are also limited to leather and gold armor only. Skills used by this class cost Mana.

Healer - The Healer path is the support class of the first 4 starting classes. They have the 2nd highest HP pool out of the 4 classes. They can only use leather and gold armor, however make up with this by being able to heal themselves in and out of combat. They specialize in keeping not only themselves but their party members alive.


Crafter - This is a starting path everyone gets to have. This is the start of your profession class. The only way to level this class is by mining, farming or fishing. Leveling and eventually mastering this class will give you access to Diamond picks and other useful skills that are restricted for only specific profession use.


Once you reach level 20 in any of the base paths above, you may specialize into a new class (For a 250 coin fee.) These are the classes that have all the amazing and hard hitting skills. You may choose to change specializations at any time, however if you choose to revert to a specialization you have already earned experience in, the price to change into it will double! (A 500 coin fee.)
Warrior Specializations:
Dreadknight - Known to be the masters of death and fear, Dreadknights are powerful opponents that while tanky, can dish out a painful amount of damage.

Dragoon - Known to be the first ones in and the last ones out, Dragoons make good use of their Jump and SuperJump abilities to scale town walls to kill and maime their enemies. There is no escape from a Dragoon.

Paladin - Known to be the holy fighters of the warrior path. Paladins are masters of the light and holy properties. Using their faith to protect their group or even heal them.

Samurai - Known to be the less tanky specialization of the warrior, Samurais are masters of the blade. They are experts at parrying attacks and striking their enemy where it matters. They are fast, hard hitting, and a force to be reckoned with.

Rogue Specializations:
Bard - Known to be the supporting role of the rogue path. These rogues have forsaken their blades to pick up instruments to aide their fellow party members in the form of songs. They have different buffs and de-buffs to aid in a battle. However this doesn't stop them from dishing out damage with those instruments!

Ninja - Known for never being seen, the Ninja specialization is for those rogues that just love being sneaky! They do the highest damage out of all the specializations, however, pay the price for it if they get noticed! To counter this they have various methods of not being seen, or to re-vanish if spotted.

Ranger - Known for being the tracker, Rangers can track anyone they wish to hunt. They are rogues that have given up their swords in order to use bows. They can augment their arrows with different properties to change the tides of battle.

Runeblade - Known for the magical blades, Runeblades have learned to tap into the different elements to aid them in battle. Using different runes they can imbue their blades to gain desired effects in battle.

Caster Specializations:
Beguiler - Known best as the tricky casters. They do not harm their opponent directly, but use their magic to harass and confuse them. A common trick is that of Piggify, causing the victim to be bound to and ride a pig. Just remember when encountering these casters, not everything is real.

Necromancer - Known for their affinities for darker magics. Necromancers believe life is weak and able to be broken and that the only thing that is absolute in the world is death. They are the gatekeepers to the Nether and can even absorb the life force of others to use for their own dark bidding.

Pyromancer - Known to be the embodiment of flame. Pyromancers enjoy watching the world burn. Being able to shoot fireballs, ignite their weapons and even use fire as a shield. These casters are a force to be reckoned with.

Wizard - Known for being able to bend space to create portals, Wizards are a well-respected sect of the Caster path. They can teleport friends around them and even call their friends to their location. They can also teleport short distances to get over or around obstructions. They are also a force to be reckoned with. On top of being masters of mobility, they can call down lightning, throw fireballs, and even use arcane energy to deal damage to their foes.

Healer Specializations:
Bloodmage - Known for their give and take style of healing. Bloodmages think that in order to heal another there needs to be a sacrifice of equal proportion. They are they masters of balance and normally use their own life to aid and heal others.

Clerics - Known best for their protective nature, Clerics prefer to travel with company. These healers are devoted to aiding their comrades. Reports have said that some clerics even posses the power of being able to bring their fallen friends back from the realm of death.

Disciple - Known for never using a unnatural weapon, Disciples never rely on anything but themselves for survival. They are masters of hand to hand combat and can channel their life energy to heal or punish their foes.

Mystic - Known for their study of plants. Mystics realized the natural cycle of life. They studied the fabric of plants and nature to help them in their path. They are able to further heal and renew those who need it and purge the body of anything abnormal. They are also so in tune, some say they can even bend lightning to aide them in tough situations.

Crafter Specializations:
Alchemist - These crafters have specialized in being able to make potions to help their friends in battle. They can craft various different kinds of potions, from Speed to Regenerative potions or even potions of poison. They can also combine different ingredients to make normally unobtainable results.

Enchanter - These crafters have specialized in being able to add magical properties to their weapons, armor and tools. They can even disenchant already enchanted items to return items to their normal state or to be able to re-enchant them for a desired effect.

Engineer - These crafters have specialized in redstone wiring. They are masters of CraftBook IC's, Pistons and everything else redstone.

Farmer - These crafters have specialized in growing and managing their own crops and live stock. They can breed animals to sheer or kill for leather or other items. They also can gather more wood when chopping trees. They are also able to sell any produce they get from their efforts.

Mason - These crafters have specialized into the forms of building. They are able to create lifts and gates to help protect towns or homes. Because gates and lifts are so wanted, many towns without masons are willing to pay for their services.

Merchant - These crafters have specialized in the market. They are able to create many shops to sell various items and goods. They are also able to communicate to villagers for the use of trading, being able to get rare and valuable items to stock their stores.

Miner - These crafters have specialized in extracting ores from the ground. They can smelt the gold or iron they find and are able to sometimes gain a second ingot from the leftover ore. With their knowledge of the earth, they have also mastered the ways of TNT and are able to use it to their advantage.

