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The Caverns of Neverast (Capital)


Jan 10, 2011

Ever wanted to Live amongst the Dwarves? This is the city for you! Built right into the side of a large mountain and spanning out far below it are the Caverns of Neverast. We have mined out vast rooms completely by hand and have sculpted the walls to make a beautiful area that will make anyone with a bit of dwarvish in the feel right at home! A large double staircase leads you down into the main area fit with a 3 story fountain, lava waterfalls and all the storage, furnaces and crafting space you need. Head down one of the 3 staircases situated around the fountain and you will be in the market. Vendors from all over come sell there goods in the safety of the mountain of Neverast. One end of the room leads to the ornate meeting room that has a large fireplace and bookcases filled with knowledge and history! Down yet another Large staircase we have the future site of plots for citizens to make them truly feel at home.
You really have to come see it to believe it!

[size=large]OUR FLAG:[/size]

Town Name: The Caverns of Neverast (Neverast for short)
Mayor: elroy72
Co-Mayor: Empirarte,TheSmoke
Location of Town: 800, 1250
Charter Signatures: Done

[size=large]Member List and Titles [/size]

King/Queen (Mayor)
Prince/Princess (Co-Mayor)

When you first join you will be classed as a "Newcomer". After obtaining a Job under one of the Job Leaders, you will have a chance to be promoted to Middle-Class. You can achieve this through hard work and dedication to Neverast not only in your job but as a citizen as-well! . In-activeness and rule breaking (among other things) may lead to a demotion to be decided by the highest ranking citizens.

NOTE TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN BECOMING A PART OF NEVERAST: To join you have to ask a citizen of Neverast with a title Noble or above online and ask them if you may join, Type "/citizen join Neverast" AFTER you have been approved (this will put you on the pending list. I (elroy72) have final say whether you are accepted or not), Then ask me (elroy72) to set up your permissions in town.


1. Please listen to Mayors, Founders and all other authorities.
2. Do not grief! There will be protection on all of the city! Once plots are taken only the owner will be able to build on them.
3. Do not steal. Period.
4. PVP is set to off inside the city. Take your bloody battles elsewhere.
5. We strive to keep our city beautiful. Please build things that are pleasent to look at and try to keep within the theme if you can. Be creative!
6. You may take from the storage room only after getting permission.
7. Only citizens have access to storage and are able to build. Please ask for me to add you to the building and storage whitelist when you become a citizen
8. Most of all have fun and enjoy!

Jobs and Leader:
Job system in process of beign reworked

Realms! The city of Neverast is already realmed!
This means:
+There is no PVP in the city. It's a safe haven from the vicious wild!
+No mobs spawn in the city
+We can protect the city from griefing
+We can (and do!) have a dancing healing room (you need to dance inside to room to heal yourself. It's pretty awesome.)!
+Only certain members can enter the city's storage room
+Plots can be fully protected so only the owner of the plot can create and destroy in their space
+Bank right outside the entrance for easy access!

Free plots! (for now)
For right now, all citizens will get a 10x10 underground plot! Because it is underground the height is only 6 blocks but it is on the bottom floor so you can dig as deep as you like. There is also bigger plots and private rooms for sale.

We strive on making things look beautiful so if you have an idea we would love to hear it!

[size=large]Goals (In no particular order):[/size]
Raise enough gold to upgrade to city - 5000/5000 *DONE*
Get enough signatures to upgrade to city - 20/20 *DONE*
Clear out the bottom floor for plots - 10/10 *DONE*
Clear out the middle floor for market - 9/10 *SCRAPED*
Aesthetics - 8/10
Planning - Constant
Road to front gate - 9/10 *REWORKING*
Bank - 10/10 *DONE*
NEW Wall - 4/10
Branch City 1 coins - 1500/1500
Branch City 2 coins - 1500/1500
Capital Upgrade Coins - 7500/7500
Kingdom coins - 19500/15000

Only waiting on citizens to start 3rd town then we will be kingdom!

[size=large]Future ideas:[/size]
Mini Communities

[size=large]To Do List:[/size]
Gather dirt & fill in front plot area
Finish walls and other 3 towers
Zone out some plots.
Streets + Roads
Landmarks (post ideas)

[size=large]Meeting Notes (Courtesy of animandan. Thanks!)[/size]

[size=medium]January 1st, 2011[/size]

On the first of this year, the first meeting of The Caverns of Neverast went as such:

The first order of business was the way ranks were to work. It was suggested that we appoint people to office, and they will set up the ranks under them as they see fit. Some of the suggested officials were General, Head of Farming, an exploration team, and some sort of ambassador system. No one had any objection to elroy72 and Empirarte keeping their current ranks as mayor and co-mayor.

