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Steve Jobs - R.I.P.

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Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 24, 2011
As I'm sure many of you know, Apple founder Steve Jobs passed away earlier today. After years of battling cancer, the 56-year-old left behind a wife and four children. With a net worth of over $8.3 billion, he was one of the wealthiest men in America. It just goes to show that even billions of dollars don't make you immune to this terrible disease.

And while I'm sure many of you aren't fans of Apple, you have to admit that they have truly revolutionized the technological world. From the iPod to the Mac to the iPhone, Jobs and Apple have been innovating for years. Apple will surely go on, but it will never be the same company that it was before.

My deepest condolences go out to Steve's family and friends. We have truly lost a great man today.

P.S. Please don't start a flame war or a Mac vs PC debate here - it's neither the time nor place. Thanks.



Legacy Supporter 8
May 23, 2011
I may not like apple, but no one can deny that this man made a huge impact on the world we live in now. His loss will be felt, and I pray that his soul finds peace, along with all those he leaves behind.

Requiescat in pace, Steve.


Sage of World Making
Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 16, 2011
Today is a sad day for American innovators as Jobs was truly an innovator and businessman and probably one of the best public speakers. However he has brought much into this world, the device that digitized our music, the device that brought our phones away from physical buttons (you have to admit, we'd probably still be playing something like angry birds on a blackberry and "time" our button presses for power and angle type of thing), the countless computers that brought some fasion sense into computer manufacturing. Even when you don't use any of Apple's devices or software, you are partially affected by Apple,most of us had to work with iMacs in elementary school or middle school or even high school when learning to type or write our essays. I remember the time when iMacs were just released and before that my elementary school was still using some genre of Mac's that had some sort of TV look to them and I just wanted to play Oregon West and kill those bears and make sure to have everyone die from disease >:]. Anyways, he affected the entire world, he was an icon of the stylish computers, he molded millions of people and whenever he barfed out a new product, people were always watching.


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
Stever jobs died? This will shake Apple *Puts on sunglasses* To the core.


Im sorry, I just had to. While I think Apple is manipulitive and overpriced, Steve was a genius in his field he should not have gone the way he did.


Destroyer Of Worlds
Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 12, 2011
I have never been the biggest fan of apple but there is no arguing that without Steve Jobs, many of the computer related innovations would not exist today.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
I don't see any distasteful comments here. Sure what strong said was pretty bold, but even he admits the man was a genius.

Which he was. If it wasn't for what he did, the entire computing world would be behind what it is today. Sure 3/4 people dislike apple's products, however its the competition created by them, that led to the innovation on all fronts of the industry.


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
I don't see any distasteful comments here. Sure what strong said was pretty bold, but even he admits the man was a genius.

Which he was. If it wasn't for what he did, the entire computing world would be behind what it is today. Sure 3/4 people dislike apple's products, however its the competition created by them, that led to the innovation on all fronts of the industry.
Right on the spot - while I have some nasty things to say about Apple, Jobs was a fucking innovator. He took the impossible and made it something we do every day. The man was a genius in his own right - and like I said, he nor anyone deserves to go like that


Destroyer Of Worlds
Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 12, 2011
Im not talking about apples recent activities, all talk about back when he started apple and pretty much invented the home computer as it is today.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
I heard Steve Jobs was somewhat of a perfectionist, and he micromanaged every project at Apple. Sure he's been gone from the company for some time, but since then they have made nothing new, just new versions of what they already have. Without Jobs' innovations and ideas, I doubt Apple will stay industry leader for long. For end users who idle on facebook all day they will be pretty happy with Windows 8, because they are making it stupidly smartphone like, but it's still a PC. So I think the preconception that Macs are for people who are all about music, art, expression, deuchebag poetry, and starbucks will end, therefore dealing a big blow to Apple and forcing SOMEONE from apple to innovate. Just like when they fired Steve Jobs the first time.

In other news, Red Hat is worth a billion dollars now :D Go linux!

EDIT: Please forgive my terrible grammar and idea structuring. I have a valid point here and I ask you dig for it. I don't want to re-write that :p

TL;DR Steve Jobs left before and Apple went to shit, I think that's where its heading now, its new products (if it makes any) won't be as good/needed/wanted/desired, just like when they fired him years ago.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
He never quit, he was ousted by the board. Do you have to be so negative when he just died? The guy was somewhat of the best spokesperson for the tech world. You have to admit that at least.

Exactly this.

I think the fate of apple now is like when they ousted him before. What is apple without Steve Jobs? Sure they sit on alot of money now, but I don't expect them to innovate now, I think they will take the money and run the company into the ground from here.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
No need to debate it guys, I summed it up in my last post.

Also, xFinalx. My phone still does :oops:

Mine is a touch screen, but the phone in that picture is probably better than mine.

I never liked the idea of a smart phone. I have a portable music player and web browser on me at all times, and I have a phone. To put a ton of apps on it takes precious battery life. Battery life which is used to search for satilite signal because i never have any because t-moble sucks.

However, that thar iPad was clever. I'd take one of those over a smartphone any day. Though I'd probably pick up a Xoom instead, or wait for that google one.

EDIT: (to avoid double post)

I have to disagree, but only time will tell. While Steve was the spokesperson and the life of the company, they still have some of the smartest engineers on the planet. Apple will definitely never be the same, but I think it will continue to be an industry leader.
I have to disagree with your disagreement :p
I think Steve Jobs was more to the company than its spokesperson and its life, he was important to every project they did. Nothing was good enough for him, and any engineer in the world would crack under his pressure in 10 minutes.
If they don't find someone who can crack world class engineers like he did, I don't think they will continue to be an industry leader.


Jun 21, 2011
The battery life of most smartphones puts me off too, I'd likely get an android phone for a bit more freedom, but not until they manage to make the battery last as long as my current mobile.

Maybe I'm a little too practical in my thinking, if my phone let's me call and text people. It's good enough.

EDIT: For the love of god, don't feed Amgroma.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
Why can't we all build our own computers, use your 3rd party manufactured Android phone of choice, and run Fedora or Ubuntu linux on our machines/laptops and call it good?


Jun 21, 2011
Haha, it's a nice idea Dielan. But honestly, what percentage of the population knows enough to do that, would be willing to learn, or even has the willpower to put together their own machines?


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
Haha, it's a nice idea Dielan. But honestly, what percentage of the population knows enough to do that, would be willing to learn, or even has the willpower to put together their own machines?

Build a computer?
able to maybe 25%
willing to maybe 30%

Use linux?
willing to learn 10%
able to use it 99.999% (its as easy as windows)


Jun 21, 2011
Maybe in a few generations time, outwith people that actively work in IT I don't think I know a single tech savvy person over the age of 40.
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