Scribe - These crafters have specialized in aiding their combat roles. They are best known for their array of miscellaneous abilities. They are also the keepers of books and are known to hold vast amounts of knowledge.

Smith - These crafters have mastered the art of repair and recycling. They are able to fix the Armor, Weapons and Tools that most thought would be broken and worthless. They are even able to repair items that are enchanted, however sometimes fail at keeping the enchantment.

HeroChat (What is it?)
HeroChat is the plugin developed by our coders and used here on Herocraft. It is different from other Chat plugins used on other server, this section will cover all you need to know about the plugin and how you can use it.
The first things you'll need to know about the plugin is the channels.
The Basic channels are.

"/ch o" - Offtopic - Used for normal everyday chat, if it doesn't fit in any other channels, it goes here.

"/ch Tour" - Tour - Tour chat is the first channel you will be able to speak in when logging into Herocraft your first time. This is the chat where most of the Mods/Proctors/Guides hang out to answer questions for the Greylisted people as they can only talk in this channel.

"/ch h" - Help - This is where you will go if you need an answer to a question and you ARE whitelisted. Guides and even regular members sit in this channel to help anyone who needs it.

"/ch t" - Trade - Trade chat is used for brokering deal between yourself and other members of the community. Many deals are made in this chat daily. Be careful however as anything said in trade chat and agreed upon by both sides on the deal in Trade Chat is binding.

"/ch l" - Local - Used to chat with people are are within your sight range and around your character in the physical world. This chat is not a global chat unlike the four listed above.

"/ch s" - Shout - Shout chat is used for long range communication, it has a bigger distance then local, however is not global.

"/ch re" - Recruitment - This is the channel we use to find towns looking to recruit new members. It's very useful for finding the home just for you.

Further more into the different channels we have...

"/ch Elite" - Elite - Elite chat is a supporter perk that is gained when you have supported the server. Here in this channel supporters talk about different things, from how are you, to talks about balancing with the admins to how awesome we are.

"/ch AO" - Arena Output - Here on Herocraft we have a plugin for Duels and Arenas. Here in this channel you can see the outcomes of those matches as well as players talking about the outcomes and how they can better themselves against those classes.

Additionally there are supporter channels within the game as well. These all have different names and different passwords along with different people who manage those channels. If you end up in one your not welcome in, expect to be kicked from the channel.

Your First Day

The first time you log onto Herocraft, whitelisted or not, you will be on Tutorial Island. Here on the Island you will learn all the General Rules of the server, along with more information on the classes and the commands you will use for the Heroes Plugin.
At the end of the tutorial you will find yourself with a choice. Take a portal to Bastion or take a portal to Greyson. Once you leave the island however, you may not come back, so make sure you get your fill before you leave!

The Choice (Whitelisted)

This section will be if you are Whitelisted.​
If you are unsure if you are Greylisted or Whitelisted, type "/ch o" and if you are able to join it, you are Whitelisted. If not, you are Greylisted and I suggest checking your Whitelist application as a proctor might have asked you a question.

If you are Whitelisted the best choice for you is to take the portal to Bastion. Bastion is the main world that all the players use. It has all the towns and a majority of the players live on this map.

From here please view the Wild section if you want to live on your own or alternatively view the Townships section to see the perks of joining a existing town.

The Choice (Greylisted)

This section will be if you are Greylisted. This section will be if you are Greylisted. If you are unsure if you are Greylisted or Whitelisted, type "/ch o" and if you are able to join it, you are Whitelisted. If not, you are Greylisted and I suggest checking your Whitelist application as a proctor might have asked you a question.

If you are Greylisted the best choice for you is to take the portal to Greyson. Greyson is the greylist only world and is meant to help players get a start before they are whitelisted. From here please view the Wild section. Alternatively once you become whitelisted you may read the Township section.

The Wild

If you wish to live on your own, your best bet is the wild. Out in the wild you can build anything, anywhere. You must still follow the general building rules however.. No floating structures, you cannot build withing 100 Blocks of a Township and no pixel art.

There are perks for living in the wild however there are also downsides to it as well.​

  • Your Secret Base (No one else has to know!)
  • You can play without the need of other people.
  • You can build almost anything, anywhere, no matter the size.
  • No Region, anyone can break into your home as long as they replace the block they broke with the same block.
  • Once inside your home they may steal from your chests unless the are locked with LWC's
  • No defense, unlike in townships, you are by yourself.
With that being said, if you still choose to live in the wild, I would look for an area that you can build a base out of sight, possibly near the edge of the map, in an area less traveled.

However if you become a supporter of the server you can get a region. Any T3+ supporter gets a region to which they can use for a weekly charge depending on how big the region is.
In addition you can buy a plot in spawn to keep your items there. This will give you a region however will also cost by the week.


There are many different towns here on Herocraft. Ranging from Good to Evil. Depending on what you want to do would depend on what town(s) would be good for you.

Some towns are building towns, dedicated to making their town look pretty. Others are PvP towns that are dedicated to raiding and pillaging other towns.

There are ups and downs to joining towns..​

  • Regional protection. Your items will be protected within a region that no one but your own town-mates can enter.
  • Friends. You make make good and loyal friends to level with or even PvP with.
  • Defense. With a town comes defense from raiders.
  • Plots. In most towns you will be given a plot to make into your home. Normally it will be in a very secure area.
  • Limited size homes. As I stated above, most towns give out plots that are limited in size.
  • Taxes. Taxes help pay to keep the town region up. It helps the town, but a lot of people view it as a downside.
  • In most towns you are expected to help when the time rises, rather it be for projects or town defense.
  • Higher-ups to answer to. Most towns have a leadership structure. Mayors, managers, veterans. You will have to respect your elders.
Many people want to keep their items safe and will join a town just for the region. Regions are hard to come by unless you are in a town, are a supporter, or own a spawn plot.

