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Spiritwinds Whitelist Application


Mar 6, 2012
  1. In-game name:Spiritwind
  2. Location & Age:Oregon - 21
  3. Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None
  4. Referral(s): Heroes Plugin
  5. Reason you should be accepted: Because I'm an honest player with absolutely no ban records.
  6. How did you hear about Herocraft?: Isnt this the same question as Referrals? Anyways, Herocraft Plugin.
  7. Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes
  8. Additional Info: I love the Heroes plugin and would love to see the actual server it was developed for :).


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
In a basket
I'm always disappointed to see server owners apply here with only "I want to see the heroes plugin" as their reasoning. Were it not for protocol, I would simply deny such applications.
We require approval from the head proctor to whitelist any server owners/staff.

Pending Brutal's opinion, I'll need you to add more information to your application. Tell us about yourself, and what you bring to Herocraft.


Mar 6, 2012
How would being a Server Owner or Staff separate me from a normal player? In all honesty I do Manage a Minecraft Gaming Community with 3 servers, however I am in a couple other Gaming Communities of which I have Admin on.

As for more info at your request;
I've been playing Minecraft since the first Beta release in 09 - back when there were very few blocks and knew It'd be a game I'd love for a long time mainly because of the Creative atmosphere and the sense of Endless Exploration. Since then I can honestly say I have not once been banned from a Server, not once been muted, and not once had to be warned by any staff.

In all honesty the main reason I want to join this server is to see what you guys have done with the server and how you have put Heroes into effect. I do not plan to steal any of your ideas, as our servers are totally different (My RPG server is a Zombie Apocalypse). I've talked on the Heroes Irc channel and for the most part the Ops on there seem to be very kind and mature, which shows that this gaming community has a great foundation. I personally if anything love playing on servers away from my own when my direct attention is not needed. Its a chance to relax without all of the players knowing whom I am and constantly asking me questions.

I also enjoy helping people in need whether it be help in-game or help outside such as Computer Issues, Personal Advice, Motivation, or anything else that my experiences and knowledge may help to benefit others.

I am employed by both NOAA and Utah State University as an Geomorph Technician (The job is in Oregon). As an Geomorph Technician my job is to catch Steelhead (Which have been declared near extinction), do a quick analysis of them, Tag them with a PIT tag so that we can monitor their travel, and them form a population estimate via Mark and Recapture. I also perform various Habitat Restorations in the tributaries of the Columbia River. Along with those things we also do extensive studies and monitoring on the stream beds and Riparian zones using GPS's that are accurate up to 3mm on both the X and Y axis. With these studies we can build High Resolution Models on a computer and predict how the stream will react to different Climate Changes, Restoration Projects, and Outside human contact.

Upon being accepted I could lend an helping hand to players, and improve other players enjoyment on the server.

If I like this server and you guys feel I meet your standards of both Personality and "Activity", then there is the potential of me being an Admin in the future. I also know Server Side work inside and out as you already know (I will not post the link to my community or say my community name within this community ever, out of respect for the community you guys have worked hard to form).

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I really hope you accept me. If you have any other questions I'd be happy to answer them.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Why would a server admin have a harder time getting in?
  • Data Mining
  • Stealing of Intellectual Property
  • Cloning Server Setup
  • Advertising their servers on ours.
All of which violate our TOS/EULA


Mar 6, 2012
Not to be a bother - but has there been any results upon my Application?

If a higher ranking Staff wishes to see my Heroes server - so that they may see that our servers are of completely different in both aspect and gameplay (To show that I have no interest in Data Mining), then they can PM me and I will send the IP to them.

I can also promise you that I will not advertise my servers on your server. I completely respect each and every Gaming Community out there - and I will never use another Community's server to enhance my own.

I have also been personally responsible of constructing each of my servers. I know the time and dedication it takes to build a single extensive server - and I respect the time you have put into yours.

I also greatly appreciate the extensive Plugin that you guys have created for your own server - and then turned over to the public for all Server owners to gain the ability to use. That instantly gave me a high respect for the Herocraft Community - as most Communities would have kept it closed to draw in more players.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
In a basket
I do believe brutal might be dead. I may be smote for this, but I'm going to go ahead and whitelist you. Be aware that we take theft of intellectual property very seriously here, and I suggest you review our ToS if you haven't already. Enjoy the server.