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Spreading herocraft; A tale of Banners, ads, and heroic villans.


Sep 29, 2011
This thread is meant to keep the community updated with the project, as well as to get some input, and as the coordination thread for this effort.

This is a community effort, and as such any who help will not be paid; but you can put the work into your portfolio and use this effort in your resume/CV as graphic design experience, if your ad is used that is.
The banner ads will be funded by me, no donations are allowed; give your money to HC.
For those that are wondering, I will be starting off with 5 whole dollars! Yep just $5, well technically $5.03; but this will increase as time goes on and I get more money to play with.
On average, with $5, I have been able to get 5 clicks a day out of 15 views per page on 25 webpages; though not much, it is quite a lot for just $5.
(Click rates vary day to day, and so they may not be as frequent as my average; but the more money I put in the more webpages I can get, so don't worry)

@DefaultTexture, @Xanipher, and I will be making banner/skyscraper ads; which will be posted here, all the ads will be used for this effort (dimensions below).
Please send the raw, un-flattened, images to: [email protected]
*Do -NOT- save as a JPG! EVER! I will not accept anything saved as a JPG, not good for ads.
If you want an ad to be or have animated elements but cannot do it yourself, I can; when you send the image to me write a description of what elements you want animated, the speed of the animations, and what the elements will be doing.
Please note: animating takes a long time--- especially when you no longer have a wacom tablet.
This animation, that I made while in game art and design school, took me a little over a week to do; I was using Toon Boom animate ( I no longer have access to that so I have to do it the hard way now, which takes longer).
Note: I never finished the animation.

We need 3 banner ads and 3 skyscraper ads, each unique; there needs to be some variety, shows we mean business and there is a higher chance of getting clicks and such.
When all the ads have been made, I will take the ads and mix 'n' match layers of them to make other ones as a "combined effort"; this will help puff up how many ads I have to publish without getting them get dull.

AD dimensions:
Banner: 468x60

Skyscraper: 160x600

To even the work load I would suggest each of us only make 1 of each ad type, more are welcome if you have the time for it.

To make the banner ads as effective as possible there will need to be a lack of certain elements and certain elements must be included, as listed below; I know how to advertise, trust me!

-Anything that has been done before by companies; you see all those ads on your favourite webpage? Oh wait so, you don't even notice them? That is because they are all following the same act, spice things up! Do something different than the norm.
-Do not include the server IP; while including it may be more cost effective (no click no pay), it is best if we keep them guessing and intrigued and so, make them want to click the ad.
-Lies; I am sure you already know this.
-Too much motion; even though motion draws the eye you need to have a balance of motion/non motion, other wise it is just annoying.
-Do not save as a JPG! EVER!
-Anything too revealing about the server; you can say it is whitelist only but be vague for other information, just enough to make you wonder, not enough to give anything away (like a book description).
-Irrelevant/too vague content; don't make them guess too hard!
-NEVER EVER PUT "Click here" on the ad(s); We all know that clicking ads take us to places far away, I can put into the floating description a suggestion for the user to click the ad (they will already have their mouse over the ad when it appears).
-Don't be too pushy! Coax them into clicking it without being too--- Overlord.
-Don't be a wet noodle! There is also the opposite side, people like noodles when they are cooked just right not too soft not too hard.
-Ads are annoying; most of us can agree to this, so do your best to make these ads as un-annoying as possible.

-Something to draw the eye; not too flashy not too dull.
-Unique content; toss aside all the ads you have seen, they are bad examples.
-Layers; please please please layer your images, and keep them in the uncompressed version when giving them to me; that way I can make small changes as needed by the ad hosts.
-Ever see the website for the Technic pack or the Hexxit pack? they are pretty awesome yea? Try to make awesome ads that reflect what HC is all about in a small space with as little words as possible.
-Words; there need to be words--- not too many though.
-Your own style; make the ads how you want and use the above as guidelines, only "HeroCraft" and "Disposable Heroes" are required in the ads.


This campaign has ended.

Funds Remaining: -0.03 cents

Clicks: 159

Views: 249,477
New Campaign - Pending start up, lost original files and creating new banners.

Funds Remaining: Pending

Clicks: N/A

Views: N/A

WARNING: If, after I publish the ads, you see an ad for HC; DO NOT CLICK IT!
Why not? Because each click costs money, and you already know about HC, so you are wasting my money!

There is NO deadline, so take your time with making those ads.
Make them look epic, don't worry about how large the file is; I can fix it if it is too large.
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Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 6, 2013
I found this $3 million bus sitting around doing nothing productive and re-purposed for your needs (RIP Firefall PVP).