If you decide to join a town, you can look in "/ch re" for towns that are currently recruiting and go to their town page to see what their towns are all about.

Leveling, Money, and Voting.

After you have set up your home, you have some choices to make. You can level or you can start making money. By making money it will allow you to specialize when you master your path. By leveling you get stronger, so the choice is yours.


Leveling on Herocraft is separated into two different sections. Combat leveling and Crafter leveling.

To level your Combat class, you will need to equip yourself with the proper Armor and Weapons. To figure out what those are, type in "/hero tools" and "/hero armor" and look at what is available for you. Also make sure that you bring plenty of food with you. When your out of combat food will heal you so you can keep fighting.

Once you have geared yourself and are ready for your journey its time to find some mobs. Adventure out into the world and just run around. normally the best place to level is in swamps as slimes spawn in these swamps and break into littler slimes giving lots of exp.

The downside to swamps is there is a lot of traffic among them. Many towns have even claimed swamps as theirs and are willing to defend their territory. A good alternate to the swamps is a desert biome. Not many players level in them because of the swamps and if you want to avoid the major traffic that is swamps, look for a good un-destroyed desert. Also remember that there are other worlds like Warshard and Forgelight that have even less players running around in them too!

Leveling your Crafter class is different however. Crafter requires you to Mine or Farm to gain levels. The best and probably fastest way is by making a huge reed farm to break and then let it re-grow. If big enough this can give you 1-4 levels each time. However once you specialize depending on your specialization you wont be able to use the reed farm to level.

However despite that being the best way to level crafter I recommend mining to level. As a crafter you should be using Iron Picks, however if you don't have iron, use Wood or Stone till you can smelt some. When you mine to level your crafter path,I suggest mining between Floor 17 and 12) you can also run into gold and diamonds. Diamonds will be useful once you have mastered a path and gold is the main thing that will earn you money on this server.

Money Making

Money making on this server can sometimes be difficult. I see a lot of people everyday asking about the best ways to make money. Here, I will elaborate on two different ways to make money going from Basic ways to more advanced ways.

Gold Ingots
Gold Ingots is a great way to make money on the server. It's simple to get money this way, however it takes time.​

  1. Go Mining and Collect Gold Ore.
  2. Smelt the Gold Ore. (If you are a miner use "/skill SmeltGold)
  3. Head to Bastion, located upstairs is the DHX where you can sell every gold ingot for 9c.
Additionally you can skip the smelting and some shops around the roads of Bastion will buy Gold Ore for 9.8c+ however this is the most basic way to make money on Herocraft. There are more advanced options as well.

Enchanted Items
As an enchanter you can make a lot of money quickly. By enchanting Diamond picks you can sell them in trade for about 45c per Un-breaking 3 efficiency 4 pick. The only downside to this is the amount of times it takes to regain the experience and levels you lose from enchanting and disenchanting for the enchant you are trying to sell.


Voting is important here on Herocraft. Not only does voting help the server by getting new players for the server. It also helps you because it rewards Coins and Experience to you because you voted! This can help you pay town Taxes, get that coin to specialize when you master, or get the exp to finish off that pesky last level.

You can go vote at the link below, and remember to bote every 24 hours for maximum benefit!

Vote Now!

Extra Tidbits

Petitions is a great way for players to directly contact our staff on Herocraft for issues that require their attention. These issues can range from Griefing, Hackers, or anything against the rules you see or find on the server.
If you are reporting something that is in the physical world like Griefing or Region Abuse remember these two things.​

  1. You should make the Petition AT the Grief or area that was abused. This helps the Mod/Admin that comes to finding exactly where the problem was.
  2. Do not touch or alter anything in the area after you have discovered the problem. Additonal block breaks or chest openings can make it harder for the Mod/Admin to find the problem you are having on the logs.
Here are some useful commands with the petition system.​

  • "/pe new [Message]" or "/pe create [message] or "/pe open [message] - This will create a petition to alert our staff of the problem.
  • "/pe list' - Allows you to see all of your currently open petitions along with their number and status.
  • "/pe list closed" - Allows you to see a list of all the petitions you have that Moderators or Admins have closed.
  • "/pe view [petition number]" - Allows you to view the petition in detail.
  • "/pe comment [petition number] [message] - This allows you to add additional information onto your petition.
  • "/pe close [petition number] [message] - Closes your open petition with a message and marks it as resolved in the system.
Terms Commonly Used
LWC - Lightweight chest protection system. It is used for locking your chests/doors and more! It helps prevent thieves from stealing your precious things! Find out more about the system Here.

Spawn - The center of the map and location of Bastion. (Cordinates 0,0)

HeroWiki - Your one stop shop for all your Herocraft related questions. Not sure about something? A lot of the answers can be found in this wiki! You can browse through the vast pages of information here!

Bastion - The name of the town located at spawn.

Staff - Staff is anyone with the titles of, Founder, Admin, Mod, Guide, Proctor, Dev, Designer and Herald. However all core issues are handled by Moderators and up.

Citizen - A member of a town.

Resident - Someone who lives in a town, however is not a citizen of the town.

Region - An area of blocks that have been selected for private use by either a town or T3+ supporter. You can check for a region by right-clicking with a piece of coal in your hand. Only people whom have been added to the region may break or place blocks in the protected area.

