Please don't take my thing. I'll kill you.My name is Shadowall and I approve of this guild.
Thanks for having faith, kind sir.Please don't take my thing. I'll kill you.
Anyway, good to see more guilds that have a chance at surviving!
Please don't take my thing. I'll kill you.
Anyway, good to see more guilds that have a chance at surviving!
Is thou enraged brother?Sorry this is offtopic, but OMG please change your signature its SOOO anoying!
Accepted. I will be playing more and more once League's awesomeness starts to wear away. Please speak with me in game sometime about the S.H.I.T.Finally, time to ruin the small, unorginazed and weak towns/guilds. More Kingdoms, less Hamlets. Can i be an unofficial member? If yes, here is my apply:
1) IGN: EtKEnn
2) Time whitlisted: 31th October, 2011
3) Timezone, GMT please: GMT +1
4) Why are you interested in joining: Because Dragongarde is turning into Zeal with way too many Hamlets. Only a few Hamlets are orginazed and productive, the rest should join a Kingdom or die.
5) What town are you in: Owner of Canterlot <3
6) Alliances/Enimies: Allies with Xandria Dominion and Kingdom of Obscurity, enemies to people.
7) What spec are you: Samurai, 43
8) What drives you to destroy: I do this with the illusion of saving HC community. So i'm really "Saving" everyone by "Destroying" the unnecesarily Hamlets and guilds.
9) Do you swear all actions and thoughts to the Tormented King: Yessss, my Lord.
10) Are you a good builder: Hell no.
Does a guild want to die?Join MT!
We weren't evil, and didn't freakishly worship our leader.Sounds like a shittier version of Shiroku tbh
That makes it ok.I was mostly taking a hit at Babble and Grey for shits and giggles
Yes you did toad, you didn't know it.We weren't evil, and didn't freakishly worship our leader.
Don't talk about our fuhrer like that!Yes you did toad, you didn't know it.
I was your fuhrer.Don't talk about our fuhrer like that!