Also, i am old and dont know how to post images on the internet. so here is a link http://postimg.org/image/5ykutl2b9/
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Sep 29, 2011
I need some lore--- a story containing all of Herocraft's epic adventures within a small 10-15 second time frame; it needs to be vague up until the very end, when "Herocraft" will be revealed.
I am going to find a way to get some software that will make creating ads easier/faster; hopefully someone can help with the lore.
Also going to be getting screenshots while in game.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I need some lore--- a story containing all of Herocraft's epic adventures within a small 10-15 second time frame; it needs to be vague up until the very end, when "Herocraft" will be revealed.
I am going to find a way to get some software that will make creating ads easier/faster; hopefully someone can help with the lore.
Also going to be getting screenshots while in game.
There's an asston of Herocraft lore.

But basically

The universe was created and chaos wrought it into different pieces. You start as a lost soul trying to regain your once awesome power.
@Alator is the lore master, he writes much better and the entire lore section is thanks to him and a few others.


Sep 29, 2011
Yea, I have seen the lore; I will talk to him, at a later date, and see if there is something I missed or if he can come up with something to be used for an ad, heck I may end up using a variant ofwhat you put down.


Ancient Soul
Staff member
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
Yeah, let me know what you need and I'll put it together for you!


Sep 29, 2011
Awesome, I am currently working on scetches for a banner ad; I would post them but I don't have a scanner here--- yet.
It is going to start off dark purple (maybe black instead), then words that have not been decided will fade in and then "stars" are going to fade in quickly as the dark purple is replaced by black (maybe the other way around---).
After that, more undecided words will appear and the back ground will shatter (with the end sky in the cracks) and then it will pan down and transition to sky and land with mountains and fire and still figures fighting with iron swords and bows, there will be some arrows that were shot, and maybe magic.
Then more words appear, Kainzo fades in, the fires fade out, and the combat stills change from silhouettes to players and mobs (and some will be player vrs player).
after that, cracks appear and the scene splits to three; one for haven, one for Shrine, and one for Ruins (this one might fade into sepia and will be in the middle-ish); Oh and in the cracks will be netherack, small shout out to the nether, lol.
After the scene is divided "Herocraft RPG" will fade in and Kanzos MC char will fade out (just remembered, I'm not making a movie and don't have a lot of space; lol).

So--- This will take me a few weeks to do, if I go through with it, because I dont have a Wacom tablet; and so instead I get to use a mouse-- and GIMP.
I miss having access to all the latest toys and programs for designs of all types---.
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Sep 29, 2011
I have been unable to use my computer for the past few days; I have a nice large screen and every one here wanted to watch movies on it, so I have been sharing it.
Currently on my phone.


Sep 29, 2011
After a few games of Diablo III, Black Ops II, and lots of movies---- I finally have the screen back (for now)!
Getting to work.


Sep 29, 2011
Due to circumstances beyond my control--- progress is going to be slow.
My friends mother died last night, and it would be quite dick-ish of me to sit around working on this project while my friend is mourning.
I will still work on the ADs, because I can't afford to put any more money into HC ( ;] ), but progress will be slow.

I will post a WIP AD some time this week, probably Friday, so that every one can give me input to help me make better design decisions while my mind is not quite focused on the project.

See you later; most likely on Friday.


Sep 29, 2011
I really miss all the fancy toys I had--- If I had the right equipment I would have more of it done; makes me feel so--- lame.


Sorry about how lame it is so far, it is just a rough translation of what I have on paper thus far; I don't have a scanner so I can't just scan in what I have--- :L
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Sep 29, 2011
Alright, so far I have the lore:
"In the beginning there was nothing---"
"Out of nothing, the multiverse was born---"
How does that sound?
Any ideas what else to say?


Ancient Soul
Staff member
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
Alright, so far I have the lore:
"In the beginning there was nothing---"
"Out of nothing, the multiverse was born---"
How does that sound?
Any ideas what else to say?

I'm assuming you are trying to fit this in your little banner image?

Would fit better as:
"Wrought from the Ether by the minds of the Zo---"
"A world of magic, wonders, exploration---"
"and danger..."

What exactly are you looking for, and I can better assist :)


Sep 29, 2011
@Alator Yea I am, and that sounds better than what I had--- less like someone trying to convert you to their faith.
That is exactly the type of lore I was looking for, something to describe HC in just a few seconds while maintaining a mysterious feeling and being vague until the very end; something to make thoughts dance in the back of every viewers mind and make them curious, and thus want to learn more.

Well, I will start over now using this new lore.
Hopefully my progress wont be slowed or halted; normally I don't take this long, it really bugs me.