Supporter - Supporters are people that have graciously helped keep this server running. Click here to find out more about them.

Sign/Chest shop - These are automated shops set up by different crafting professions to buy and sell different goods. Left clicking on them will sell to the shop, while right clicking on them will buy from the shop. You can find out how to make your own chest shops here.

Coin - The servers currency. Also referred to by 'c' you can check your coin by typing "/money" into the chat window. You can also pay someone by typing "/money pay [player-name] [amount]" (I.E /money pay SirDemonic3 50000)

Chat - The plugin the server uses and developed is called HeroChat. You may switch channels by typing "/ch [shortcut]" Channel shortcuts will be covered later in this guide.

Trade Chat - There is where players go to trade items, blocks, coins and services. Anything you say in trade chat, once accepted, is binding and will be enforced. The shortcut for this channel is "t"

Offtopic Chat - This chat is the General Chat used on the server. When it does not fall within the guidelines to use other channels, it will most likely end up here. The shortcut for this channel is "o"

Help Chat - This channel is for any questions you may have about anything you encounter on the server. The shortcut for this channel is "h"

PE - Stands for Petition. Normally used when a player has a question that can not be answered in Help chat or if the player encounters problems during their game-play. Problems can be anything from Griefing, to Harassment, to Hacking. A good example is if you were being harassed by another player. You would report the situation by typing "/pe open I am being harassed by Barn3yTheDin0saur!" A staff member (Mod+) will get to your petition as soon as possible. The staff receives hundreds of petitions a day, so please be patient.

Heroes - The Main plugin used and developed by Herocraft. Refer to the Heroes breakdown for more information.

Herogate - A Two-Way Portal located in spawn that will take you to a set location in the wild for a fee. Normally around (1500,1500), (-1500,1500), (-1500,-1500) or (1500,-1500).

DHX - A shop located in spawn that is run by the server. Here you can sell gold for a set price of 9 coins per Gold Ingot. You may not buy gold from this shop.

Greyson - The Greylist only world. You cannot spec while in this world.It can be accessed from the Nexus.

Warshard - Normally Treated as a mining map and open to both Whitelisted members and Greylisted members. Griefing is allowed in Warshard and can be accessed from the Nexus.

Forgelight - Normally treated as a mining map and open to both Whitelisted members and Greylisted members. Griefing is allowed in Forgelight and it can be accessed from the Nexus.

Nexus - A portal hub located in Bastion. It has portals leading to all the other maps. (Warshard, Forgelight and Greyson) It also has Herogate portals located in the basement.

More terms can be found here!

Here on Herocraft we use a plugin called Karma. When you kill someone on the server you get Karma. Every player starts out with 50. When you kill a player with positive (Good) karma you loose karma and when you kill a player with negative (Bad) karma you gain karma. There are different effects to having good and bad karma.

When you have Good Karma you receive the following...

  • Blue Name
  • A Speed boost while running on Glowstone
  • Titles to reflect your Good Deeds!
Having Bad Karma will give you these instead...​

  • Red Name
  • A Speed boost while running on Soul Sand
  • Titles to reflect your Evil doings!
For a full list of titles, click here.

Many users ask the question "What mods are legal?" Here at Herocraft we have answered this question by creating a ModPack. It combines different mods from Optifine to MacrosMod + Our very own HeroMod. To find out more information about this modpack please click here.

If there are any other things you wish to see in this newbie guide, you can rather message me here on the forums or post below. I am open to suggestions and also will be reviewing and editing this guide frequently. So be sure to check back!

Rumblestikk - Creator of updated Newbie guide.

Angyles - Double checking my work, as well as giving me feedback and checking commands for me in-game while I didn't have a computer.

gabizou - For his approval.​
Last edited by a moderator:


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 23, 2012
Great this will help new players so much! Every player that reads this will be better off :)


Jun 9, 2013
The guide helped a lot, but I'm a new player and I still have one question, how do you equip a weapon or tool?


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 19, 2011
The Multiverse
The guide helped a lot, but I'm a new player and I still have one question, how do you equip a weapon or tool?

By holding the weapon or tool in your hand you have it equipped.

To equip armor however, you open up your inventory and drag it to the top left of the inventory, there are 4 squares next to your character portrait that you can equip the armor in.


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
OP still has info on karma in it.
Karma was taken out of testing a little while back.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 19, 2011
The Multiverse
Yes; I'm aware this needs updating.

I will be slowly doing so over the next couple weeks; Are there any other features people would like to see in the guide?


A frightening Cactus!
Sep 7, 2013
Georgia, United States
First off I want to welcome you to Herocraft: The Multiverse. I'm sure many of you reading this are anxious to jump right onto our amazing Minecraft server. However, before you can do that, there are some things you should know first. This guide is here to help both newer and older players. If your looking for help with money making, leveling or just everyday terms, this guide is for you!

The Greylist and The Whitelist Process

So you've stumbled upon our website or MCF post and your interested in seeing this server for yourself? Here on Herocraft we have two different options of play. They are known as the Greylist and the Whitelist.

Every player starts on the Greylist. However Greylisted members are limited in what they can do. Some of these limitations are...
  • Limited Access to the Bastion Map (You cannot place block, break blocks, or open chests. This is also the main map used by players and townships)
  • Limited Access to Townships. (You may join them, however you cannot break blocks, place blocks, or open chests.)
  • Limited Chat Access. (Your main form of communication will be in Tour chat, as you will not have access to Off-topic or other channels)
The Whitelist is different from the Greylist. You must apply, or alternatively you can buy premium rights if you do not want to wait, in order to become Whitelisted.