ASOCxREAPERx and lax12 both asked for the position of Head Builder. After some discussion as to their merits (both have experience in architecture) it was decided that they will share the title of Head Builder. They are to be on a sort of trial period to show that they can handle the job.

TheAngle had shown a great interest in leading the army. He brought up his knowledge of historical warfare. He is to be in charge of offensive operations and army personnel. Malamute2345 had shown to be in possession similar knowledge, however he pointed out the significance of experience. He had built the towers of this city and had fought in two wars in a distant land. It was decided that he will be in charge of fortifying this great city.

When it came to the Head of Farming, no one stepped up for the position. It was decided that some of the members will help out the laborers with farming when needed.

XxAtimiskxX will be taking the job of Ambassador. We are planning, with the consent of their respective mayors, to set up embassies that will give visitors a taste of our city, and will serve as a place for our citizens to stay.

There will be a separation between Class and Profession, as there can be a higher class citizen who is also a worker. The Class ranks are now Newcomer>Middle-class>Noble>Lord/Lady>King/Queen.

We spoke of some future projects, The road, the wall, the market, and the bank, though none in much detail.

Thus ended the first meeting of The Caverns of Neverast.

[size=large]Status Update thanks to Applelove![/size]

This meeting is sudden, but necessary, be there if you can. All Citizens of the kingdom are welcome to attend and input.

New news-
Combined total C is now 21000c, much more than our 16500c goal. With this, we are now prepared to fund our transition to kingdom.

Looking for a way to get rid of TheAngle without being complete jerks, we exiled him, and told him he was the chosen one, destined to build a town across the ocean. He totally bought it, and is forming Schwarzbrück, a Gothic themed town on the ocean. The town currently has 3 citizens, and offers free 20x20 plots to all new citizens. Join /ch con for more info!

Neverast has stepped up to aid ORE in it's fight against MoB.

Projects and stuff-

Reconstruction of the city walls- 40~%
Relocation of the farms- 80~%
City Hall- Planned
Using all the extra space from moving to the surface- 5~%?
Demo and reconstruction of road to DH- Planned

She also noted, "Elroy will have his toes bitten off for making me update the thread."


Jan 10, 2011
RE: The Caverns of Neverast

Relentless97 said:
Pics please! =D

Working on big overhaul of a lot of things. Pics will come after that :)

Also anywone who isn't on the member list but is a member please post! :)


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
In a basket
RE: The Caverns of Neverast

We need some names for the new towns, and a name for the kingdom as a whole. I vote for candy land.


RE: The Caverns of Neverast


Also anywone who isn't on the member list but is a member please post! :)


Jan 17, 2011
RE: The Caverns of Neverast

I'll be checking this thread pretty often. Elroy, lemme know if you decide one way or the other on the whole dirt thing. Also, everyone needs to go post in this thread lolol http://herocraftonline.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=20&pid=755#pid755


Jan 14, 2011
RE: The Caverns of Neverast

I think that picking some sort of theme to name our towns will probably be most approperiate, how about Old Anglisc words(In the dark ages settlements were generally named by their surroundings) Or Scandinavian words, whatever its up for debate!


Jan 17, 2011
RE: The Caverns of Neverast

I like the naming cities by their surroundings idea. It's simple and doesn't promote debate on the subject. I'm all for voting, debate and whatnot but we all know it's easier just to decide on something and go with it. The only unfortunate thing is that it wouldn't be unique on the server. Skyforge? However, I suppose there has to be a trade-off made between uniqueness and simplicity. But like you said, still up for discussion.
Jan 18, 2011
RE: The Caverns of Neverast

Elroy could you please change my rank to noble >< (nerdrage)

And also sorry for being away abit now i am fixing my new computer to work just the way i want it :)


Jan 10, 2011
RE: The Caverns of Neverast

Awsomistmaximus said:
Elroy could you please change my rank to noble >< (nerdrage)

And also sorry for being away abit now i am fixing my new computer to work just the way i want it :)

