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Taking Suggestions for Quests!


Legacy Supporter 3
May 23, 2013
Boom just thought of another one.

Scene, a regioned village.

Quest name:

A virgin's blood

Walking into a village, you see a man openly weeping in the town square. Knowing such things are abnormal, you ask him what's going on, he says,

"Some hooded men just rode up to our village, and demanded a young virgin girl to be handed over to them. So the whole town drew straws, and I came up short... Please help me sir! My only daughter that my wife bore me before she died is about to be sacrificed! I am on my knees adventurer, I beg you! Help me! I will give you anything you want!!"

Accepting the mans plea for help, you are given the direction to which they rode off to (Insert Coords here) so you ride out to find the men, kill them, and retrieve the mans only daughter.

Arriving at the foot of a steep mountainish hill, you climb up to see a group of men around a stone altar with a young woman standing on top. Dialogue pops up,

"They are about to sacrifice his daughter! Quick, I need to save her!"

Confronting the group of 15 hooded men, they attack you in increments of 5 each. Each man having maybe 3000-5500 health? Iron swords, leather boots and chainmail chests. After killing them, more dialogue pops up,

"I have done away with the creeps that we're trying to sacrifice the mans daughter. Time to release her of her ropes, and set her free."

You walk up to the altar, click her with your weapon, ropes are cut, she says thank you so much or something, then runs off the altar, and halfway down the mountain, then disappears.

You get to the village, and she is beside her father who is now happy. Talk to the father, quest complete, reward optional.

Once more, a warning about getting a little group together before accepting the quest would be nice.


Jan 6, 2013
Eh, I'll try and make something of the "Silk in The Swords" Quest.

Silk in The Swords
Repeatable: No
Rewards: XP, In the case of a reputation system being added, Reputation for Haven

Upon entering Haven, there is a soldier. Right click on him.
"There is a problem at the armory. Weapons and armor are missing and broken. I've been told to ask you to go investigate."
Accept or Decline Moment
"Wonderful. Head over to the armory now."
"Be on your way then, adventurer. :/"
You head on to the armory and enter the room. It will be half filled with cobwebs if you accepted the quest. People who are there but don't have the quest wouldn't be seen, because it would be another layer of existence. You look around, and text shows up.
"These webs are not natural..."
Several spiders come out of a hole in the wall. Defeat them. Some cobwebs decay, and you see a trapdoor. Go in, and you fall into the lower room of the armory that only a select few know of, where legendary weapons are stored. A spider jockey is in the middle of the room. The skeleton has a golden helmet and red dyed armor. He is holding a blaze rod and instead of shooting arrows like a normal skeleton, he shoots small fireballs. Because he's a pyromancer druid type skeleton who was brought back to life by the necromancer in other's quests. He has some spider allies in there to help him kill you. Upon his death, he drops one of his pieces of gear. Armor would have fire protection and water breathing, and boots would have feather falling. The stick would have sharpness, bane of arthropods(Because he had to keep the spiders in check somehow if they tried to rebel) and fire aspect , with several combinations possible of course.
You would then go to a guard outside the armory, who would give you your rewards and an optional quest to clear out cobwebs.

Clear Out the Cobwebs:
Rewards: Small Amount of XP & Reputation
Repeatable: No
Break all of the cobweb blocks in the armory.
Additional Quest Info: There is a 0.01% Chance of finding a Legendary weapon in the cobwebs. You find it, you keep it.


Legacy Supporter 3
May 23, 2013
Nother one:

An act of vengeance

Open to only rogue classes (the sneak skill is a requirement, as the man who offers it asks you to SNEAK at all times)
Solo quest
Assassination quest

You walk into the hogs head inn at haven spawn. If you are a rogue-ish class, dialogue pops up,

"Hey! Hey you, over there! Get over here, I have a job for you!"

Walking over to the man, you click on him,

"Listen, you look like the stealthy type I need. I have a job for you, I'll pay well."

Upon acceptance the man says,

"Great, you like the kind of fellow I need for this job. Now sit down and listen to my quick tale. Several years ago, my brother was in love with a beautiful woman. However, one of the town guards named Jeoff was also in love for her. They fought for years trying to win her over in hundreds of different manners. However, she fell in love with my brother, and they began to plan for marriage soon afterwards. Jeoff couldn't stand for it. So one night, he invited my brother out to have a few drinks with him at this very inn, in celebration his marriage. However, Jeoff got him drunk, and told the barkeep, he was bringing his drunk friend home. So he got up, led my brother out the door, and then took him into and alleyway where he slit his throat. The next day, when Jeoff was accused of murder, he said my brother drew a knife while drunk, and attempted to kill him. Thus he testified to the guard that he was acting in self defense. However, I know he murdered him so he could take my brother's wife..."

