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Staff has become too lenient on Griefing Rules.


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 3, 2011
I remember when I joined this server, and I actually had a fear of breaking rules. I was scared to even break 1 block without replacing it, but now, everyday people are griefed and some of them pretty heavily. Today, I found a 4x4 cobblestone pillar up the side of my town's wall which goes to the ring, and asked if mods could check to see who made it. I got the response "Why even PE it? All they do is say Dont do it again" by Barnubas. Thats at least 2 stacks of cobble going up our wall. Why should this be legal? It has been here for a few days now, and I waited for them to come back and take it down.

I know this isnt just with my town, but we need to step up and enforce the rules. Pvp'ers do get away with too much, and we need to send a clear signal that they actually have to watch what they do. If they get banned, so what, we have plenty of new people whitelisted everyday.

This has constantly gone on, and all the while, the pvp'ers walk away with a slap on the wrist. It is not hard as a pvp'er to clean your mess. I pillared into bases, and guess what. I destroyed it as I was going up. Boom. Mess gone. Maybe if was made clear that it was illegal, then people would actually fear being banned for griefing again. I rarely ever see a ban appeal for griefing nowadays.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 13, 2011
just the other week people a group of people were mass banned for doing just this.
The problem seems to be consistency imho, every mod has a different way of doing things, what one mod may ban for the other will give a warning (I am in no way trying to bash on the mods, you guys do great)

From what I have heard the mods are working on becoming more coordinated, and there is also the silent strikes you never see but then one day, BAM, their gone.

If someone repeatedly does this to you, odds are, they will be punished soon enough.

Edit by Pun: Oh yes. They will be Punished :)


Jun 21, 2011
I'd agree with what Farroes has written, some mods are more lenient than others and therein lies the issue. Although at least hacking/mods seem to have a 100% ban rate.

I think the top dogs just need to slap a value on each offense, when you hit a certain amount, you're out of here.


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 3, 2011
Farroes - Most got put to a 1st warning, and it was because 9 people did it at once and didnt take it town. It was only when it hit the extreme point, did they take a little action.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I disagree - our rules are there to protect the people. Did we use to ban for any sign of griefing? yes. Was it far too harsh? perhaps.

We'll look over this and ensure that the morons who's only purpose is to grief wont remain here.


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 3, 2011
Thanks, I just think they shouldnt be let off easy because, seriously, how hard is it to break your pillar into someone's base on the way up. There is no excuse why you would leave a stack or more of blocks for someone else to have to climb to the top of their ring to take down because you wanted into their town


Legacy Supporter 4
Jul 17, 2011
Orlando, FL
Thanks, I just think they shouldnt be let off easy because, seriously, how hard is it to break your pillar into someone's base on the way up. There is no excuse why you would leave a stack or more of blocks for someone else to have to climb to the top of their ring to take down because you wanted into their town

The irony


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 24, 2011
As a Daily PE'er on griefing for the rail server and other projects I understand the volume of calls the staff gets.

I often get the message," if you can fix it in the time it takes to PE it, then don't." their words not mine. this promotes small griefs that become larger over time. and just increases the staffs workload, you need stricter penalty that don't involve banning.

I do know that when something is PE'd and they do come out that the person usually gets a note in their file, sometimes....

And I DO AGREE Griefing rules use to be more stringent, I remember player roll backs of days, not just slap on the hand verbal warning. Hell, I remember them being told to fix it or be ban, you have till tomorrow... they would come running back to fix it.

now my estate house lies in ruins because my PE's are never fixed there is no snow within 1000 blocks to fix it. and players are not told to come back and repair nor are people ever rolled back anymore.

I personally could care less about banning them roll them back a day first offense, 2 days second 4, then 8 then 16 days.... around the 3rd offense start emptying their chests into the void. People Will take notice around that stage.

in my opinion using a roll back and loss of personal inventory, would do more to deture the rampant griefing, then current policy. it also does not promote banning while giving users with little common sense a bit of leeway, of being ban while giving the effected user satisfaction.

I vote Roll backs and personal inventory/chest losses...


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
Now that town's have regions, I haven't really noticed issues with griefing. However because I still don't have my guide powers yet I never leave my town :p If I built more in the wild (which I've been itching to do lately) I am sure i'd notice the difference. Sure T4's get personal regions now (tax free) but it costs 1,500 coins, and is only 25x25x25, if it were 25x25xtop of world to bottom I'd be happier.

