1. Minecraft username (With caps): WiThINSpAcE
2. How active are you?: I play quite a bit
3. What class are you and what level?: Ranger 9
4. What profession are you and what level?: Crafter 8
5. Do you want any of the specific jobs shown above?: Farmer, Lookout, Merchant, and/or Explorer (Put me where you need me)
6. Do you like farming?: Pasta is always good
7. Have you read the rules?: Yes
8. On a scale of 1-10, how good of a fighter are you? What is your favorite kind of fighting? (ex long range): 4 in normal pvp; 6 in herocraft pvp, I used to play wizard and was pretty decent, but am going Ranger this reset for the tracking to assassinate people
9. On a scale of 1-10, how good are you at building?: Creative ideas 3 Following a guide 10 Overall 4
10. Will you donate money occasionally to support the Team?: Of course
11. Time zone?: Central