Yea for sure I just thought I'd let you squirm a bit more :p

Also there won't be debate for town names because Brutal gets to decide. It's his town.

elroy72 said:

Ever wanted to Live amongst the Dwarves? This is the city for you! Built right into the side of a large mountain and spanning out far below it are the Caverns of Neverast. We have mined out vast rooms completely by hand and have sculpted the walls to make a beautiful area that will make anyone with a bit of dwarvish in the feel right at home! A large double staircase leads you down into the main area fit with a 3 story fountain, lava waterfalls and all the storage, furnaces and crafting space you need. Head down one of the 3 staircases situated around the fountain and you will be in the market. Vendors from all over come sell there goods in the safety of the mountain of Neverast. One end of the room leads to the ornate meeting room that has a large fireplace and bookcases filled with knowledge and history! Down yet another Large staircase we have the future site of plots for citizens to make them truly feel at home.
You really have to come see it to believe it!

Town Name: The Caverns of Neverast (Neverast for short)
Mayor: elroy72
Co-Mayor: Empirarte,TheSmoke
Location of Town: 800, 1250
Charter Signatures: Done

[size=large]Member List and Titles [/size]
King(Mayor): elroy72
Prince(Co-Mayor): Empirarte
Princess: Applelove
Lord: TheAngle
Lord: Malamute2345
Lord: animandan
Lord: lax12
Lord: XxAtimiskxX
Lord: TxiNeon
Lady: AnotherAngle
Noble: Celticwiccan
Noble: MistedMind
Noble: Pryotic
Noble: Brutalacerate
Noble: AwsomistMaximus
Middle-Class: Evrim
Middle-Class: brantomn
Middle-Class: Nitro10000
Newcomer: TwoWattWaffle
Newcomer: 42Tuna
Nercomer: CheeseN1P
Newcomer: Foshkey
Newcomer: FailedLegend
Newcomer: Jorict
(There is more)

King/Queen (Mayor)
Prince/Princess (Co-Mayor)

When you first join you will be classed as a "Newcomer". After obtaining a Job under one of the Job Leaders, you will have a chance to be promoted to Middle-Class. You can achieve this through hard work and dedication to Neverast not only in your job but as a citizen as-well! . In-activeness and rule breaking (among other things) may lead to a demotion to be decided by the highest ranking citizens.

NOTE TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN BECOMING A PART OF NEVERAST: To join you have to ask a citizen of Neverast with a title Noble or above online and ask them if you may join, Type "/citizen join Neverast" AFTER you have been approved (this will put you on the pending list. I (elroy72) have final say whether you are accepted or not), Then ask me (elroy72) to set up your permissions in town.


1. Please listen to Mayors, Founders and all other authorities.
2. Do not grief! There will be protection on all of the city! Once plots are taken only the owner will be able to build on them.
3. Do not steal. Period.
4. PVP is set to off inside the city. Take your bloody battles elsewhere.
5. We strive to keep our city beautiful. Please build things that are pleasent to look at and try to keep within the theme if you can. Be creative!
6. You may take from the storage room only after getting permission.
7. Only citizens have access to storage and are able to build. Please ask for me to add you to the building and storage whitelist when you become a citizen
8. Most of all have fun and enjoy!

Jobs and Leader:

Building Team
Lead by: lax12 and ASOCxREAPERx

The purpose of the build team is to take on any project within the city, or projects relating the Neverast outside the city. They will be who you need to come to if you have suggestions or ideas improving the structure of the city, or adding new places.
- Making new areas within and relating to the city
-Improving old areas within and relating to the city
-Any demolition or clearing of areas within or relating to the city
-Aesthetics or new and old areas

Farming Team
Lead by: No one. Empirarte, lax12 and AnotherAngle will help when needed.
This is not exactly a full time job but it does take some time. The purpose of the farming team is to grow vegetation such as reeds, wheat and trees and harvest when done. They will also take care of gathering materials from livestock such as wool, leather and meat.
-Maintain Farming areas
-Grow and Harvest crops and trees
-Kill defenceless animals and take their parts and belongings

Exploration Team
Lead by: elroy72 with combat help from The Army
The purpose of the exploration team is to wander outside the city limits and find anything they can that would be deemed valuable. This includes Mines, Lava Pits, Places to set up new structures, Spells and more. When heading out we will be armed with only tools for mining and a weapon. The Army will send out members to protect the expedition team and the precious goods they obtain.
-Journey out and find new Mines etc.
-Inform build team of any new areas for building outposts and such
-Gather resources of any kind

