K. Lets see if I can get everyone here:
To the people who helped me start out on Herocraft, @
Apherdite @
Xanipher @AussieDinbat (i doubt he'll ever stop by again ;-

, @
impulsepaci @
Neo_Exdeath @CapnDanger . I still remember the day that I joined HC, December 13th, I just finished finals, Applied and donated. Aph came in to show me to my donor vault and told me I could have it customized (still remember that blondie in a white dress skin). Impulse got me to my first township, well... it was more of a hamlet, a 2 person town with a 25 radius ring protection. CapnDanger showed me around DarkForge and gave me my first job of a digger! I dug out those freakin cave side apartments and those never got to see the light of day to use

. But it wasn't until I got into a realms war with @(at this moment I can't remember anymore, haven't seen this person since March or so) and obsidian was all over the entrance of spawn tower.
To the people who helped start up the Sanctum map, @
AussieDingbat @
weynard @
AlexDaParrot @everyone else at Nova, we made the first infrastructure of Nova on that one day map (can you imagine HC being on vanilla for a day?) We settled 1000r from spawn and everyoone chatted in the same channel. Then the next day, poof, new map XD. We started and made a mountain face the point of our town. Expected to become kingdom before those rotten... I mean kind cheerful men at KoE started up: @
TrinityDown @
Raetac @
Amgroma @FuckingSoup ever had the chance... Well if you were around for Sanctum map, you know the story.
Which brings me to the point where I took the reigns and started moving up:
Rens! I remember the first citizens when we got township, @
Dielan9999 @
ironee212 @koromon3 and two others that joined and never came back XD. After a while, @
kongrave and @
Diffuse and @
Dysprous joined the town/city and I stuck to my point in making Rens that unheard of township way in the distance, (we were situated at the edge of the map at startup, then Kainzo started expanding and we weren't at the edge anymore). Either way, Rens ended up to be where my community of friends stuck with and continue without me.
My friends and allies, those at NEO and those at SkyForge @
AfroDave @
Xanipher @bearcat @
gtastuntdude @
Diavolo1988 @
s3nse @
Alente (I know he probably wont see this ever) @
imperialbob and many others, we were all mostly architects and liked to have great buildings and such, we never really fought over any diamonds and whatnot, really we just mined, built and I made 50 friggin stacks of leaf blocks with craftbook cauldrons.............. Place 3 grass blocks, 3 saplings, right click, get 2 leaf blocks, place 3 grass blocks, 3 saplings, right click, man. the hours it took to do that.
To the friends and allies that we made our continuing townships/kingdom into what is now Order of the Sun, we've managed to bring about the one area that is filled with staff, Architects, Guides, Proctors, Mods. We built and built, never finished.
Now the individual people:
strongholdx where we could agree in killing people different ways to make a story sound awesome. You continuously brought an RPG lore into the game.
With your never ending quest to make a township epic on all proportions, @
xexorian , you have surpassed me in getting people together.
Your short, concise and sometimes vague answers to most questions always painted a picture of a mean old man hating everyone

Yet with the experiences I've been through, you forgive, and yet you don't forget, @
No. No. No. @
Xanipher you always open with a No. Do I NO. Still our convos were always interesting and brought many ideas to mind for new architecture and general opinions to the other side of issues.
BuddahHopper your hoppity hoppin always brought excellent conversation.
Danda and @
Dgco and @Dagothaghanim for making me like the idea of dungeon building
Brutalacerate for his laughing and neverceasing assraping.
Probably more to come as I go through the entire list.