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Suggestion Staff

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I see a lot of Admins and Mods saying that they're busy at the moment and can't deal with some problems. Some PEs may be left open for a week without an answer. People go around spamming chats without punishment for hours. Is it not obvious that more staff is needed? No-one can honestly deny this fact.
I can go 12 hours straight before seeing an Admin online and at their keyboard. The majority of staff is on the otherside of the world from me and many other players. We sometimes have Danda, Neotetro or Thamer, but that is rare and not for very long. Just because the owners of the server are one side of the world, doesn't mean crime doesn't happen on the other side. More staff in this timezone can help stop crime quickly, reduce the load of work for others and help support the server in general. There are many capable people to become Mods like @Barnubus, @Hydroking77 and myself. I'd even go as far to say one of use should be an Admin and that should be @Galaxial. He is hard working, active and a nice person, many people want need him. Even just one extra staff member on this side can help make a huge and positive difference for the server.


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
I see a lot of Admins and Mods saying that they're busy at the moment and can't deal with some problems. Some PEs may be left open for a week without an answer. People go around spamming chats without punishment for hours. Is it not obvious that more staff is needed?
I can go 12 hours straight before seeing an Admin online and at their keyboard. The majority of staff is on the otherside of the world from me and many other players. We sometimes have Danda, Neotetro or Thamer, but that is rare and not for very long. Just because the owners of the server are one side of the world, doesn't mean crime doesn't happen on the other side. More staff in this timezone can help stop crime quickly, reduce the load of work for others and help support the server in general. There are many capable people to become Mods like @Barnubus, @Hydroking77 and myself. I'd even go as far to say one of use should be an Admin and that should be @Galaxial. He is hard working, active and a nice person, many people want need him. Even just one extra staff member on this side can help make a huge and positive difference for the server.
Agreeing with the part that we need more mods/admins from this side of earth. Disagree that you point out names, not necessary.


Agreeing with the part that we need more mods/admins from this side of earth. Disagree that you point out names, not necessary.
I used their names, because they honestly deserve it and have been working for it.


Legacy Supporter 7
Aug 23, 2011
TBH, I've said this in-game, I have no interest in being a mod I want to be a player not have to be bogged by going around block checking and answering pe's.

EDIT: No offence Mods :p


Legacy Supporter 4
Mar 7, 2012
In kainzo's heart <3
I see a lot of Admins and Mods saying that they're busy at the moment and can't deal with some problems. Some PEs may be left open for a week without an answer. People go around spamming chats without punishment for hours. Is it not obvious that more staff is needed? No-one can honestly deny this fact.
I can go 12 hours straight before seeing an Admin online and at their keyboard. The majority of staff is on the otherside of the world from me and many other players. We sometimes have Danda, Neotetro or Thamer, but that is rare and not for very long. Just because the owners of the server are one side of the world, doesn't mean crime doesn't happen on the other side. More staff in this timezone can help stop crime quickly, reduce the load of work for others and help support the server in general. There are many capable people to become Mods like @Barnubus, @Hydroking77 and myself. I'd even go as far to say one of use should be an Admin and that should be @Galaxial. He is hard working, active and a nice person, many people want need him. Even just one extra staff member on this side can help make a huge and positive difference for the server.
I think we need a active admin more than anything right now. Or give Mods the rights to "ROLLBACK"


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 12, 2011
Furthermore, I think we need a plugin that allows me to enter user's dreams in a Freddy Kreuger fashion. Where if they sleep in a bed for too long, my NPC appears in front of them and takes their blocky legs for himself.

[Nightmare] Neotetro would be preferred.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 5, 2011
I agree 100%. I had a pe open requesting for my Hamlet to be upgraded to Town for a good day and no one answered my pe so I just closed it and sent all of the money back to my citizens because I knew it wouldn't get done. No offense to staff but I feel like they are slacking. I understand you people do have lives.

Also the ban appeal section is a complete mess. I have seen staff viewing a thread for an unbanning but they just close the page and go do something else. For example my appeal was up for a solid month before I got a definite answer unlike others who got answered within a week. Why not just tell the user if they are going to be unbanned or will remain banned? It just doesn't make sense to me for someone to be stuck refreshing a page for a month waiting to see their fate.


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 1, 2011
New York
More staff all around. Mod+ at least.

There are so many times during the day when no staff is on. Sometimes I feel like Kainzo and Xanipher are the only active Admins and the only people who ever moderate chat at all, aside from Neo and occasionally Lasti. Ban appeals get neglected for months, and while I would love to point out that "so-and-so's ban appeal hasn't been replied to and it's been a month", I know I'm gonna get a response like "Ban appeals aren't a priority"... Yet I see none of the Admins who appear to sit AFK in game and talk in chat as if everything is fine and there is nothing to get done.

Staff needs to be trusted too. I was talking to @OrangeAngel yesterday, and we agreed that Guides get bashed all around, day in and day out. They aren't respected and pretty much the only active group of staff that has a job specification as "to moderate chat". Of course Guides maybe shouldn't get /mute, but telling people to go into a different chat just leads to more and more disrespect and problems unless said staff member has the ability to shut them up.