There are many different benefits to being Whitelisted, these benefits include but are not limited to...​
  • Full access to the Bastion Map (Breaking blocks, Placing blocks, opening chests)
  • Full access to Townships
  • Access to different chat channels like Off-topic and Trade so you can fully enjoy the community of Herocraft
If you want to apply, you can follow the steps below to get started.
  • Go to Hc.to/appguide and read it over. This will explain the whole application process to you.
  • Once you have read the page there, you can make a application Here or Here
  • Be sure to follow the rules when posting your application. (Post in the proper format (Include the questions asked with your answers!), do NOT bump your post, do NOT tag staff in your application, and do NOT ask about your application in game.)
  • Most applications are answered within 24 hours. Be sure to check your application frequently! Proctors often have questions they want you to answer.
The Heroes Breakdown!

What is Heroes?
Heroes is a plugin developed by our lovely Development team here on Herocraft. It allows the users to dive into the element of RPG by allowing them to level up different classes. As these classes level they become stronger and gain more skills that help then in both PvE and PvP.
Warrior - The Warrior path has the most HP out of the first 4 starting classes. They do less damage then some of the other classes, however make up for this loss in the form of Iron and Chainmail Armor. Skills used by this class cost Stamina.

Rogue - The Rogue path has the higest Melee damage out of the first 4 starting classes, however they can only wear leather and gold armor. They do not have the lowest HP of the group but come close to the bottom of the totem pole. They make up for this by their Sheer damage and their ability to sneak, allowing them to stay hidden while moving at full speed. Skills used by this class cost Stamina.

Caster - The Caster path is the magic user of the first 4 starting classes. They use their magical abilities to obliterate their opponents, however this comes at a cost. To counteract the fact the deal so much damage and are able to do this at a range, they have the lowest amount of HP of the starting 4 classes. They are also limited to leather and gold armor only. Skills used by this class cost Mana.

Healer - The Healer path is the support class of the first 4 starting classes. They have the 2nd highest HP pool out of the 4 classes. They can only use leather and gold armor, however make up with this by being able to heal themselves in and out of combat. They specialize in keeping not only themselves but their party members alive.


Crafter - This is a starting path everyone gets to have. This is the start of your profession class. The only way to level this class is by mining, farming or fishing. Leveling and eventually mastering this class will give you access to Diamond picks and other useful skills that are restricted for only specific profession use.


Once you reach level 20 in any of the base paths above, you may specialize into a new class (For a 250 coin fee.) These are the classes that have all the amazing and hard hitting skills. You may choose to change specializations at any time, however if you choose to revert to a specialization you have already earned experience in, the price to change into it will double! (A 500 coin fee.)
Warrior Specializations:
Dreadknight - Known to be the masters of death and fear, Dreadknights are powerful opponents that while tanky, can dish out a painful amount of damage.

Dragoon - Known to be the first ones in and the last ones out, Dragoons make good use of their Jump and SuperJump abilities to scale town walls to kill and maime their enemies. There is no escape from a Dragoon.

Paladin - Known to be the holy fighters of the warrior path. Paladins are masters of the light and holy properties. Using their faith to protect their group or even heal them.

Samurai - Known to be the less tanky specialization of the warrior, Samurais are masters of the blade. They are experts at parrying attacks and striking their enemy where it matters. They are fast, hard hitting, and a force to be reckoned with.

Rogue Specializations:
Bard - Known to be the supporting role of the rogue path. These rogues have forsaken their blades to pick up instruments to aide their fellow party members in the form of songs. They have different buffs and de-buffs to aid in a battle. However this doesn't stop them from dishing out damage with those instruments!

Ninja - Known for never being seen, the Ninja specialization is for those rogues that just love being sneaky! They do the highest damage out of all the specializations, however, pay the price for it if they get noticed! To counter this they have various methods of not being seen, or to re-vanish if spotted.

Ranger - Known for being the tracker, Rangers can track anyone they wish to hunt. They are rogues that have given up their swords in order to use bows. They can augment their arrows with different properties to change the tides of battle.

Runeblade - Known for the magical blades, Runeblades have learned to tap into the different elements to aid them in battle. Using different runes they can imbue their blades to gain desired effects in battle.

Caster Specializations:
Beguiler - Known best as the tricky casters. They do not harm their opponent directly, but use their magic to harass and confuse them. A common trick is that of Piggify, causing the victim to be bound to and ride a pig. Just remember when encountering these casters, not everything is real.

Necromancer - Known for their affinities for darker magics. Necromancers believe life is weak and able to be broken and that the only thing that is absolute in the world is death. They are the gatekeepers to the Nether and can even absorb the life force of others to use for their own dark bidding.

Pyromancer - Known to be the embodiment of flame. Pyromancers enjoy watching the world burn. Being able to shoot fireballs, ignite their weapons and even use fire as a shield. These casters are a force to be reckoned with.

Wizard - Known for being able to bend space to create portals, Wizards are a well-respected sect of the Caster path. They can teleport friends around them and even call their friends to their location. They can also teleport short distances to get over or around obstructions. They are also a force to be reckoned with. On top of being masters of mobility, they can call down lightning, throw fireballs, and even use arcane energy to deal damage to their foes.

Healer Specializations:
Bloodmage - Known for their give and take style of healing. Bloodmages think that in order to heal another there needs to be a sacrifice of equal proportion. They are they masters of balance and normally use their own life to aid and heal others.

Clerics - Known best for their protective nature, Clerics prefer to travel with company. These healers are devoted to aiding their comrades. Reports have said that some clerics even posses the power of being able to bring their fallen friends back from the realm of death.

