We were all a Lost Soul at one time or another on this server. (Some of us more than once, as happens when we accidentally reset our character

). Your plea does not fall un unsympathetic ears. Hopefully the implementation of new PVP objectives, arenas, and other form of non-LS focused aspects will lessen the impact that the PVP-starved HC players currently have. I agree that triggering LS PVP-ON at L10 is pretty harsh...but so is getting camped by a sub-L10 and getting ones stuff stolen by someone who is inpervious to attack. Raising the LS PVP-ON cap will only encourage more low level thieves who would exploit.
Kainzo has graciously opened up the possibility of Personal Regions to all individuals who are whitelisted. It is not that costly to purchase a humble abode to get established in, protect your goods, and have a place to recall to. Furthermore, any person can purchase a LWC locked chest to further protect ones valuables. You can check the wiki for information on those protections.
However, as much as I am opposed to high level specialized class PVPers who pick on low level Lost Souls (which I won't go into here), there are better means to prevent that. One example I have already gone into detail here:
focuses on level disparity.
As an aside: please remember that Herocraft is a "Hardcore PVP server." Having a steep learning curve is only meant to help you in the long run. If you get frustrated and rage quite the server by Lost Soul L20, it's probably for the best. Charles Darwin would be satisfied that his theory worked yet again.
Because it is most likely that the Lost Souls who are agreeing with this idea will be already specialized classes before any change would occur, may I offer up some suggestions to you in the interim:
Buy a Personal Region and/or join a town for added protection.
Buy a LWC locked chest.
Use efficiency4/unbreaking3 tools and fortune picks when mining.
Use enhanced magical weapons (bows, swords), and always wear armor.
Don't let Constitution be simply a dump stat...be able to survive a creeper explosion or two.
When killing mobs or mining, return home often. Set an arbitrary (set at your discretion) amount of XP, ore, and/or souls and every time you hit that mark, recall home. Even if it is every 15 minutes.
Go to the Nether to level, it is much quieter there. In a week Shrine will be here and you can get mob XP there and convert your souls to money (which will transfer). Balance the value of the trash loot you will get from these mobs versus the benefit of non-PVP safety. I'm sure you'll find it much more beneficial to have PVP off.
Level in groups.
Make some high-level friends that are part of one of the powerful towns.
Convert souls into currency frequently. No one can take your money from you once converted.
You might say: "Yeah, but I'm broke." Once again, we were all broke at one time as well...but no one needs to be with a little bit of focus & effort. There are many ways to make money in this game, and plenty of shops to sell your stuff to now. Take the time to use your /warp skill to sell that which you find is lucrative for you. Mining can make you a ton of money. Just remember to recall often to a safe location frequently, as stated above.
Best of luck to all Lost Souls in your endeavors. If you stick with HC long enough, the hazing you experienced as a LS will all simply be thought of as a now-passed headache.
Oh, and by the way. Once you are a specialized class, set an example by NOT doing on to Lost Souls that which you had done on to you. Break the cycle, and advocate for your townsfolks and/or friends to "leave the poor Lost Soul be...we'll get 'em when he's specialized."