The man begins to tear up, but then wipes it away as he says angrily,

"Tonight Jeoff is going to be standing guard in the (insert coordinates/name of) tower. I want you to sneak up the tower, unnoticed by anyone... And stick this knife right in that bastards throat!"

Says the man as he slips you a small knife (shears),

"Good luck. Meet me here tomorrow when the deed is done..."

He says as he gets up and walks out the door.

You know what you have to do.

You get to the area which the man described, at night, and see the tower you must infiltrate. Dialogue pops up,

"There are lots of guards surrounding the perimeter... I can't let myself get caught... I'll have to use my SNEAK ability and stick to the shadows."

If you don't sneak you automatically get caught whenever a guard is within 50 blocks of you. Sneaking reduces this down to 3-5 blocks.
If you get caught then a guard walks up to you and says,

"OI! Citizen, what do YOU think YOU'RE doin here this late at night? Off with ya." You then get teleported to the starting point.

Your time limit is the night. If the sun rises before you kill him you fail the quest.

When you reach the top of the tower, you see your target looking out beyond the walls (facing the opposite direction you come up from) dialogue pops up,

"There he is. It's time to end this."

You take out the shears, and hit him with them. He falls over dead.

You then can either sneak back out, or get caught by a guard to exit.

The next morning, the man is in the hogs head inn. You talk to him,

"You killed the bloody man?! Good lad! Here's some money for a job well done!"

Quest complete. Rewards: 1000 exp? 100s? Dagger (if you are a ninja) / axe (if you are a ranger) / sword of bloody justice: sharpness 2?

Discuss if you feel the rewards are a little off.
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Legacy Supporter 3
May 23, 2013
And another one! Just can't stop this.

The execution

Solo quest
Must be a warrior type class to accept

Walking about the streets of haven spawn, a guard pulls you aside and says,

"You look like the kind of strong fearless guy I need. Want to do a quick job for me? I'll pay you."

Accepting the quest the man says,

"Excellent! Excellent! Come with me so I can brief you over the details."

He says as he leads you into an alley way,

"Ok listen. Last night a thief was caught in someone's house, and he is to be executed today. However, I was the one picked to be the executioner! You see, I joined the guard because I heard it was a easy way to earn steady income. However I never thought I'd actually have to KILL someone! I can't go through with chopping some poor blokes head off. That's where you come in. I want you to put on my armor and execute the thief in my place. Sound good? Good. Meet me at the barracks (Coords) as soon as you can."

He then walks off.

You meet him at the barracks where he gives you a guards armor and an executioner hood. You put on the armor, and he says,

"Great! You look just like me mate! Ok, the execution is going to be held at (insert location here) at sunset. Don't be late! Oh, and meet me here when you're done."

You get there in time to execute the man in front of a cheering crowd of peasants. Dialogue pops up,

"Well, looks like all I have to do now is chop off his head. Here goes!"

You hit him with your guards sword, and his head come off.

The execution is over.

You go over to the barracks and talk to the man,

"You did it? Splendid work! Here's something for your trouble."

Quest complete. Rewards: 50s? 750 exp?

Discuss if you think the rewards are off.


Legacy Supporter 3
May 23, 2013
Dang I'm on a roll today:

A demon's cry

Solo quest
Must be a healer type class to accept
There is some combat

Walking the streets of Haven spawn, you see an old woman through a window grieving. You can't help stopping and asking her if something is wrong. Walking inside the small house, she looks up at you and sobs out a,

"Blimey, who are you? Wait... You look like you're one of them healer types... Ah whatchya-ma-call-ems.. Uh.. Demons-killers, yeah that's what they're called! Please help me.. My daughter.. A few days ago she started waking up every night screaming. Whenever I go out of the house even for a minute I find her cutting herself with a knife and whispering eerie things. She has gotten ever so pale and angry at anyone that comes to see her... I think she's being possessed by a spirit! Please help me! We can't afford any professional help!"

Accepting the quest the old woman says,

"Oh my sir, you are ever so kind! I... I don't know how I can ever repay you... Come with me, she is in a bed down in the cellar.

You follow her downstairs and see a pale looking girl lying in a bed. The woman says,

"I'm going to go upstairs now while you work your magic on my poor daughter.. Let me know when you are done."

