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Super Duper Cool Kid Proctor Application - Trok

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  • Minecraft IGN: Trok
  • Position applying for: Proctor
  • Age|Timezone: 15 Alaska Standard
  • How long have you been on Herocraft?: 5 months
  • Why do you think you would make a good Proctor?: I play video games.
  • Additional info you would like to tell us?:
  • Well one time I got a A+ in Astronomy.
  • One time I played Rammus jungle and Lee sin stole my blue buff.
  • I played a game with PineappleChicken and he raped me as Blitzcrank.
  • One time I was ganking mid and Neo got a pro stun as Veiger and we got a kill.
  • I tried playing in ranked games and went into Elo Hell.
  • I played a game as Vladimir and like I fed 0/39/1
  • Ginzu swore never to play with me because I left to go eat dinner during a game.
  • I left 3 games a day and couldn't play for like 1 day.
  • One time Barnubus told me to GTFO for saying "Hi"
  • I left a game with Brutal and he told me he would make my asshole the size of a door way.
  • I played a game with Amgroma and he stole my blue buff. -.-
  • Apherdite was in my lane and I died to her... QQ
  • I invited Kainzo to a Heroes party and he demoted me.
  • One time I got headshotted from a RPG in Modern Warfare 2.
  • One time I got kicked from Herocraft for spamming... On accident.
  • I played with Kingtom one time and he fed 4/16/1...
  • One time I was jungling and my internet crashed on me.
  • One time I bought all sight wards and got us MAP AWARENESS.
  • One time I played with Domitius and he played Mundo and I carried him.
  • One time I played with a premade and we just pushed lanes all day.
  • One time I played my first jungle and was underleveled by 6 levels during midgame.
  • I sold Shaco after that game for 3150
  • Then I bought Caitlyn.
  • I don't like Caitlyn.


Gabi no replying on applications, please delete your post instantly.
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