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The difference between a mercenary town and an evil town.

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Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 3, 2011
I am tired of Shiroku being accused of being an evil town. We are not evil. We are simply mercenaries, soldiers for hire. Want us to be on your side? Pay us. It is that simple. If you get attacked, it isn't because we hate you, it is because either we were paid to do it, or you attacked us in the past and this is simply revenge. Also, Greyp attacked towns for experience, he did not steal nor did he run into people's homes to kill them. He didn't kill any crafters unless they attacked him first. Unfortuantly, those crafters who attacked first got extremely butt hurt and so they griefed our town for 2 hours, with little, if any, punishment to them (Thank you Aph for helping to repair the griefing). Also, do not come near our town without our permission because you may be killed. We can't trust anyone now that a few towns made everyone think we are evil.

If we were an evil town, we would not have helped District 101 attack Ironpass when Ironpass kept raiding District 101, nor would we have helped Ironpass when District 101 kept raiding Ironpass. We help any town that is being raided, excluding evil towns. If your town is being raided, don't hesitate to ask us for help, we will gladly send a squad over to assist.

I hope this clears up some confusion.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Merc is pretty close to evil ... a lot of people attempt to hide behind "neutral" tag so they arent branted by evil tags
Jun 23, 2011
Have to agree with Kainzo...

You're one step away from being murderers for hire. Think about it : You are invading innocent towns for money. If this were real life you'd be on the far, far evil side.


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 3, 2011
Merc is pretty close to evil ... a lot of people attempt to hide behind "neutral" tag so they arent branted by evil tags

Like I said, want us to do good things? Pay us to do good things. Want us to do evil things? Pay us to do evil things. It is fully up to the customer what they want us to do.

And Tornado, you are wrong. "You are invading innocent towns for money." We are not invading innocent towns for money, if someone wants us to attack you, obviously you did something to upset them.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
It depends on what the "mercs" do ... if they defend only = good, if they go murder for coin = evil.

If you invade "good" aligned towns - its not a lawful good action :p


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 5, 2011
All I'm getting from this is that Shiroku will do anything for money. I'd bet 100c in-game that you guys have taken jobs where the "target" is just some guy off in the wilderness minding his own business.

And Tornado, you are wrong. "You are invading innocent towns for money." We are not invading innocent towns for money, if someone wants us to attack you, obviously you did something to upset them.

If you want to follow the reasoning of "If someone's pissed off at you, you're going to get it." it brings to mind the saying "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." There's ALWAYS going to be someone pissed at someone else somewhere.


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 3, 2011
All I'm getting from this is that Shiroku will do anything for money. I'd bet 100c in-game that you guys have taken jobs where the "target" is just some guy off in the wilderness minding his own business.
Ill take that bet. We have never done anything like that before. We have taken a job from someone to kill a single person, but that was just a joke by him and we returned the victim's stuff and we all laughed.

If you want to follow the reasoning of "If someone's pissed off at you, you're going to get it." it brings to mind the saying "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." There's ALWAYS going to be someone pissed at someone else somewhere.

Funny of you to say that. Weren't you a part of the group that came with 20+ people to attack us because we killed you? Seems a bit hypocritical on your part.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 21, 2011
Your reputation reflects your actions. You can't decide what others think of you, but you can decide what you do. Don't react to what others say of you like water filling a container, act, with your agency, like a sentient being, and show people what you are by your actions.

If you want to role-play a person who can be hired to do evil things, and if you then do those evil things when hired, you cannot possibly be surprised when you are found by others as a person who does evil. Being a mercenary for hire can be fun, but remember, you cannot be both good and evil any more than a river can have both salt and freshwater.


Support the Death Penalty
Legacy Supporter 5
Feb 5, 2011
LOL, he said she said 5th grade stuff.


Mercenaries are perceived to be scum of the earth by all. They are the very definition of evil.
"Money is the root of all evil." Being as you worship money, I guess that makes you guilty by association? :) You can sugar-coat it all you want, simple truth is there is no such thing as a "good" merc. Unless that merc is dead. LOL

Just my 2c.

FYI, we dont hate you in Ironpass. We just hate what you represent: evil.


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 3, 2011
LOL, he said she said 5th grade stuff.


Mercenaries are perceived to be scum of the earth by all. They are the very definition of evil.
"Money is the root of all evil." Being as you worship money, I guess that makes you guilty by association? :) You can sugar-coat it all you want, simple truth is there is no such thing as a "good" merc. Unless that merc is dead. LOL

Just my 2c.

FYI, we dont hate you in Ironpass. We just hate what you represent: evil.