Once she leaves dialogue pops up,

"This girl certainly is possessed by a spirit. I need to treat her immediately." You walk over to her and click on here, more dialogue pops up,

"HSSSssssss...! So a healer has come to drive me out huh?! Well.. Now it looks like I only have one option... TO KILL YOU!"

A demon emerges out from the girl (a blaze?) and attacks you. Stats: 4000-5000 health.

When you kill it, the woman comes downstairs, you click on her, and she says,

"Good heavens, what happened?! I heard screams and shrieks and... Is my child all right??!"

She runs over to her daughter, the girl is no longer pale and appears to be healthy and peacefully sleeping, old lady says,

"Oh thank you so much kind sir! It's not much, but here, it's all I have. Oh, also take this, it's a family heirloom, but I think you deserve it

Rewards: 45 souls? 1100 exp? Gold hoe with sharpness 2 and unbreaking 1?


Legacy Supporter 3
May 23, 2013
I must have no life.



The drunk wizard

Solo quest

Walking past the hogs head inn (this would happen randomly, not every single time you walked by. Maybe a 1/15 chance of it happening)
You hear tumult, yelling and generally lots of noise coming from within. Dialogue pops up,

"What all the ruckus about coming from inside the inn? I should find out!"

You walk in to see a wizard stumbling about the place completely and absolutely drunk. Dialogue pops up

"Hey pops!" Yells the wizard "Hit me another round! I'm not too drunk! Am I right or what?!"

"No way you drunk fool!" Responds the barkeep angrily "Get out of here before I have the guards drag you out!"

You see the wizard completely ignores the threat and keeps bumbling around like an idiot

A quest icon appears above the barkeepers head, you walk over to him. He says,

"Gaaah! This drunk fool won't get out no matter how many times I yell at him! He's gonna end up hurting someone at this rate! And if I actually call the guard he might kill me! ..... Hey, you look like a strong guy. Do you think you can knock him out or something for me? I'll pay you!"

Accepting the quest, the barkeeper says,

"Ok great! Now go take care of him before he kills someone!"

Walking up to the wizard, you click him, he says,

"HEY MAAAN...! Wanna buy me another round?! I'll pay you back later! .... Waaaaiit a second.. You're trying to throw me out aren't you?! I'M GONNA BEAT YOU TO A *HIC* A PULP!"

He attacks you.

Stats: infinite mana/stamina, 3000-5000 health. Spells: fireball, icebolt, entangle, and pulse. Armor: blue dyed leather boots and helm.

After knocking him out, you walk over to the barkeeper, who says,

"Well done! Splendid, just splendid! Here's a little something for your trouble, and for saving my inn from that drunken bafoon!"

Quest completed. You see several guards come by in a second and take the wizard away.

Reward: 60s? 2000 exp?
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Legacy Supporter 3
May 23, 2013
So far the quests that I personally see working:

• Old Bandit Knox
• Village Elder: Spiders/Zombies/Skeletons
• Old Fisherman Joe (Maybe?)
• Silk in the Swords
• Necromancer in Need
• The Thing in the Woods
• In your Absence
• The Altar
• A Virgin's Blood
• An Act of Vengeance
• The Execution
• The Drunken Wizard
• A Demon's Cry


Dec 24, 2013
Temple Of Doom :p (The Princess of the Visions)

Your in a desert and you see an oasis. Beautiful waterfall pouring down into a pool, fruit and animals roam around in this oasis in a desert. As you get closer you see an all white female figure bathing in the pool. As you get closer she starts to turn transparent. ghostly raiders appear descending upon the oasis and the three inhabitants, the females brother/husband(?) and her/his father, killing them.You search search the area finding a chest. Inside the chest is a diary and a map. The diary describes a bountiful treasure in an old temple somewhere in the desert that the old man is leading them to. The map shows how to get there from the oasis and where the three had started their journey from.

On the way you fight many mobs and face perilous traps/hazards as it is a temple filled with treasure so such protection from raiders/adventures is required to keep it safe. As you reach the fabled room of treasure you find that you are not alone and that the raiders are behind you wishing to do away with you as they had with countless others in search of this treasure. After you defeat them and open the treasure chest you have a bad feeling that the raiders are in fact the protectors of the should of been treasure. For as you open the chest you discover that it contains an ancient evil power that many had perished in the battle to kill it only to end up locking it away in a chest.

You must now defeat this evil before it escapes the temple to wreck havoc on the world!