Not that I'm T4 yet anyway, but it's too steep a price for the protection everyone really needs to stop the "minor griefs" that go unpunished.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 13, 2011
I couldn't agree more with Airbus. I understand it must ease there workload tremendously not having to deal with every minor grief, but I think If the punishment was a roll back, level reset, coin loss, people would finally start to get the message that if they cant go somewhere without fucking it up, this isnt the server them.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
I couldn't agree more with Airbus. I understand it must ease there workload tremendously not having to deal with every minor grief, but I think If the punishment was a roll back, level reset, coin loss, people would finally start to get the message that if they cant go somewhere without fucking it up, this isnt the server them.

I like the idea of coin loss. It's not like we need to get ban happy over minor griefs. Some people need to be made example of and banned of course. However we should promote growth, and promote our horrendous new player retention rate :p

I'm all for alternative punishments to banning for griefs. Some instances deserve a ban, but we need to punish ALL of them somehow, so they stop.


Jun 21, 2011
All for the above exp/coin/level fee ideas to deal with minor griefing, it sucks having to replace 2x1 stone walls because some idiot was too lazy to walk around.


Apr 25, 2011
Why has the griefing penalties seemingly decreased when the mods/admins don't have to deal with xrayers anymore. It seems the workload would be easier yet the "if it takes less time to fix than the pe itself dont pe" rule seems to still be the predominant ruling


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 1, 2011
New York
I'll give my 2 cents on this. I have to agree, staff has become more lenient. Not lenient lenient, but more lenient then sanctum at least. To be honest, it pisses me off. A small grief can lead to big problems. a small breach in a wall could lead to mass raiding and killing in towns. A pillar up to the sky to jump onto a wall can totally defeat the point of a wall. I hate getting the message "Don't pe it if it is minor/you aren't sure of the offense" when I pe something.... Because back in the old days it was "/pe it just in case someone griefed." If I didn't know better, I would call said the first excuse rather lazy. Just because it's minor, doesn't mean the player should get away with it. Technically, All griefing is against the rules (excluding rare blocks), so why shouldn't players get penalized for minor griefing? It makes sense to me now why people expect to get away with said griefs, frankly because it usually goes unpunished.

Not trying to give any disrespect toward the staff, I think they do a great job. The only thing I suggest as the lowest staff position, where my opinion doesn't mean too much, is to promote more people to higher positions. Because once there were more proctors, applications were accepted/denied in a flash, whenever I go to whitelist there are no apps to review. Which is great! Not as much for me because I enjoy whitelisting, but nevertheless, the forums are sucked dry by the proctors, which I'm sure makes the higher-up staff pleased. I just don't see many guides on very often and I feel like my pe's that need to be answered by an admin never get looked at

Way back when, on the Sanctum map, I remember how scared I was to break a rule, even if it was VERY minor. I remember being scared I would screw up and accidentally get banned for something I didn't even know was against the rules. One day I got careless, and I did get temporarily banned for griefing. The griefing charges were legitimate, and I quickly understood what I was doing was wrong. Pretty sure it was for accidentally spilling water from a nearby ocean on to a railway to a town that broke the tracks. Minor, right? I didn't even know it happened. After being banned I thought; 'Man, I have to be a lot more careful, these guys know what there doing!' I still think that staff does a great job, but I want staff to put more effort into helping players out in terms of pe'ing. I know it's hardcore, but griefing is illegal, it should be as simple as that.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I couldn't agree more with Airbus. I understand it must ease there workload tremendously not having to deal with every minor grief, but I think If the punishment was a roll back, level reset, coin loss, people would finally start to get the message that if they cant go somewhere without fucking it up, this isnt the server them.
On several occasions we punish on several hours of rollback / coin or even level loss. We do not allow griefing, if someone leaves a dirt block on the road - thats not worthy of our time. If someone spells out "cockhole" on the road, I would think thats a big deal ;)

It's all about what YOU think is a grief - if you honestly think ONE dirt block on a road is worthy of our time, then by all means, DO petition.

Why has the griefing penalties seemingly decreased when the mods/admins don't have to deal with xrayers anymore. It seems the workload would be easier yet the "if it takes less time to fix than the pe itself dont pe" rule seems to still be the predominant ruling
As stated above.


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 3, 2011
What about pillaring outside of towns? I know mine couldnt be figured out because apparently they did it when there was an update or something up with the logs, and it didnt record it. But mine was a 4x4 cobblestone pillar up to the sky from a structure below. So I had to get a pick (not some easy dirt which takes a second or two), pillar up to the top, and destroy my pillar, and his/their pillars as well. I think pillaring, even one, if not destroyed in 24 hours, is a decent enough grief to get some sort of punishment


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 17, 2011
Not posting an opinion either way, just a random memory. I remember on the last map, waaaayy in the beginning Kain went on a banning spree of people who didn't chop down trees fully and left them floating because he hated that so much. I lol'd hard and made sure to delete all of the leaves. Of course, that was before leaf decay. Was still funny though.