Disciple - Known for never using a unnatural weapon, Disciples never rely on anything but themselves for survival. They are masters of hand to hand combat and can channel their life energy to heal or punish their foes.

Mystic - Known for their study of plants. Mystics realized the natural cycle of life. They studied the fabric of plants and nature to help them in their path. They are able to further heal and renew those who need it and purge the body of anything abnormal. They are also so in tune, some say they can even bend lightning to aide them in tough situations.

Crafter Specializations:
Alchemist - These crafters have specialized in being able to make potions to help their friends in battle. They can craft various different kinds of potions, from Speed to Regenerative potions or even potions of poison. They can also combine different ingredients to make normally unobtainable results.

Enchanter - These crafters have specialized in being able to add magical properties to their weapons, armor and tools. They can even disenchant already enchanted items to return items to their normal state or to be able to re-enchant them for a desired effect.

Engineer - These crafters have specialized in redstone wiring. They are masters of CraftBook IC's, Pistons and everything else redstone.

Farmer - These crafters have specialized in growing and managing their own crops and live stock. They can breed animals to sheer or kill for leather or other items. They also can gather more wood when chopping trees. They are also able to sell any produce they get from their efforts.

Mason - These crafters have specialized into the forms of building. They are able to create lifts and gates to help protect towns or homes. Because gates and lifts are so wanted, many towns without masons are willing to pay for their services.

Merchant - These crafters have specialized in the market. They are able to create many shops to sell various items and goods. They are also able to communicate to villagers for the use of trading, being able to get rare and valuable items to stock their stores.

Miner - These crafters have specialized in extracting ores from the ground. They can smelt the gold or iron they find and are able to sometimes gain a second ingot from the leftover ore. With their knowledge of the earth, they have also mastered the ways of TNT and are able to use it to their advantage.

Scribe - These crafters have specialized in aiding their combat roles. They are best known for their array of miscellaneous abilities. They are also the keepers of books and are known to hold vast amounts of knowledge.

Smith - These crafters have mastered the art of repair and recycling. They are able to fix the Armor, Weapons and Tools that most thought would be broken and worthless. They are even able to repair items that are enchanted, however sometimes fail at keeping the enchantment.

HeroChat (What is it?)
HeroChat is the plugin developed by our coders and used here on Herocraft. It is different from other Chat plugins used on other server, this section will cover all you need to know about the plugin and how you can use it.
The first things you'll need to know about the plugin is the channels.
The Basic channels are.

"/ch o" - Offtopic - Used for normal everyday chat, if it doesn't fit in any other channels, it goes here.

"/ch Tour" - Tour - Tour chat is the first channel you will be able to speak in when logging into Herocraft your first time. This is the chat where most of the Mods/Proctors/Guides hang out to answer questions for the Greylisted people as they can only talk in this channel.

"/ch h" - Help - This is where you will go if you need an answer to a question and you ARE whitelisted. Guides and even regular members sit in this channel to help anyone who needs it.

"/ch t" - Trade - Trade chat is used for brokering deal between yourself and other members of the community. Many deals are made in this chat daily. Be careful however as anything said in trade chat and agreed upon by both sides on the deal in Trade Chat is binding.

"/ch l" - Local - Used to chat with people are are within your sight range and around your character in the physical world. This chat is not a global chat unlike the four listed above.

"/ch s" - Shout - Shout chat is used for long range communication, it has a bigger distance then local, however is not global.

"/ch re" - Recruitment - This is the channel we use to find towns looking to recruit new members. It's very useful for finding the home just for you.

Further more into the different channels we have...

"/ch Elite" - Elite - Elite chat is a supporter perk that is gained when you have supported the server. Here in this channel supporters talk about different things, from how are you, to talks about balancing with the admins to how awesome we are.

"/ch AO" - Arena Output - Here on Herocraft we have a plugin for Duels and Arenas. Here in this channel you can see the outcomes of those matches as well as players talking about the outcomes and how they can better themselves against those classes.

Additionally there are supporter channels within the game as well. These all have different names and different passwords along with different people who manage those channels. If you end up in one your not welcome in, expect to be kicked from the channel.

Your First Day

The first time you log onto Herocraft, whitelisted or not, you will be on Tutorial Island. Here on the Island you will learn all the General Rules of the server, along with more information on the classes and the commands you will use for the Heroes Plugin.
At the end of the tutorial you will find yourself with a choice. Take a portal to Bastion or take a portal to Greyson. Once you leave the island however, you may not come back, so make sure you get your fill before you leave!

The Choice (Whitelisted)

This section will be if you are Whitelisted.​
If you are unsure if you are Greylisted or Whitelisted, type "/ch o" and if you are able to join it, you are Whitelisted. If not, you are Greylisted and I suggest checking your Whitelist application as a proctor might have asked you a question.

If you are Whitelisted the best choice for you is to take the portal to Bastion. Bastion is the main world that all the players use. It has all the towns and a majority of the players live on this map.

From here please view the Wild section if you want to live on your own or alternatively view the Townships section to see the perks of joining a existing town.

The Choice (Greylisted)

This section will be if you are Greylisted. This section will be if you are Greylisted. If you are unsure if you are Greylisted or Whitelisted, type "/ch o" and if you are able to join it, you are Whitelisted. If not, you are Greylisted and I suggest checking your Whitelist application as a proctor might have asked you a question.

If you are Greylisted the best choice for you is to take the portal to Greyson. Greyson is the greylist only world and is meant to help players get a start before they are whitelisted. From here please view the Wild section. Alternatively once you become whitelisted you may read the Township section.