: party of three to six dependent on levels is recommended (as it is an ancient evil)
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Nov 10, 2013
I had this idea for a temple or something.
It would be in a thick, dense jungle, requiring the adventurer to travel a few in-game-days to reach. Finally, the adventurer finds the ruin of a giant Iron Golem, built by the ancient race which also left the smaller iron golems for the villagers. it would be half crumbling apart, with a giant tree growing out of his back. The golem would be dead, but some parts of him are still running on some kind of power, so the adventurer would have to get past a multitude of traps and motors, until they get to the core chamber, which would contain a special redstone rose, a relic from a by-gone age. I imagine this would be the item that the adventurer would give to some NPC.
It's not much, but I think it would be awesome, and would have some interesting
details, such as the golem's shoulders being towers that could only be accessed via one of the tree's roots stretching across the gap, and even smaller details, such as in the golem's right arm, which would lay collapsed on the ground, it would be holding a single tulip, referencing the fact that iron golems sometimes give villagers tulips.

IDK, I just thought that would be a cool dungeon.


Jan 19, 2013
Some old miner guy, Click him or something, Old miner guy: "I broke my last pick the other day, You mind mining some ores for me?" Then he wants 16 Lapis (lazulis?), 16 Gold ingots, 16 Iron ingots, 16 Redstone, 1 Diamond. This could be a daily or something, and have a nice reward, maybe 20-50s?


Jan 6, 2013
The Oaks Awaken:
Requirements: Class-Druid
Rewards: 40s, 2000XP

The forests to the southwest of Haven have been hit by a peculiar epidemic. An old man with a large top hat told you of this while you were walking just outside Haven on the border of the desert and the forest. You must go to a master druid there and he tells you what you need to do.
You arrive at the forest nearest to Haven, and the druid is there. You speak to this druid, and he tells you to help him cure the trees and animals.
You follow this druid around and you have to entangle the awakening trees and infected animals while he uses his antidote on them. At the same time, you would have to defend the druid from any dangerous animals. You arrive at a far forest next to a large jungle. You help the druid cure the forest, and near the end of the forest, a large parasite infected tiger jumps out of the jungle. (Ocelot but bigger) You must cure this tiger without killing it because the tiger is extremely rare and endangered. So what happens is you must entangle all of it's legs, then use antidote on it. You would have to do this 6 times. Entangle wouldn't decay in this instance, because the master druid is helping you. However, entangle would only slow the tiger until you have all four legs entangled. If the druid died, you would fail the quest, so you would have to keep the tigers attention while you entangle it and cure it. The tiger would still be able to attack you when it's entangled, so you'd have to be careful. What makes this tricky is that to use antidote here, you have to be at most 2 blocks away. So you'd have to get behind the tiger and use the antidote, then run fast and entangle it more, because this tiger can do up to 150 damage in one hit, and it get's free when you use the antidote on it.. Once the tiger is cured, it runs into the jungle. You have to try and follow it. Eventually you come to a temple where an evil druid is growing the parasite. You have to defeat him and burn the parasites. Then you go and talk to an awakened tree, who thanks you for ridding them of this parasite and allowing them to sleep in peace. You are given a staff, called [Staff of the Whispering Wood]. Some combination of Bane of Arthropods, Knockback, Unbreaking, Looting, and/or Smite.
Some possible combinations:
[Staff of the Whispering Wood]
Bane of Arthropods III
Knockback II
Unbreaking IV

[Staff of the Whispering Wood]
Looting II
Unbreaking V
Smite VI

[Staff of the Whispering Wood]
Bane of Arthropods I
Knockback III
Looting IV
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Dec 24, 2013
I had this idea for a temple or something.
It would be in a thick, dense jungle, requiring the adventurer to travel a few in-game-days to reach. Finally, the adventurer finds the ruin of a giant Iron Golem, built by the ancient race which also left the smaller iron golems for the villagers. it would be half crumbling apart, with a giant tree growing out of his back. The golem would be dead, but some parts of him are still running on some kind of power, so the adventurer would have to get past a multitude of traps and motors, until they get to the core chamber, which would contain a special redstone rose, a relic from a by-gone age. I imagine this would be the item that the adventurer would give to some NPC.
It's not much, but I think it would be awesome, and would have some interesting
details, such as the golem's shoulders being towers that could only be accessed via one of the tree's roots stretching across the gap, and even smaller details, such as in the golem's right arm, which would lay collapsed on the ground, it would be holding a single tulip, referencing the fact that iron golems sometimes give villagers tulips.

IDK, I just thought that would be a cool dungeon.

I like that your idea is also about a temple involving booby traps, plus travel time. As this is an adventure map so these are two very good ideas. They give the player the feeling that they are Indiana Jones or Lara Croft :)