One of the requirements to be a Mod is to be "Detached from player politics", I think that there are plenty of great examples of staff who have originally lead towns or kingdoms. I am probably not a good answer, but Neotetro, Lastivity, Ginzu, Brutalacerate and Xanipher have all grown away from their towns in order to help with the server. I'm sure that anyone willing to accept the position of Mod is willing to make the sacrifice of detaching themselves from their friends and townspeople to better the server.

Maybe more Senior staff positions? I don't believe there are any S. Guides, and there is only one S. Proctor (A very good one for that matter).

I may have said this on a thread before, and this isn't the first thread to complain about inactivity of staff, but I have lost a lot of trust I once had with the staff of Herocraft. The one thing that I miss about Sanctum was the staff, and it would be a dream to have such a great group of dedicated people again, but I can only dream.


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 20, 2012
New Hampshire
The mods are volunteers who have lives, too. Do they need more mods? Probably. But the majority of the people who have applied are NOT mod material. I'd rather we wait for our PE's to be answered by quality staff members, than to hand out mod/admin titles willy nilly and say "Have at it". We're not exactly on dire straits, either.

Here's a protip; if you've got a problem and nobody's on, check out the Herocraft irc, danda and a few ofher mods/admins are almost always on it.


Sir GrowlMeow
Legacy Supporter 2
Jan 13, 2011
A pe is not supposed to be answered in 3 minutes. A day for some pe's seems around normal for me. Sometimes longer. As of right now, there has been an abnormal amount of pe's flowing in.

However, don't say staff has been "inactive." @Lastivity just got her computer working again after around 2 weeks and @Xanipher is in the midst of moving. Finals are still among some members, so they are busy studying. As for myself, I wake up at 5am and work/take a class until around 6pm. Even though I don't tackle many pe's during that time, I and many staff, still continue to work behind the scenes. I am always on IRC. If you need something done, I usually will log on and do it unless it is too time consuming.

There have also been recently a lot of problems that are not pe related, so we have been tackling those difficulties.

@itzmak, taking away your pe after a day is your fault. Don't assume it will not be done. As for the ban appeal, next time tagging the person who banned you, and do a follow up every 4 days or so.

Also, don't completely blame us for the crime. You should also blame some daily players. Not all, but some of you are the offenders and completely know it. You harass players, do little griefs, or abuse some sort of thing in game. Many pe's are about mutes. If you are muted, it is completely your fault. You know how to behave, but you choose not to because you are hidden behind the "internet" and can remain somewhat anonymous. Just because you are on the computer, does not mean you can act like an 8 year old. If you were saying the shit you say in chat to your mom or to public in the real world, you would be smacked and embarrassed. So this spamming and things that staff don't always catch is coming straight from many of your mouths/fingers. Once again, this is some, not all.

Guides have been doing an awesome job assigning pe's/handling ones that they can access. And proctors have been doing a steady/great job whitelisting thanks to @Angyles whip/effort put in!

So, what I am getting at is don't yell at us for a hiccup in our activity. We usually complete pe's, log on 3 hours later and find 20 more pe's. Meanwhile, we have behind the scenes things to deal with.

Thank you for your concerns, and please enjoy playing the game.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
The mods are volunteers who have lives, too. Do they need more mods? Probably. But the majority of the people who have applied are NOT mod material. I'd rather we wait for our PE's to be answered by quality staff members, than to hand out mod/admin titles willy nilly and say "Have at it". We're not exactly on dire straits, either.

Here's a protip; if you've got a problem and nobody's on, check out the Herocraft irc, danda and a few ofher mods/admins are almost always on it.

Couldn't agree more.

I may have said this on a thread before, and this isn't the first thread to complain about inactivity of staff, but I have lost a lot of trust I once had with the staff of Herocraft. The one thing that I miss about Sanctum was the staff, and it would be a dream to have such a great group of dedicated people again, but I can only dream.

You were demoted from a staff position due to constant outbursts, immaturity and all around "not fitting in" as a staff role. You lost faith in yourself, imo.

Admins don't get paid - there's a lot on our plates to fullfill - and massive things going on behind the scenes that take priority no matter what.

Not every petition is the same scope as the one before it. Some take DAYS to resolve or research, simply because of the log retrieval that must be done and so forth. A simple "He broke two blocks of mine" vs a hacking / exploit petition that may take upwards of 2 - 3 days to complete and investigate.

Townships are in the transitional phase. @unknownloner and @Sleaker can confirm that we are very close to pushing self-creating regions for townships - we have already enabled the hardcaps - but we havent been able to update to latest yet.

We don't do nominations for staff or promote people who think they can shout the loudest about it. We don't just promote anyone to mod or admin - these positions are hand selected by myself. I feel that the people we have in these positions are the right people for the job and are highly trusted.

This thread will do nothing but bring up discourse with the players and the staff, as such, it will be closed.
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