The Wild

If you wish to live on your own, your best bet is the wild. Out in the wild you can build anything, anywhere. You must still follow the general building rules however.. No floating structures, you cannot build withing 100 Blocks of a Township and no pixel art.

There are perks for living in the wild however there are also downsides to it as well.​
  • Your Secret Base (No one else has to know!)
  • You can play without the need of other people.
  • You can build almost anything, anywhere, no matter the size.
  • No Region, anyone can break into your home as long as they replace the block they broke with the same block.
  • Once inside your home they may steal from your chests unless the are locked with LWC's
  • No defense, unlike in townships, you are by yourself.
With that being said, if you still choose to live in the wild, I would look for an area that you can build a base out of sight, possibly near the edge of the map, in an area less traveled.

However if you become a supporter of the server you can get a region. Any T3+ supporter gets a region to which they can use for a weekly charge depending on how big the region is.
In addition you can buy a plot in spawn to keep your items there. This will give you a region however will also cost by the week.


There are many different towns here on Herocraft. Ranging from Good to Evil. Depending on what you want to do would depend on what town(s) would be good for you.

Some towns are building towns, dedicated to making their town look pretty. Others are PvP towns that are dedicated to raiding and pillaging other towns.

There are ups and downs to joining towns..​
  • Regional protection. Your items will be protected within a region that no one but your own town-mates can enter.
  • Friends. You make make good and loyal friends to level with or even PvP with.
  • Defense. With a town comes defense from raiders.
  • Plots. In most towns you will be given a plot to make into your home. Normally it will be in a very secure area.
  • Limited size homes. As I stated above, most towns give out plots that are limited in size.
  • Taxes. Taxes help pay to keep the town region up. It helps the town, but a lot of people view it as a downside.
  • In most towns you are expected to help when the time rises, rather it be for projects or town defense.
  • Higher-ups to answer to. Most towns have a leadership structure. Mayors, managers, veterans. You will have to respect your elders.
Many people want to keep their items safe and will join a town just for the region. Regions are hard to come by unless you are in a town, are a supporter, or own a spawn plot.

If you decide to join a town, you can look in "/ch re" for towns that are currently recruiting and go to their town page to see what their towns are all about.

Leveling, Money, and Voting.

After you have set up your home, you have some choices to make. You can level or you can start making money. By making money it will allow you to specialize when you master your path. By leveling you get stronger, so the choice is yours.


Leveling on Herocraft is separated into two different sections. Combat leveling and Crafter leveling.

To level your Combat class, you will need to equip yourself with the proper Armor and Weapons. To figure out what those are, type in "/hero tools" and "/hero armor" and look at what is available for you. Also make sure that you bring plenty of food with you. When your out of combat food will heal you so you can keep fighting.

Once you have geared yourself and are ready for your journey its time to find some mobs. Adventure out into the world and just run around. normally the best place to level is in swamps as slimes spawn in these swamps and break into littler slimes giving lots of exp.

The downside to swamps is there is a lot of traffic among them. Many towns have even claimed swamps as theirs and are willing to defend their territory. A good alternate to the swamps is a desert biome. Not many players level in them because of the swamps and if you want to avoid the major traffic that is swamps, look for a good un-destroyed desert. Also remember that there are other worlds like Warshard and Forgelight that have even less players running around in them too!

Leveling your Crafter class is different however. Crafter requires you to Mine or Farm to gain levels. The best and probably fastest way is by making a huge reed farm to break and then let it re-grow. If big enough this can give you 1-4 levels each time. However once you specialize depending on your specialization you wont be able to use the reed farm to level.

However despite that being the best way to level crafter I recommend mining to level. As a crafter you should be using Iron Picks, however if you don't have iron, use Wood or Stone till you can smelt some. When you mine to level your crafter path,I suggest mining between Floor 17 and 12) you can also run into gold and diamonds. Diamonds will be useful once you have mastered a path and gold is the main thing that will earn you money on this server.

Money Making

Money making on this server can sometimes be difficult. I see a lot of people everyday asking about the best ways to make money. Here, I will elaborate on two different ways to make money going from Basic ways to more advanced ways.

Gold Ingots
Gold Ingots is a great way to make money on the server. It's simple to get money this way, however it takes time.​
  1. Go Mining and Collect Gold Ore.
  2. Smelt the Gold Ore. (If you are a miner use "/skill SmeltGold)
  3. Head to Bastion, located upstairs is the DHX where you can sell every gold ingot for 9c.
Additionally you can skip the smelting and some shops around the roads of Bastion will buy Gold Ore for 9.8c+ however this is the most basic way to make money on Herocraft. There are more advanced options as well.

Enchanted Items
As an enchanter you can make a lot of money quickly. By enchanting Diamond picks you can sell them in trade for about 45c per Un-breaking 3 efficiency 4 pick. The only downside to this is the amount of times it takes to regain the experience and levels you lose from enchanting and disenchanting for the enchant you are trying to sell.


Voting is important here on Herocraft. Not only does voting help the server by getting new players for the server. It also helps you because it rewards Coins and Experience to you because you voted! This can help you pay town Taxes, get that coin to specialize when you master, or get the exp to finish off that pesky last level.

You can go vote at the link below, and remember to bote every 24 hours for maximum benefit!

Vote Now!