If you had a look at our creed, you'd might rethink that.
Apr 25, 2011
Your creed is written very nicely, but the line between good and evil can be hard to distinguish, especially in a game where death is not permanent. If you were mercenaries who only defended towns for money and never raided towns for money, I would call you "good" mercenaries. But you can't say you're good and "murder only because we're paid to do so"...


Jun 10, 2011
Well, there's a few shiroku members that are just plain assshole, and hence we hated them from the very start. The mercenary aspect of the town isn't very helpful either. You can't expect people to be happy if you murdered them once and pretends like nothing has happened. And since you have the potential to do it to EVERYBODY, everyone see you as scums of the earth. Mercenaries for hire? More like selling off griefing and harassment in exchange for money.

Also, raiding town for exp is just a poor ass excuse. It's like saying "you need to suffer for my own gain", when GreyP has already had access to some of the best monster spawner in game.

And again, what's to stop people from using the "mercenary excuse" to grief and harass innocent people? I could go kill some random person in the wilderness, and told them in o-chat that somebody made a hit against them. As far as I could tell, the system could easily be abused by corrupted members.


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 3, 2011
Well, there's a few shiroku members that are just plain assshole, and hence we hated them from the very start. The mercenary aspect of the town isn't very helpful either. You can't expect people to be happy if you murdered them once and pretends like nothing has happened. And since you have the potential to do it to EVERYBODY, everyone see you as scums of the earth. Mercenaries for hire? More like selling off griefing and harassment in exchange for money.

Also, raiding town for exp is just a poor ass excuse. It's like saying "you need to suffer for my own gain", when GreyP has already had access to some of the best monster spawner in game.

And again, what's to stop people from using the "mercenary excuse" to grief and harass innocent people? I could go kill some random person in the wilderness, and told them in o-chat that somebody made a hit against them. As far as I could tell, the system could easily be abused by corrupted members.

You want to start with griefing? God you guys griefed us so fuckin much. We were repairing our town for hours. And thats with fuckin aph's help. Stop making up lies you fuckin prick.
Apr 25, 2011
Now, I don't swear, so you already know that my opinion isn't really valid on the matter. I'm just saying that with the first F-bomb, my response is "Wow, he's really upset/passionate about what he's talking about! I should probably listen!" But after squeezing 3 of them in two lines of text, it just sounds like "I'm really angry and cannot think of adequate adjectives to properly convey my emotions! Dur!"


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 2, 2011
Have to agree with Kainzo...

You're one step away from being murderers for hire. Think about it : You are invading innocent towns for money. If this were real life you'd be on the far, far evil side.

We also defend invaded innocent towns for money. If we were to focus on this like you focus on our attacking towns, we could argue we are good.


Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 3, 2011
Now, I don't swear, so you already know that my opinion isn't really valid on the matter. I'm just saying that with the first F-bomb, my response is "Wow, he's really upset/passionate about what he's talking about! I should probably listen!" But after squeezing 3 of them in two lines of text, it just sounds like "I'm really angry and cannot think of adequate adjectives to properly convey my emotions! Dur!"

Which is your opinion. I am conveying my emotions perfectly fine. Now, if you can't handle someone saying fuck a few times, then leave this thread, as I am likely to use it again.


Jun 10, 2011
You want to start with griefing? God you guys griefed us so fuckin much. We were repairing our town for hours. And thats with fuckin aph's help. Stop making up lies you fuckin prick.

I never participated in any raid against Shiroku before. But I understood why some people did participate in it.

It's very similar with Tempest and it's called police brutality, which isn't a good thing since it's just cause the community to sink low and be the very being they were against from at the start.

But the cause of police brutality start with you. If you expect people to stay neutral to your business of killing and harassing any person or any town, then you're god damn wrong. Mercenary business just don't work well if you want a good standing with the community, that's just fact. If you want to continue to be a mercenary town, expect hostile retaliation, that is all. And like what Kainzo said, don't expect your town to be conceived as "good" if your business involves raiding "good" towns. Support one side and you have allies, support none and target all will only make you the target in the end.

It's quite insulting that you guys actually labeled your town as "good", that showed how little you actually understand what's right and wrong from the community's perspective. Don't be mad that people raided and griefed your town, but rather stop and think why people were doing it from the very start.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 5, 2011
Honestly, I don't think anyone would be too upset with Shiroku if you guys had 1. Declared the right alignment from the start and 2. Actually followed your creed. "Leave crafters/lone people alone. It makes us look bad." I've seen this ignored so many times, several against myself and other Ironpass members. When I confronted your town member on not following the Merc Creed, he claimed to be seeking revenge for me defending myself ALMOST A WEEK PRIOR. Sure, I understand if I kill you, and you come back say, an hour later, but a whole week??? I don't have too much against individual members of Shiroku (in fact, some of you guys are awesome) but as a group, you need to get your stories straight and make up your mind.
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