The Army
Lead offensively by: TheAngle and defencively by: Malamute2345
-Lead any attacks on cities / settlements
-work with builders to create offensive structures
-train new recruits in offensive tactics

-Lead army in attacks on Neverast
-work with builders to create defensive structures
-train new recruits in defensive tactics
-work with the expedition team defending them on journeys

Public Relations and Ambassador Team
Lead by: XxAtimiskxX
-Talk to Mayors and citizens of other towns to setup good relations
-work with builders to setup embassies in other cities if possible
-Help new members find their way around the layout and policies of the city.

All decisions within the Jobs are made by the leaders of said job. There word is Final ONLY next to The King/Queen (elroy72) and the Prince/Princesses (Empirarte,TheSmoke)


Realms! The city of Neverast is already realmed!
This means:
+There is no PVP in the city. It's a safe haven from the vicious wild!
+No mobs spawn in the city
+We can protect the city from griefing
+We can (and do!) have a dancing healing room (you need to dance inside to room to heal yourself. It's pretty awesome.)!
+Only certain members can enter the city's storage room
+Plots can be fully protected so only the owner of the plot can create and destroy in their space
+Bank right outside the entrance for easy access!

Free plots! (for now)
For right now, all citizens will get a 10x10 underground plot! Because it is underground the height is only 6 blocks but it is on the bottom floor so you can dig as deep as you like. There is also bigger plots and private rooms for sale.

We strive on making things look beautiful so if you have an idea we would love to hear it!

[size=large]Goals (In no particular order):[/size]
Raise enough gold to upgrade to city - 5000/5000 *DONE*
Get enough signatures to upgrade to city - 20/20 *DONE*
Clear out the bottom floor for plots - 10/10 *DONE*
Clear out the middle floor for market - 9/10 *SCRAPED*
Aesthetics - 8/10
Planning - Constant
Road to front gate - 10/10 *DONE*
Bank - 10/10 *DONE*
Branch City 1 coins - 200/1500
Branch City 2 coins - 0/1500
Capital Upgrade Coins - 0/7500
Kingdom coins - 0/15000

[size=large]Future ideas:[/size]
Underground rail system
Underground fast boat transfer system™ (secret for now)

[size=large]Meeting Notes (Courtesy of animandan. Thanks!)[/size]

[size=medium]January 1st, 2011[/size]

On the first of this year, the first meeting of The Caverns of Neverast went as such:

The first order of business was the way ranks were to work. It was suggested that we appoint people to office, and they will set up the ranks under them as they see fit. Some of the suggested officials were General, Head of Farming, an exploration team, and some sort of ambassador system. No one had any objection to elroy72 and Empirarte keeping their current ranks as mayor and co-mayor.

ASOCxREAPERx and lax12 both asked for the position of Head Builder. After some discussion as to their merits (both have experience in architecture) it was decided that they will share the title of Head Builder. They are to be on a sort of trial period to show that they can handle the job.

TheAngle had shown a great interest in leading the army. He brought up his knowledge of historical warfare. He is to be in charge of offensive operations and army personnel. Malamute2345 had shown to be in possession similar knowledge, however he pointed out the significance of experience. He had built the towers of this city and had fought in two wars in a distant land. It was decided that he will be in charge of fortifying this great city.

When it came to the Head of Farming, no one stepped up for the position. It was decided that some of the members will help out the laborers with farming when needed.

XxAtimiskxX will be taking the job of Ambassador. We are planning, with the consent of their respective mayors, to set up embassies that will give visitors a taste of our city, and will serve as a place for our citizens to stay.

There will be a separation between Class and Profession, as there can be a higher class citizen who is also a worker. The Class ranks are now Newcomer>Middle-class>Noble>Lord/Lady>King/Queen.

We spoke of some future projects, The road, the wall, the market, and the bank, though none in much detail.

Thus ended the first meeting of The Caverns of Neverast.


RE: The Caverns of Neverast

Hey, anyone else having a problem connecting? I can't get on minecraft.net either.


Jan 17, 2011
RE: The Caverns of Neverast

Yeah, I... still can not connect. I've waited about 12 hours and tried logging in multiple times on multiple occasions.