Extra Tidbits

Petitions is a great way for players to directly contact our staff on Herocraft for issues that require their attention. These issues can range from Griefing, Hackers, or anything against the rules you see or find on the server.
If you are reporting something that is in the physical world like Griefing or Region Abuse remember these two things.​
  1. You should make the Petition AT the Grief or area that was abused. This helps the Mod/Admin that comes to finding exactly where the problem was.
  2. Do not touch or alter anything in the area after you have discovered the problem. Additonal block breaks or chest openings can make it harder for the Mod/Admin to find the problem you are having on the logs.
Here are some useful commands with the petition system.​
  • "/pe new [Message]" or "/pe create [message] or "/pe open [message] - This will create a petition to alert our staff of the problem.
  • "/pe list' - Allows you to see all of your currently open petitions along with their number and status.
  • "/pe list closed" - Allows you to see a list of all the petitions you have that Moderators or Admins have closed.
  • "/pe view [petition number]" - Allows you to view the petition in detail.
  • "/pe comment [petition number] [message] - This allows you to add additional information onto your petition.
  • "/pe close [petition number] [message] - Closes your open petition with a message and marks it as resolved in the system.
Terms Commonly Used
LWC - Lightweight chest protection system. It is used for locking your chests/doors and more! It helps prevent thieves from stealing your precious things! Find out more about the system Here.

Spawn - The center of the map and location of Bastion. (Cordinates 0,0)

HeroWiki - Your one stop shop for all your Herocraft related questions. Not sure about something? A lot of the answers can be found in this wiki! You can browse through the vast pages of information here!

Bastion - The name of the town located at spawn.

Staff - Staff is anyone with the titles of, Founder, Admin, Mod, Guide, Proctor, Dev, Designer and Herald. However all core issues are handled by Moderators and up.

Citizen - A member of a town.

Resident - Someone who lives in a town, however is not a citizen of the town.

Region - An area of blocks that have been selected for private use by either a town or T3+ supporter. You can check for a region by right-clicking with a piece of coal in your hand. Only people whom have been added to the region may break or place blocks in the protected area.

Supporter - Supporters are people that have graciously helped keep this server running. Click here to find out more about them.

Sign/Chest shop - These are automated shops set up by different crafting professions to buy and sell different goods. Left clicking on them will sell to the shop, while right clicking on them will buy from the shop. You can find out how to make your own chest shops here.

Coin - The servers currency. Also referred to by 'c' you can check your coin by typing "/money" into the chat window. You can also pay someone by typing "/money pay [player-name] [amount]" (I.E /money pay SirDemonic3 50000)

Chat - The plugin the server uses and developed is called HeroChat. You may switch channels by typing "/ch [shortcut]" Channel shortcuts will be covered later in this guide.

Trade Chat - There is where players go to trade items, blocks, coins and services. Anything you say in trade chat, once accepted, is binding and will be enforced. The shortcut for this channel is "t"

Offtopic Chat - This chat is the General Chat used on the server. When it does not fall within the guidelines to use other channels, it will most likely end up here. The shortcut for this channel is "o"

Help Chat - This channel is for any questions you may have about anything you encounter on the server. The shortcut for this channel is "h"

PE - Stands for Petition. Normally used when a player has a question that can not be answered in Help chat or if the player encounters problems during their game-play. Problems can be anything from Griefing, to Harassment, to Hacking. A good example is if you were being harassed by another player. You would report the situation by typing "/pe open I am being harassed by Barn3yTheDin0saur!" A staff member (Mod+) will get to your petition as soon as possible. The staff receives hundreds of petitions a day, so please be patient.

Heroes - The Main plugin used and developed by Herocraft. Refer to the Heroes breakdown for more information.

Herogate - A Two-Way Portal located in spawn that will take you to a set location in the wild for a fee. Normally around (1500,1500), (-1500,1500), (-1500,-1500) or (1500,-1500).

DHX - A shop located in spawn that is run by the server. Here you can sell gold for a set price of 9 coins per Gold Ingot. You may not buy gold from this shop.

Greyson - The Greylist only world. You cannot spec while in this world.It can be accessed from the Nexus.

Warshard - Normally Treated as a mining map and open to both Whitelisted members and Greylisted members. Griefing is allowed in Warshard and can be accessed from the Nexus.

Forgelight - Normally treated as a mining map and open to both Whitelisted members and Greylisted members. Griefing is allowed in Forgelight and it can be accessed from the Nexus.

Nexus - A portal hub located in Bastion. It has portals leading to all the other maps. (Warshard, Forgelight and Greyson) It also has Herogate portals located in the basement.

More terms can be found here!

Here on Herocraft we use a plugin called Karma. When you kill someone on the server you get Karma. Every player starts out with 50. When you kill a player with positive (Good) karma you loose karma and when you kill a player with negative (Bad) karma you gain karma. There are different effects to having good and bad karma.

When you have Good Karma you receive the following...
  • Blue Name
  • A Speed boost while running on Glowstone
  • Titles to reflect your Good Deeds!
Having Bad Karma will give you these instead...​
  • Red Name
  • A Speed boost while running on Soul Sand
  • Titles to reflect your Evil doings!
For a full list of titles, click here.

Many users ask the question "What mods are legal?" Here at Herocraft we have answered this question by creating a ModPack. It combines different mods from Optifine to MacrosMod + Our very own HeroMod. To find out more information about this modpack please click here.

If there are any other things you wish to see in this newbie guide, you can rather message me here on the forums or post below. I am open to suggestions and also will be reviewing and editing this guide frequently. So be sure to check back!

Rumblestikk - Creator of updated Newbie guide.

Angyles - Double checking my work, as well as giving me feedback and checking commands for me in-game while I didn't have a computer.

gabizou - For his approval.​

*edited for spelling
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